Chapter 8

A New Life


Denzie’s POV

I woke up the next morning with a stuffy feeling, like something was clogging my nose. I felt really hot, but I was freezing at the same time. I sit up in bed and I look, and to my surprise… the window is open.

“Dammit Denzie, you left the window open and you know how Korean weather is. So dumb.” I sat in bed wondering what I could do. I felt too weak to call L.Joe and it was already 7:45….

 “7:45…ALREADY!!!!” oh no. now I really have no time to do anything. I started to get out of bed, but second I moved an inch, my whole body winced in pain. I fell back on the bed in defeat not wanting to do anything. I don’t even know where my phone was to call him and tell him I couldn’t do anything today. Oh well when he comes I’ll tell Leeteuk to tell him I’m not feeling well.


L.Joe’s POV

It’s now 7:50 and I’m in pursuit to go pick up my future(near future), boyfriend Denzie. I arrived at his house and parked the car, not sure whether to wait or go and get him. I decided to surprise him and go get him. I walked down the pathway and ended up at the door. I knocked 3 times. After a few seconds, a man answered the door. I know this is Denzie’s appa, he’s shown me pictures and told me lots about him, but he just looks so much younger in person it’s like ‘dude…are you even old enough to drink?’ he snapped me out of my trance and asked me a question.

“Who are you? Do you need something?”

“uhhh…” where the hell did my voice go? “uhh, yeah, my name  is Lee Byunghyun, everyone calls me L.Joe thought. I’m one of Denzie’s friends. I’m here to pick him up, we were gonna hang out today.”

“oh…you know it’s 8 in the morning right?”

“uh…yeah. I was gonna take him to the amusement park that just opened, but it’s a surprise…so don’t tell him.” I said whispering the last part.

“hahaha…ok I won’t tell him…you should go wake him up if you’re going to get there before the lines are extremely long.”

“oh yeah…which room is his?” I asked while he was letting me in.

“3rd room to the left on the 2nd floor. Good luck.” He said chuckling at me. I gave a confused look. “it’s Saturday, and not to mention 8 in the morning…Denzie’s not gonna wake up so easily, and probably not without a fight so good luck L.Joe-ah.”

“haha, thanks.” I said flashing him a smile, and walking towards the stairs. I guess I’ve made a good impression on his dad. Score one for L.Joe, yeah~. I got to the second story, out of breathe, man I need to work out. Note to self- hit the gym this week. I walked until I reached the 3rd door on the left. I looked at it then knocked…No one answered so I knocked again…still no answer. This time I called his name.

“Denzie-ah…are you up? It’s me L.Joe.” still no answer,  so I slowly opened the door. His room was really clean, nothing on the floor except for a greyish, brownish cat. Awww my baby likes kitties. Lol. I looked over to the bed, and saw a big lump under the covers. I smiled at the sight and went over for a closer look. He looked so peaceful, innocent, and…vulnerable…when he sleeps. Kyeopta! I didn’t want to wake him because he looked so tired, so I decided to get in bed with him. I pulled the cover off of him, just enough for me to get under there, and snuggled up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his petite waist, and got a warm feeling in my stomach. It felt really good that warm feeling. It felt so right, the moment felt so right and I didn’t want it to ever end.


Denzie’s POV

 Oh~…naps can do wonders. I open my eyes and look at my clock in shock. 8:30. I swear I only fell asleep for 5 minutes. Oh my god L.Joe’s gonna be mad. I tried to get up but there was like an iron grip on my waist. I tried again, thinking it was just my muscles constricting and not wanting me to move, but the grip was still there. I struggle to turn around in my bed with said grip still gripping me, and I see L.Joe. awww he looks so cute when he’s sleeping….AHHHH!!! What’s L.Joe doing here, and in my bed. I tried shaking out of it, but it seemed that the more I shook, the tighter his grip on me got. I finally started hitting his arm and that seemed to do the trick. He shot straight up in the bed as if he had the most scariest dream ever. He looked at me and I looked him. He smiled at me and glared at him.

“Good morning Denzie.”  He said still flashing his pearly whites at me.

“…good morning? What the hell are you doing in my bed?” I said still glaring.

“oh Denzie relax…you looked so tired when I came in and I didn’t wanna wake you, so I let you be.”

“you were in my bed with me. why?”

“I was sleepy too.” Ugh this boy. “Hey Denzie are you ok, you sound stuffy”

“I’m fine L.Joe, it’s just that my dumb- decided to leave the window open last night, forgetting I don’t live in Texas anymore, and got sick.”

“Awww…Pobrecito.” I looked at him funny. Did he really just call me that. Where did he learn it. As if reading my thoughts he told me. “I learned it from favi, I heard her call you that one time so I thought…”

“Haha…it’s ok. Do you know what it means?” he shook his head no. “It’s Spanish, it means poor baby.”

“Oh~~~~~…well then my pobrecito.” I laughed at silly he was. “Well since you’re too sick to go anywhere. I’ll just take care of you.”

“L.Joe no, you don’t have to waste your Saturday taking care of me.”

“who said I was wasting it.” He said giving me a really big smile. I looked away, not wanting him to see my blushing face. “what do you want for breakfast Denzie.

“You can’t cook L.Joe.” I said stating an obvious fact.

“YAH…I didn’t say I was going to cook for you, I know I can’t cook. I can tell your maids what you want or I can go get something.”

“Ugh…just tell the maids I want the regular breakfast that they always make.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back.”

How sweet is L.Joe, giving up his Saturday to take care of lil’ ol’ me. No one’s ever done that. My mother never cared. I can’t really say anything about appa because I just got him back in my life.



“The maids said that you’re food will be ready shortly and brought up to you and your dad is freaking out.”

“Ok…wait what??? Why is my dad freaking out?”

“Umm…I kind of told them that you were sick…”

I sighed and leaned back in my bed not ready to face an over-protective, worried father. And not to mention how “overly nice” the maids are gonna be. L.Joe broke my thoughts.

“Hey Denzie, are you ok?”

“Yeah…it’s just that whenever that I get sick it’s like it’s the end of the world around here.”

“So I shouldn’t have said anything then huh?”

“Haha, yeah~ you shouldn’t have.”



“Geurae…so what do you want to do while we wait for our food.”


“Yeah, they asked me if I wanted anything, I was kinda hungry.”

“Haha ok.”

*knock knock knock.* “Young master, L.Joe, you’re food is done.”

“YAH Sunny I told you not to call me young master, just Denzie.”

“Ne young-…I mean Denzie.” She smiled saying my name. “Well then ok, here is your food, enjoy!”

“Gamsahabnida” L.Joe chirped
“Thank you Sunny-Noona” I said smiling.

They had prepared Kimchi for us, and I am so glad, maybe the spices could open my nasal passages. I look at L.Joe who’s eating with an expression of pure bliss on his face. He sees me looking at him, and he smiles, a little bit dripping from the corner of his lips.

“What, is something wrong?”

“Aniyo, but you look like you’re in heaven right now.”

“Denzie, this is good, I already told you I don’t get meals like this often.”

“Ok. I’m sorry.” I said pouting a little.

L.Joe’s face softened upon seeing me pout. “Denzie I’m sorry, don’t make that face” he said cupping my face, wiping away imaginary tears. I smiled, “That’s better Denzie, I like it when you smile.” That made me blush. After our little fluffy breakfast I was feeling MUCH better than when I woke up. I told L.Joe to get out so I could put on something proper so we could leave. When I met him downstairs, he and my dad were talking. I felt my face flushing with embarrassment as I could only imagine what my dad was telling him. I walked a little closer into hearing range.

“If I ever see Denzie come home sad or crying, because of you, you better watch your back.”

“Y-y-yes sir.”

“APPA!!!~ why did you tell him that. L.Joe don’t listen to anything he says ok.” L.Joe smiled at me. I told my dad bye. I saw him give L.Joe the look that said he wasn’t kidding. I rolled my eyes and dragged L.Joe along.

 Since L.Joe wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me, the car ride was longer than it’d usually be, and kind of boring.

“Hey L.Joe~~~~~~~ where are we going?”

“Just relax, we’ll be there soon.”

“How long is soon?”

“Denzie, just chill please.”

“Ok.” I got bored so I started looking for things to do. As you already know I can’t stay still for long periods of time. So I started digging around in his glove box all I found were napkins from various fast food restaurants he’s been too. And the owner’s manual. Boring. I looked in the middle compartment thing and found a bag of chips, cd’s, cologne, and extra change. L.Joe saw me rummaging through his stuff but said nothing and instead laughed at how cute I looked trying to find something to do. I gave up looking for something a decided to mess with L.Joe. I started poking his cheeks. He has the most adorable chubby cheeks ever. I felt him pucker his face as if he slowly starting to get annoyed. I stopped poking his cheek only to start poking his stomach he smiled a little but still had that annoyed face. I continued poking until  he spoke up.

“YAH DENZIE-AH…what is with you and the poking?”

“Mianhae L.Joe-hyung, I’m just bored is all.”

“Well stop being bored we’re here now.” I looked out the window to see that we had arrived at an amusement park. Wow, I’ve never been to one before. L.Joe looked at my amazed face and smirked, he was gonna have fun today. He held my hand while he paid for the entrance tickets. When we got in I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do first. There were the rollercoasters, the fun side games, the food, and then the mushy couple rides. L.Joe saw my face and suggested the rollercoasters. I said ok, and walked over the most thrilling ride at the park.

“Denzie…you know this is the most dangerous ride in the park? All the loops and twists, and sharp turns It has, are you not afraid?”

I looked at L.Joe, then smirked. “I’m a little afraid, but that’s why I have hyung here to comfort me…” I said while snuggling up to his chest, “right hyung?”

L.Joe blushed really hard and couldn’t find his voice for a second. Haha think you can tease me L.Joe…I can tease too.


L.Joe’s POV

OMG…did he just use aegyo on me? Am I blushing? God why did he have to be so cute? Wait…where the hell did voice go? God please help me.

“u-uh-y-ye-yeah D-Denzie…you do have me.” I said finding my voice.

“Good.” He chirped and grabbed my hand dragging me to the line before it got too long. When it was finally our turn we were led to the carts and instructed on what to do.

“So you ready Denzie.”

“Yup yup.”

“Alright then if you get too scared just squeeze my hand ok.”

“Alright.” He said giggling a little.

“Alright passengers remember to keep all hands, feet, and objects inside the carts at all times failure to do so can result in broken appendages, and the loss of whatever object you decided to have out. AND failure to follow said rules, we are not responsible for the loss of your objects and any broken appendages you might get. Have fun!.”

“Wow…how caring are they?” Denzie asked rhetorically. I laughed at it.

“5,4,3,2,1” OMG the ride just started and I think we just hit 100 mph. everyone was screaming including me, but their screams were screams of joy and excitement, while mine was pure terror. I squeezed Denzie’s hand TIGHT.


“YEAH IF YOU SAY SO. WWOOHHOOO~” I answered back, terror clear in my voice. 2 minutes of pure hell and the ride was over. Everyone hopped off the ride all happy.

“AIGOO…L.Joe we have to go again!”

I literally ran out of the cart dragging Denzie with me. I did not want to go on that death trap again. I decided to try and talk Denzie out of it.

“Hey Denzie, do you want something to eat?”


“Alright then let’s get something to eat then.” Wow that was easier than I thought. After we were done eating I took Denzie to play some games first we went to the bottle game you have to throw baseballs at a stack of bottles. It was Denzie’s first try and he threw the ball and hit the bottles and they all fell. I looked at him shocked and he blushed and looked down.

“What~? I used to play baseball.” He said as if defending himself.

“I didn’t say anything.” I said chuckling.

I threw my ball only to skim the top knocking off only the top bottle I looked away embarrassed while Denzie was giggling holding his giant stuffed puppy. The next game we went to was a shooting game. Haha I can’t lose at this, I handle guns all the time. Denzie went first and tried to shoot the little targets but failed bad, he was too shaken up with the vibrations the gun gave off. He gave me a sad look, and I paid the man for another go. I told Denzie to pick up the gun. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, “Relax Denzie, that’s all it takes.” He said ok while blushing because of the fact that I said that so close to his ear. I brought my hands and placed them on top of his, holding the gun with him. I steadied his aim and told the man in charge to start the targets. As each one popped out I shot it with precise accuracy even wowed myself. When it was all over Denzie put then gun and my arms naturally went back around his waist. The man told me to pick out my plushy, and I remember Denzie telling me how much he loved Pikachu, so I picked that one. We walked away holding our plushies when I saw Denzie’s face turn into one of pure confusion.

“Denzie what’s wrong?”


“Are you sure?”



“Ok. It’s just that girl over there looks a lot like Favi-noona, but I don’t recognize the guy, and I’m her BEST friend, I think she would’ve told me if she had a boyfriend yet.”

“Oh. You wanna go find out.”

“Well yeah now I’m all curious.”

So we walked over there and to Denzie’s surprise it was Favi, with some emo looking guy.


Denzie’s POV

“Hey Favi-noona.”

“Denzie-ah, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here with L.Joe, we just got done playing a few games as you can see. Umm…who are you here with?” I asked eyed the mysterious boy.”

“This is my boyfriend.” Favi stated. “Yesunggie say hi.”

“Hi, my name is Kim Jongwoon, but you can call me Yesung.”

“Hi Yesung, my name is Choi Denzie, but you can call me Denzie.”

“Denzie…everyone calls you Denzie.” L.Joe pointed out. I glared at him while Favi and Yesung busted out laughing.

“So, Denzie-ssi who’s your friend?” Yesung said gesturing at L.Joe.

“Oh…this is L.Joe, he’s….he’s a really good friend of mine.” I said not sure what L.Joe is to me. there are times when L.Joe is a really good friend, but there are also times when he’s just something more than just a really good friend. Yesung raised an eyebrow at me and smirked a little, probably because of the hesitancy in my voice when he asked me who L.Joe was. Favi caught on to the little eye exchange and made her presence known.

“Alright L.Joe, I’m gonna give you one chance to go out with Denzie, up, and I will not hesitate to chop your balls off, and send them to Timbuktu. Also you will never be allowed to even see Denzie again do you understand?” She said with eyes set to kill.

“Umm. Y-yes m-ma-ma’am.” L.Joe stuttered out.

“Noona, why are you scaring him, we’re not like that yet.” As soon I heard that word “slip” out of my mouth, I blushed. I know I have feeling for L.Joe, but it’s always that feeling of rejection that’s holding me back if I do confess to him. I look to L.Joe who was now smirking instead of cowering I fear behind me.

“Haha, ok Denzie, see you at school. Bye L.Joe.”

“Bye Favi-noona.” L.Joe and I both said in unison.”

“Bye Yesung-ssi” I said

“Bye Denzie-ssi” he replied.

L.Joe then came around to face me. “Ok now that that’s over, there’s only one more thing left to do.”

“Which is?” L.Joe brought me to a table that the food vendors had set up. He told me to sit down while he got on one knee in front of me. I looked at him shocked and surprised.

“Denzie, since the first moment you walked in the school you had me under your spell. Words cannot describe the feelings that I get whenever we’re together. You’re beautiful, funny, smart, by the way thanks for helping in physics, and you can cook.” I smiled at that part. “So I guess all I’m trying to do is ask if you wanna make me a happy man and be my boyfriend?”

I laughed and pecked him on the lips. There were no words to describe my feelings either so I just pecked him.

“I’ll take that as a yes then?” I nodded my head yes. He stood up, pulling me up with him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me ever so gently. Our lips molded together perfectly, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I felt in that moment. It was just so perfect. We pulled away for air or else the police would’ve found us dead, and lip-locked, which would’ve been quite embarrassing.  

“I think I should take you home now before dad sends out a search unit.”

“Yeah…that sounds like him.”

“You ready Denzie?” He said taking hold of my hand.

I blushed. “yeah I’m ready.” And we started walking towards the car. The car ride home didn’t take as long since I knew where we we’re now, and before I knew it we were in front of my house.

“Seriously, do you speed or something?”

“Denzie I don’t speed, you just don’t pay attention.” He said earning himself a glare. I turn to give him the cold shoulder and get out, but he grabs me, spins me around in my seat, and locks his lips with mine. The kiss was so passionate and loving, I seriously didn’t want it to ever end. We broke apart for air, and he caressed my cheek.

“I’ll see at school Jagiya.”

Once again, I blushed. “ok then…babe.” He smiled BIG when I said and wrapped his arms around me in a warm hug. He let me go and I waved him off as he drove off. I walked inside to see my dad nuzzling noses with Yoona.

“AH APPA….what are you doing?”

“Oh…hi Denzie, how’d your date with L.Joe go?”

I blushed but then recomposed myself. “Wait…how did you know that L.Joe was taking me on a date and not a friendly hanging out?”

“He told me. Denzie no one can take my son out and not tell me where they’re taking him. That will earn them a trip to the hospital.”

“Appa~” he smiled at me. I said hi to Yoona and made my way upstairs with my Pikachu plushy in my arms. We  switched plushies on the way home.  I have Pikachu and he has a puppy. I put the plush on my bed and was about to change my clothes when my phone vibrated.


To: Denzie
From: Hyukkie

Hey Denzie…I have something to ask you.


I was gonna disregard his text and answer it in the morning, but my curious side got the better of me and I texted him back


To: Hyukkie
From: Denzie

Ok, ask away.


To: Denzie
From: Hyukkie

…*awkward laugh*… will you be my boyfriend?


*Insert shock face here*…


Hey there, here's another chapter. i hope this is good, you know the cconfession part. i'm not good with mushy stuff. but i hope you enjoy it regardless.  Until next time enjoy these random pics. 


Here's my shocked face. LOL Jonghyun.




LOL...Brian was hilarious in this show.

  Bye see you next time ^_^


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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!