Do you not love me anymore ?

Woohyun Love Stories ♥


you sits on the couch silently, watching INFINITE’S RANKING KING.
When Woohyun continuously appears, she decides to call him.
‘Oppa hasn’t called me all day… Is there something wrong?’
After attempting to call him more than 15 times, he finally answers.
“Woohyun Oppa?”
“Yes, you ah?”
“There must be something wrong… Are you alright?”
“What do you mean? Everything’s fine…”
“Chincha? You haven’t called me all day… Oppa, I miss you.”
“You do? Oh, um, you, I’m really busy at the moment… Let’s talk later, okay?”
Frustrated, you hangs up. “Aigoo, what makes him so busy this time? He was like this yesterday, too!”
you walks out of the house, and heads to INFINITE’s dorm.
She angrily knocks on the door.
Myungsoo opens the door. “Woah, um, you ah, are you looking for someone?”
you nods angrily, but instead of looking scary, she looks very cute.
“Neh! Where is Woohyun Oppa?! He’s been avoiding me for the past 2 days!”
Myungsoo smirks. “Eheh, really? Maybe he’s two-timing you.”
you gasps. “YAAAAH , he wouldn’t do that, would he?!”
Myungsoo shrugs. “I don’t know. Planning revenge?”
Being the man he is, Myungsoo likes to make things even more interesting.
you shrugs her shoulders. “Do you think that it’s wrong to take revenge on a person?”
Myungsoo shakes his head and pulls her inside the dorm.
He sits on the couch and pulls her beside him.
“So this is how we’ll start. First, let’s take a good picture together and post it on Twitter.”
Myungsoo and you take a selca together, and post it on twitter.
“Omo, I think we look cute together ^ ^”  Myungsoo types as the caption to go with the picture.
you reposts and types, “Spending time with this handsome Oppa ~!”
Knowing that Woohyun is always on Twitter, they laugh. “He’ll really like the next one, trust me.”





you and Myungsoo take a nice walk in the park together. Of course, an actress and kpop idol together in the park is not something you’d see every day.
Some fans start squealing and cheering and take pictures.
Myungsoo and you hold hands, and hope that it’ll be posted on the internet sometime soon.
“I think he’ll be very jealous.” Myungsoo chuckles, posing for the camera.
Suddenly, you receives a text from Woohyun.
you, GO HOME. NOW.”

Reading the text message sends shivers down her spine. She has never wanted to see Woohyun mad at her in any point. NEVER.

Walking home alone, you slowly opens the door.
“Woohyun Oppa, I—“
you’s eyes widen, seeing Woohyun standing there with a decorated room, full of red, pink and white roses, balloons and a big white banner reading, “SARANGHAEYO” on it.
you runs into Woohyun’s arms in tears. “Omo, I’m so sorry for forgetting… But Happy Anniversary, Oppa.”
Woohyun chuckles. “It’s alright, as long as you love me, okay?”
you nods. “I’ll love you always and forever.”
Woohyun takes out his phone to take a picture with you.
“…Yah, you! What’s this?” he asks, when he receives messages from the INFINITE members about the images.
“…Happy Anniversary, Oppa~!”



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Namwoonyi #1
Chapter 3: Whoaa namwonyi again
Namwoonyi #2
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