If you waited a little longer...

Woohyun Love Stories ♥

Story 2

“Oppa, do you really have to go like this? I-I…I’ll miss you so much!” you says, with teary eyes.
Woohyun smiles, and then embraces his best friend. “Mianhaeyo… But I promise to be as back as soon as I can. I won’t be in America forever.”
you nods. “If you do end up to stay there for longer, don’t find anyone to replace me, okay?”
Woohyun chuckles and hugs her tighter. “Of course I won’t. You have to keep that promise for  me, too, okay?”
you nods.
They release each other, and Woohyun starts to say goodbye to her.
“Goodbye, you ah. Remember to wait for me, okay? Even if I take forever…”
you giggles. “If you happen to take forever, I will just look for you, okay?”
Woohyun smiles before disappearing from her sight.


4 years later…

Woohyun exits the airport, excited to see you again.  It’s been 4 years since he has last seen her, and today was the day when he could confess to her. Confess about how much he loved her.
Woohyun stops by at a close flower shop, and buys a fresh bouquet of white and red roses for you before giving her a visit.
As he arrives at you’s house, her brother answers the door.
“…Woohyun? You’re back?” Yunho asks in surprise.
Woohyun nods and smiles. “Neh! Where can I find you? I’ve been waiting long to see her…”
Yunho looks down to the floor. “She’s been waiting longer… She lives across the road, right there.”
Woohyun heads to the house where you was living. He lightly knocks on the door.
you answers the door, her eyes full of happiness and shock. “O-Oppa! You’re back!”
you wraps her arms around Woohyun’s neck and hugs him tightly. It’s been four years since she’s felt this warm in the inside.
you ah, you’ve lost weight… Are you okay?” Woohyun asks, with his arms around her skinny waist.
“Ah, I’ve been…very stressed recently…” you lies. “Oppa, let’s go out somewhere together, neh?”
Woohyun nods, and takes her to eat somewhere, since It was nearly lunch.
They take a seat outside, where the breeze was very nice.
After they order their food, Woohyun realises a ring on you’s finger.
you, you’re married?” he asks, hoping she says no.
you nods, then looks down. “Neh… I’ve been married for a month now.”
Woohyun nods, sadly, trying to look happy. “With who?”
you lightly sighs. “Kim Myungsoo.”

Woohyun changes the subject, trying to hide his sadness.
He wanted to be the one to protect her from everything and anyone.
He wanted to be the one she would love for the rest of her life.



After eating, they head to a park. The one that they last went to when they were still best friends.
“We were 17 when we last saw each other, huh…” Woohyun says, smiling at the memory.
you nods, and suddenly tears pour out of her eyes.
you ah, what’s wrong?” Woohyun asks wiping away her tears. “Tell Oppa what’s wrong, and he’ll make it all right.”

you shakes her head. “If I tell you, there’s nothing you could do about it…”
Woohyun tells her to tell him everything, and she soon decides to.
“When I agreed to marry Myungsoo, I did because I thought he was a nice person. But when we did get married, all he did was treat me like trash. He was treating me like a slave… That monster made me lose all my friends… Including Jihyun Unnie.”

Woohyun’s eyes widen, knowing that you and Jihyun were very close.
“Why?! What happened?”
you sighs, and continues. “On Jihyun Unnie’s birthday, I promised to meet her in Gangnam Square so that we could celebrate her birthday together, but I wasn’t able to go, because Myungsoo had been beating me up to keep me working in the house. You see, Unnie didn’t like the idea of me getting married, either, so I promised that I’d put her first, before Myungsoo. Now, she hasn’t been talking to me for almost a month now…”
you continues to cry, and Woohyun wraps his arms around her.
“Yah! Jung you!”
you looks up at the direction the voice came from.
“M-Myungsoo!” her voice came out scared and crackly.
“You’re two-timing me, aren’t you?!” he yells, grabbing onto her wrist tightly. He pulls hard, but gets stopped by Woohyun.
“Let go of her. She doesn’t want to be with you anymore. All you do is hurt her.”
Myungsoo gets really frustrated, then punches Woohyun.
Woohyun punches back, creating a fight against each other.
“Yah! Stop it!” you yells, trying to separate the both of them.
Woohyun falls to the ground, bleeding.
you stands in front of him, with her arms open. “Myungsoo Shii, I won’t let you hurt my best friend. You can hurt me as much as you want later, but leave him alone.”
Myungsoo smirks, pulling you away, as she cries silently.


Arriving home, Myungsoo grabs her by the hair. “You know what? You’re worse than I thought! You aren’t only useless and stupid, you’re a , too!”
Myungsoo throws her hard to the ground, and kicks her.
Woohyun, who has arrived outside, starts banging on the door. “Yah! Open the door!”

Myungsoo smirks.
“W-Woohyun Oppa…..” you whispers in tears.
Myungsoo cares the least, and continues beating her up.
Hearing all the screaming and punching and kicking, Woohyun starts to cry.
“Myungsoo! Leave her alone! Just hurt me instead! Don’t touch her anymore!”

you cries harder, still getting beaten up by Myungsoo.
“W-Woohyun Oppa,just go… I’ll be fine here.” you says.
Woohyun doesn’t give up. “Ani, don’t lie to me. Because I love you, you, I will save you from this monster.”


Soon, Woohyun knocks the door open, and sees no one else, except for you lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood.
Shocked, Woohyun lifts her head, and feels a bleeding spot on her head.
He listens for her heartbeat, but feels nothing but utter silence.
you ah…” he whispers, crying. “If you waited a little longer… You should’ve been mine from the start… I’m sorry I wasn’t able to save you in time… But this doesn’t change anything. I will always love you, you.”



*sorry if this is too boring for you ...  ._. idk what to write at the moment...*


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Namwoonyi #1
Chapter 3: Whoaa namwonyi again
Namwoonyi #2
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