The Sound of Crunching Snow

Take My Hand [HAITUS]

Rain Sound - B.A.P


Chapter 4 - The Sound of Crunching Snow



“Annyeong, I’m the youngest Park Ji Si, but call me Jisu.”


“I’m Lee Da Ri, but proffer Dari.”


“Hey, Park Jun Ho ibnida, but you can call me Simon.”


“I’m Jung In Tae, Seoul High’s representative, but please call me Inati.”


“We are Dalmatian!” the four boys chorused and smiled charmingly.


“Um, nice to meet you all, I’m Lee Sohee,” I introduced myself quietly and bowed.


Inati then darted his eyes at Youngwon, well, his bright blue hair.

“Aish, Lee Dong Lim! How many times do I have to tell you off about your crazy hair?” Inati asked and raised his brow.

Youngwon laughed awkwardly and ran his fingers through his bright blue hair.


“Wow, you actually pulled it off,” Simon commented amusingly.

“Nice,” Jisu complemented, dragging out the word.

“Thank you!” Youngwon chirped and grinned happily.

“Don’t encourage him!” Inati slapped the back of Simon and Jisu’s head.


I stood awkwardly on my spot as the Inati scolded Youngwon for having such ridiculous hair. My feet shuffled awkwardly, my fingers fumbling each other. My head was duck low and my eyes darted all over the concrete floor.


“Hey, you okay?” Inati asked me and placed his hand over my shoulder.

I looked up, meeting his eyes, but quickly looked away.

“Um, yeah,” I replied softly.

I squirmed a bit; trying to get out of his hold. Inati took his hand off my shoulder and rubbed the back of his neck, having an awkward smile on his lips.


“Sorry,” he apologised.


I didn’t reply. I just shuffled back and kept my head hung low. I feel extremely awkward and uncomfortable. I just want to run and hide like a little mouse.


“Let’s go and have food!” Youngwon exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence, “Come on Sohee!”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in the cafeteria. I almost tripped from the sudden pull, while Youngwon gleefully pulled me to an empty table.


“Do you want some food?” He asked me with a stunning smile.

I timidly shook my head as I sat on a chair.

“Stay here okay? I’m going to by a blueberry muffin,” he told me with a grin and skipped off to line up.


I sighed as I slumped in my chair. I turned my head to left and caught Inati staring at me in his table with his group of friends. His eyes widened and his cheeks slightly turned red. He gulped and sent me an awkward smile. I nodded my head and shyly turned my head away.


I sighed again and travelled my eyes at the queue, trying to find Youngwon’s where about. I scanned the queue all the way to the front of the line, seeing him pay for his muffin. He grabbed the delicious cake and happily skipped back to the table where I’m sitting.


“Hey,” I heard a male’s voice next to me, making me jump on my spot.

I turned my head to the left, seeing Inati towering over me. He had a shy smile tucked on his lips and his hands behind his back.


“Sunbae, why are you here?” Youngwon asked when he came back and plopped himself on a chair in front of me.

“Well Sohee, since you’re new here, why don’t I show you around?” he suggested and cleared his throat.


I uncomfortably sat on my seat as my fingers fiddled with each other and my feet shifted under the table.

“Um, Youngwon-ssi showed me around in the free period,” I replied softly.

“Oh,” he said disappointedly, “I see.”


“Sunbae, I only showed her the area of building C, the music room and the art room,” Youngwon said before Inati walked away, “I haven’t shown her much.”


“Jeongmal?” Inati asked as his face brighten.

“Yeah,” Youngwon nodded and munched on his muffin, “you should show her the whole school since you’re the school captain.”


Inati chuckled and ruffled Youngwon’s bright blue hair.

“Hey!” Youngwon complained and pouted.

Inati chuckled again and lightly punched the younger. He then turned to face me and gave me stunning smile.

“I’ll show you around at lunch okay?” he said.

“If that’s okay with you,” he quickly added and scratched the back of his head.


I averted my eyes away from him and sighed silently. I blinked and gave him a small nod. He grinned ear to ear. He bid us goodbye, but not before warning Youngwon to dye his hair back to black.


Youngwon grinned and ate his muffin, pretending he didn’t hear Inati’s warning.


“And my most favourite place in the school: the rooftop,” Inati exclaimed as he opened the dark blue door.


When I stepped outside, I was absolute amazed. I stood under a wooden shelter. There was a wooden bench placed in front of a wall, a bamboo table was placed in the middle of the shelter and metal racks were placed under the shelter, with plants placed on them.

I took a couple of steps and my eyes widen. The rooftop was just magnificent. There was a small metal stair case running down from the shelter the cement floor of the rooftop. Different types of plants and pots were placed around the area of the roof. The sight was just magnificent and pretty and the smell of the flowers is just refreshing.


“Do you like it here?” Inati asked.

I turned around, seeing him with his hands in his pants pockets and a soft smile tucked in his lips.


“Neh, thank you for showing me around, especially here,” I replied with a minute smile and bowed.


“You know, this is a very special place to me,” he told me and strolled to the bamboo table.

He turned to face me again and leaned his body on the table, with his palms placed in the side of the table and slightly sitting on the edge.

“And you’re the first person that I ever told about and showed this special place to,” he said and smiled.


I slightly turned my head to the side, just enough that I don’t have to look at him. I gently bit my lip as I darted my eyes on the different pot flowers. I gulped and awkwardly stood on my spot, while tugging my finger.


He took a deep breath and huffed it out. I turned to face him again and gaze at him curiously.

“Why did you show me here?” I asked softly.


We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds until he spoke again. “I don’t know why I showed you here,” he replied and gave me a small smile, "I just felt like showing you my special place."


I blinked and looked away. Somehow, I felt warm – even though the weather is quite close to zero.  A chilly breeze soar through me. My long black hair flew behind me; the icy wind kissed my skin, making me shiver and sneeze.


“Are you cold?” he asked in concern.

He quickly stood up and dashed to me. He ed his thick school jacket and was about to wrap it around me when I stopped him.


“I’m fine, the wind just tickled my nose,” I told him.

“Are you sure?” he asked, with concern and worry written all over his face.

I nodded and gave him a tiny smile to assure him. I walked to the edge of the metal stairs and breathed in the fresh air. I closed my eyes, letting the cool air caress my skin and play with my hair. I heard Inati slowly walk next to me and took a deep breath and exhaling.


“Did you do this yourself?” I asked softly and looked up at him.

“You can say so,” he replied and gaze down at me, “the flower club helped me with the flowers and plants though.”

“Oh, okay,” I said and faced the beautiful sight in front of me.


Suddenly a shrieking bell screamed in the speakers, telling us it is time for class.

“Come on, I’ll take you to your locker, so you won’t get lost and be late,” he proposed and gave me a warm smile.


I slightly nodded and followed him. We walked down the stairs to the roof and to the senior building. I followed him to the senior building and through the hallway.


“You don’t talk that much do you?” he suddenly asked.


I glanced at him, but quickly shifted my eyes away. I darted my eyes all over the marble floor as we walked. Suddenly, a large hand was placed over my head, stopping m in my tracks. I looked up, seeing the hand belonged to Inati.


“You really should look where you’re going or you’ll bump into things and walked pass your locker,” he chuckled and removed his hand.


I blushed and looked to my right, seeing that I’m right next to my locker. I mumbled a small ‘thank you’ and looked everywhere, but him. He chuckled and ruffled my head. He bid me good bye and walked off.


When Inati was out of sight, I sighed and fished out my locker key from my skirt pocket. I unlocked my locker and hooked the lock in the lock hole. I turned to my timetable on my locker door.


“Humanities and art,” I mumbled to myself. [A/N to whoever doesn’t know what humanities are, its history, government, geography, world events, environment and economy combined together]


I love those two subjects. They are my best and I find the most interesting. Sometimes the violence in history is a bit too much for me and is a bit boring, but I really don’t mind.

Art, on the other hand, I love everything about it. It’s the only subject I can really express myself. I fell in love with it ever since I took hold of a crayon, which was a long time ago.


I turned my body to grab my books. However, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a dash of blue next to me. I turned my heard to see Youngwon cheerfully unlocking his locker.


“Hi!” he chirped and grinned as he opened his locker.

“What do you have?” he asked and took out his time table.

“Humanities and art,” I replied and turned my body to grab my books and stationary I needed.

“Omo, we have humanities together!” he grinned and grabbed his humanities books.

“But I have dance class instead of art,” he pouted, “I’m never that good in art.”

I nodded and shut my locker, locking it after.


“Let’s go to class!” Youngwon chirmed and skipped to class.


Throughout the whole day was quite peaceful. Finishing the day with my most favourite subjects is great. In humanities we’re learning Korean history, which was fine with me and in art, all the teacher did was introduced us to the subject. She also said we need to buy a sketch book and an A3 portfolio, since art was an elective, the school didn’t provide us any equipment for the subject and vice versa with other electives.


I took out my bag, after placing necessary books in it, and shut my locker. I walked out of school, with Youngwon gleefully tagging along, of cause. I quietly walked to the bus stop, which was just outside the school, while he chattered non-stop as we walked.


"So?" he sang, leaning his body close to me when we arrived at the bus stop.

I looked at him at the corner of my eye, seeing him grinning like a freak. "Yes?" I sighed and shifted myself away from him, feeling quit uncomfortable.


"What do you think about Inati?" he asked.

"He's nice," I mumbled.

"That's all?" he pouted, giving me a look urging me to go on.

"What else is there to say?" I asked.

"Like he is good-looking, very romantic and you have some feelings for him," he sang and grinned ear to ear.

"I only met him today," I stated.


Youngwon made a funny displeased face and harrumphed. "I was just asking," he mumbled to himself.


The bus finally pulled over and I hopped on, while Youngwon stayed back since it wasn't the bus he needed to be on. I found a seat in the middle, next to the window. I gently hugged my bag to my chest and stared out the window. I sighed as the scenes outside the window whizzed past. My mind started to wonder back to the memories about me and Daniel, making my heart bleed. The agony of wanting to be with him again is hurting me.


The bus halted a stop and more people went in the bus. Droplets of rain started to fall, but in no time soon, the rain became soft, white snow. it was exactly like this when me and Daniel met and it was exactly like this when he asked me to be his girlfriend.


About a year ago

"Sohee!" a cheerful voice called out for me. I was about to turn around when I felt a lean body crash to me and hugged me from behind.

I knew who it was. His sent says it all. It was Daniel.

I turned my head to conform my guess, seeing his adorable smile greeting me. I started to blush madly, noticing how close his face was to mine. Our noses were millimetres away and he stared straight into my eyes. His dark orbs mesmerised me. I couldn't take my eyes off his. I couldn't move an inch. I felt his hot breath delicately touched my cold lips, warming up my body instantly. His head slowly moved in, but I didn't notice it. His eyes are so alluring and dark. I always knew they were a very dark brown, but seeing them up close, it takes my breath away.


Soon our lips met. I unconsciously closed my eyes as his soft lips was pressed against mine. His lips were soft and warm, just like how they looked like.

Snow started to fall. It gracefully fell from the sky on to the closest surface. A chilling breeze flew past me, but I didn't fell cold at all. I felt warmth all over, like I was at home, snuggled up in my warm blanket, in front of a crackling fireplace.


Daniel's lips started to move. It moved in a slow rhythm. My lips mimicked his as I felt his arms tightened around my slim waist.

There were cars honking and people loud chattering, but I couldn't hear anything, but the loud thumping of my heart. I felt like I was floating in mid air with Daniel holding on to me. It felt like I was somewhere with just me and him and no one and nothing existed, just me and Daneil.


His lips left mine and my eyes fluttered open. I felt a bit cold when his lips left mine, but happiness and contentment flowed through my body. We breathed a bit heavily from lack of oxygen and he leaned his forehead on mine. We stared into each other's eyes, our noses slightly touching.


"Sohee, be my girlfriend," he breathed out.


I bit my bottom lip, averting my gaze somewhere else. I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart thumped harder on my chest.


"Sohee?" Daniel softly called out for me.


I looked back at him and his eyes captured me again. Those dark, beautiful eyes. They looked desperate, scared, nervous, warm and full of love.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked again, with hope in his voice.


"Yes," I replied softly, feeling slightly nervous and embarrassed, but happiness overpowered the negative feelings.


He grinned widely and pressed his lips onto mine again. We grinned like idiot, but we didn't care. This warm feeling speeding through my body was just magical. The feeling of love is like a dream.



I stepped off the bus and walked to the way to my new house, slipping my bag on. I turned me head to the right, seeing a snow covered park across the road. I paused and turned my body to the park. I crooked my head slightly to the side. I looked left to right to see if any cars were coming and jogged across the road to the park. Once I was there, I heaved a sigh. Why does the simplest things have to bring back the best memories that make me want to cry?


About 11 months ago

Daniel and I happily swung our hands as we walked. He was taking me to another date. Its just a simple walk in the park date, but I don't mind at all. As long I'm with Daniel, I'm happy.


"Don't you like the sound when you walk on snow?" he asked, giving me a cute grin.

I smiled widely, showing my teeth and nodded my head as we took another step. The snow crunched and Daniel's grin became bigger.


'Whatever you like Daniel, I like it too,' I happily thought.



I took a step on the snow. A familiar crunch echoed through my ears. I shut my eyes trying my best not to cry. A lot of things remind me about Daniel, but the crunch of snow reminds me about him the most, because it's his most favourite sound, making it my most favourite sound.


Author's Note


Hello! I'm sorry I don't update often ):

I hope today's chapter satisfy you guys.

Thank you Grey_Storm and Longlivekpop for voting this story up (:

I also thank samyeol for correcting me in names and pictures. I dont really know much about Dalmation. Oh and samyeol, Daniel is spelt like that. I checked to make sure, but thank you  (:


Twitter : ViviChenny

Instagram: vivchenny


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Chapter 5: finally an update again xD
u better update the next one fast coz im really wonder about the history
Chapter 4: this story seem so matured, kid..
its cool...
i wanna say update soon.... but.. >:)
i am asking the almighty chenny!! lol OTL
samyeol #3
Hi~ can I just correct some info? First is the spelling of some names. Daniel was spelled Danial, Lee DongRin is Donglim/dongrim~ and Daniel's profile icon is Jisu. But back to your story.. it's cute after the first chapter. Full of fluffy goodness, and eveverybody loves fluff~ lol I like it~ please update soon :)
Chapter 3: cute~
she met them all~ >:)

update soon!!!

i kinda became dalmation fan~ all thanks to u >:)
Chapter 3: Boring? :3 i loved it xD
Update sooon
Chapter 2: oh!! and for u all time awesome stories~
one vote up! X3
Chapter 2: ahem. *clear throat* <-- lol im crazy~

this fic is awesome!!
and its soo sad in the beginning!
how could u break off a couple on their 1st year anniversary? >:3
Drama is kinda cruel, wasnt he~ >:P

im waiting for the new update!! X3
Chapter 2: the spam time begins! X3
Chapter 2: yo vivi!!
update soon!! X3
cant wait for more!! :P