Just like old times huh?

1000 paper cranes for 1 wish


[Your POV]
There, I stood infront of Jonghyun, "S-sorry about that..." you looked down your shoes hoping that he would still continue from where the two of you left off.
"3 years," you lifted up your head, confused, he gave you a small sweet smile which made your heart even beat faster than it already was. "I've liked you for that long"
you blankly stared at his face, thinking "3 years...wow that's a long time... oh wait. I've also liked him for that long! woah...OMG what just happened?! he... just confessed..didn't he?" when I realised what just happened my face began to heat up, my cheeks and ears began to go red, my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to explode! Without thinking, my cold hands crawled to my heated face in amazement of what he just said, there was a hint of embarassment and mostly a sign of happiness in my actions. I closed my eyes and pinched my cheek to make sure it's not one of my fantasy. 
[No one's POV]
He giggled at your cuteness. You looked at him, his eyes glided towards yours. Your eyes once again met. 
It took sometime but you managed to confess too. But right after your confession, outside the window, you spotted Key, who just fell on the ground. 
You suddenly ran out, Jonghyun unsure of what was going on. He looked out the window and also dashed out of the building. 
It wasn't long when Key's parents got the phone call from the hospital, they rushed to the room Key was in finding a doctor, you and Jonghyun beside him. 
The doctor was talking to Jonghyun, while you were sitting down holding his hands tightly. The doctor led Mr and Mrs Kim out the room to discuss somethings about Key's condition. Key was born with a very weak heart. And spent pretty much most of his childhood in the hospital. As time passed his heart was becoming stronger, but still not stable. It's been a while since his heart diseases acted up. He was in great pain.
Jonghyun suggested that you go home since it's already getting dark, he insisted in taking you home and coming back to the hospital to be with Key, but you refused and told him to just stay beside the unconscious poor guy. As you left tears began to crawl down your face. You've known key for a long time and yet this was the first time you've heard about him having a heart disease. You became friends with Key after he was released from the hospital, so you were clueless about his conditions. 
School had finished, you didn't see Jonghyun around, but through the whole day you were too busy thinking about Key, you visited the hospital. 
When you reached the room, there was not one but two patients. You realised that Jonghyun was on the other bed next to Key. You were puzzled of what was going on. Because the two of them were unconscious you went to the shop so when they wake up the both of them would have something nice to eat.
Jonghyun slightly opened his eyes, gaining conscious. He shut his eyes again, his sight was still blurry. He looked to his side finding Key sitting up on his bed on his phone. Key looked to the awakening person. "Oh, you're awake?" He put down his phone. The sick person also sat up. "Yah, this is just like old times huh?"
"Yeah, it's been long since we've been here... I was hoping to get my own room, but once again we're sharing huh?" The two of them laughed reminiscing the old times. The doctor came in with the results of how they're getting on with their condition.....
what will their result be???
Woooh two or three more chapters to go!!
;P Hope you guys like it so far!! 
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naznew #1
sad story..
poor key..
naomi777 #2
aww that was really good but sad awww key
Aww........that was soo sad. :((<br />
KEY!!!! <333333
aww, this was a great story, but REALLY SAD though!<br />
T^T lol, i started crying while doing my homework
i love it. . !!
@Jjongismybias:: it's jong's son, they called him key cuz its a 'Never ending memory of key..'<br />
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@Miss_red:: Mini Key is Jong's son they called him key because its a never ending memory of him.. the song is called RUN by Leona Lewis<br />
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Yh i know its a sad ending.. i wanted to try something different..shame it had to be Key oppa though..But it's alright cuz Key seemed the right person and i love him so, (don't ask "Then why is he the person who died..." >.<<br />
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hope you guys liked it :P)
oh no! key ! ):<br />
good story though
JjongIsMyBias #8
this was sad i don't even wanna picture<br />
that happening to Key
Miss_Red #9
Wait so it's Jjong's son but they called him mini Key? Or is it Key's son and Jjong's like the dad-figure thing?<br />
Anyway that was like really cute >.<<br />
His parents never liked her and neither did his Aunt D':<br />
Poor Key...