Chapter 16

A New Life

Favi’s POV

‘Ugh…Tuesdays are just as bad as Monday’s’ I sighed in frustration seeing as I was stuck in hellhole us teenagers refer to as school. I was with Denzie by his locker, which I guess is our hangout spot now, when I remembered I didn’t see L.Joe attached to Denzie’s waist. At that thought Denzie’s phone rang.

“Yobeoseyo” my best friends high pitched voice sounded through my ears.

“huh…ahhh~ waeyo~.” Oh great now he’s whining. Denzie looked at me all of a sudden and handed me his phone. I shot him a look that said ‘who is it’. He didn’t say anything but continued to pout. I put the phone to my ear and spoke.


“Favi noona, I need a favor.”

“What L.Joe could you possibly want from me?”

“well I can’t be at school today so I was wondering if you’d take Denzie out for lunch for me, you know I don’t like him eating school food.”

“Yah!!! What’s wrong with school food, let the brat eat it.”

“NO! You will take him to a restaurant or…”

“Or what boy?”

“Or I’ll take away your child’s “innocence” tonight.” My eyes widened at his threat. He wouldn’t dare…then again it’s L.Joe; you don’t mess with L.Joe and get away with it.

“Fine L.Joe…but you better not lay a finger on him.”

“Haha ok…but that’s not your decision to make noona.” this made me angry.

“Don’t play with me boy, I will chop your and balls off…then you won’t have anything to please the princess with, haha.”

“Favi noona don’t forget who I am I’-“ I cut him off.

“No L.Joe don’t forget who I am ok, I’m the All-Knowing Umma Panda. Don’t mess with an umma’s children, especially and panda’s. got it?”

I couldn’t see him because we were speaking over the phone, but I sure could hear him. His breath was all uneven, awww he must be scared. Haha, don’t mess with my child.

“yes sir, I m-mean ma’am, I mean panda, umma…”

“Hehe bye L.Joe.” and I hung up Denzie’s phone.

“So what did he say?” Denzie’s voice snapped me from my thoughts.

“Nothing, just that I take you out to eat, remember…you’re not allowed to eat school food.”

“Yeah I know don’t remind me.” Just then the bell rang.

“well we should get to class huh?” I sighed.

“yeah c’mon.” Denzie said all cheerful.

All throughout the lessons I could not for the life of me pay attention. All I could think about was my monkey man…chanana-oppa. I decided to call him that after he told me about his addiction to bananas. Haha it fit so… anyway, classes were a blur. Every now and then I’d join in on a conversation or just doodle. Well…I call it doodling, Denzie and pretty much everyone else her calls it “A Masterpiece”. It’s not that good…well at least not to me anyways. Finally the bell that signaled for lunch rang. I stood outside Denzie’s classroom waiting for him to exit when someone wrapped their arms around me. I was about to turn around and kick this person where it’ll hurt but he, just in time, whispered in my ear.

“Jagiya~” I gasped in excitement.

“Chanana-oppa!!!!” he smiled and gave me a proper hug.

“I knew I heard your name being called hyung.” Denzie came out of the classroom smiling, god knows why.

“Yah!!! Why are you smiling?”

“Hehe, because you guys look so~ cute together.”

I blushed beat red at my dongsaeng’s comment and hid my face in Chansung’s chest. Chansung just smiled and held me closer.

“So jagiya, you hungry.”

“Yeah, I’m taking Denzie out to eat.”

“awww why him, why not take me instead.”

“Because if I don’t take Denzie then I gotta hear L.Joe’s ing and I’m not in the mood to fight with the guy. I’d lose anyway. So you wanna come since your being all whinny.

“Hahahahaha.” Denzie was laughing to the point where he had to grip the wall for support. Chansung had been sporting a sad face,, trying to pout but epically failing. On top of that he looked on the verge of tears. Really because I was forced to take Denzie out to eat and not you… my big baby boyfriend, and I still love him. Denzie was now and crying at the same time, probably because Chansung has now attacked him with tickles. Yes tickles. Denzie was on the floor trying to laugh, breath, and push Chansung off, which Chansung is stronger than Denzie so I’m pretty sure you know who won that face-off. Chansung finally stopped his torture and Denzie got up and playfully smacked Chansung on the arm, while wiping his tears. I gathered my now bickering boys up and loaded them in my car. They both were fighting over shotgun. I know how to fix that.

“Alright I’m tired of you two arguing…both of you sit in the back.” Both of their mouths dropped, but neither one dared speak against me. Haha. Beware the power of panda. As soon as we hit the road they were right back to bickering. I guess boys will be boys. And brothers will fight, these two practically are brothers so I guess I can’t stop anything. I know it’s all meaningless fighting but they have got to stop I can’t concentrate on driving.

“YAH!!! Quit your damn bickering before I get in an accident.” Chansung spoke up.

“Yah…how can us talking affect your driving.” I was about to retort but Denzie beat me.

“Yeah umma, you’re supposed to be an experienced driver, meant to handle anything and take control if something goes wrong.” This smart-.

“Oh I’ll take control alright.” I went in my purse and grabbed one of my chanclas. “You two see this.” I said holding up the black sandal. “Get loud again and I will “Take control”. Vas a ver si hablas otraves, entienden?!?!” Denzie furiously shook his head yes. I turned my attention to Chansung. “Oyeme Chansung me entiendes?”

“I don’t know what you’re saying.” Denzie tried not to giggle but failed.

“Just don’t get loud again.” With that he nodded and looked out the window. I stuffed my sandal back in my bag and continued driving. It was really quiet from then on I looked in the mirror to see if they had killed each other. Denzie was resting his head on Chansung’s shoulder while Chansung was mumbling something to him. I guess they were making up since they were arguing anymore. Awww my two boys, so sweet. We got down to the strip of restaurants and I asked the boys what they wanted. They both, almost simultaneously, shouted at out anything with a buffet. Fatasses.  I stopped at a notably good one and parked the car. I turned around to face the two boys in the back.

“Now when we get inside I don’t want you guys yelling, playing, fighting or anything of the sort because if you do, let me tell you what’s gonna happen. I will drag both of your asses back to the car and beat the living hell out of you. One, for embarrassing me in public, and two, for making fools of yourselves in public, do you understand me.”

“Ne, Umma.” Denzie said shaking his head.

“Yeah mom I hear you.” Chansung said. As soon as he did Denzie started scooting away.


Chansung’s POV

“Yeah mom I hear you.” I told Favi. God she was starting to sound like Wooyoung hyung, aka my mom. So damn annoying, but since she’s my girlfriend I guess I can put up with her. But she’s starting to scare me now. As soon  as I told her that Denzie, who was once standing right next to me started scooting away. Did I say something wrong. The next thing I know Favi is all up in my face.

“Yah!!! Monkey boy, what did you call me?” oh she heard, I thought I mumbled that.

“Nothing jagiya, let’s go eat.” I said while quickly planting a kiss on her cheek leaving her there blushing and grabbing Denzie’s arm and dragging him with me.

“Hehe nice save hyung.”

“yeah thanks. And why did you scoot away.”

“Umm you basically just mocked her. And she looked like she was gonna blow. I know not to be around Favi when she explodes. You should’ve seen her before I got with L.Joe. A lot of guys would come up to me and ask me out. I rejected all of them and some were ok with it settling on just being friends others were…persistent and just couldn’t get my hint so then…” he was cut off by Favi who had been behind us, I guess listening in.

“So then I stepped in and any guy, that I knew wasn’t Denzie’s friend, had to go through me and that’s tough. Many of the guys that Denzie rejected ended getting beat up badly by me because they didn’t wanna take Denzie’s no, and kept trying to make moves on Denzie. One even slapped Denzie’s and was cat calling him…that guy ended up in the hospital.” She smirked while, Denzie shook his head giggling. I stood there bug eyed. My girlfriend is capable of putting men in hospitals. I shivered at the thought. We paid for our food and I went straight to the buffet. Denzie followed close behind while Favi had a mixed hungry/disgusted look.

“She hates buffets. She said people always complain about being big and fat, and that the government complains about obese people in the world yet there are places like this and fast food restaurants that have “Dollar Menu’s”. she also says its dumb how fatty snacks foods can cost less than a dollar yet the healthy foods we need are like freaking expensive.” I sat there listening to Denzie tell me more about Favi. How come she never told me this herself? Oh well,  I guess she’ll tell me whatever she want’s when she’s ready. I gobbled down my food while Denzie nibbled at his.

“It’s a pain isn’t it?” Favi said to me.

“Mwo?” I didn’t understand her question.

“I said it’s a pain isn’t it, watching him eat.”

“Oh yeah. It sure is.” Watching Denzie sure was a pain how could one like Denzie eat so much so slow and not gain a pound. He’s basically a walking stick. My left arm was suddenly in pain. I look up at Denzie who is glaring daggers at me.

“YAH!!!! I am not a stick. I have curves dammit. You should know you hug me every time you see me.”

“I said that out loud?”

“Yeah you did.” Favi said while calming Denzie down.

“Mianhae Denzie Jeongmal.” I said emphasizing the word Jeongmal.

“Anieyo.” He said to me giving me a reassuring smile and rubbing my arm he so viscously hit. We all finished eating and we headed back to school. we parked and got out the car just as the bell rang, signaling for everyone to get back to class. I walked Denzie to his class as he bid me Favi good bye. I walked to my class with Favi her hand in mine, I let a smile spread its way across my face.


Denzie’s POV

I bid Favi and hyung bye as I entered my class. I sat next to Kyu who was busy playing something on his PSP.

“Hey Kyu~ watcha doin?” I said aegyo clear in my voice. He pushed a button and looked at me. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

“Nothing Denzie-yah, just playing some starcraft.”

“I thought you could only play that on a PC?”

“Haha Denzie I has my ways and connections. Haha”

“Ooohhh…scared of you.”

“Haha as you all should be.” Kyu said out loud apparently talking to everyone who just stared at him. I laughed and patted his back.

“Don’t worry Kyu you will rule the world someday.”

“Yes I will. Along with you Favi, and my Bunny Princess.”

“Bunny Princess, who is that?” his face turned blood red.

“Umm no one Denzie-yah…oh look there’s the teacher shhhh.”

“Don’t shush me who is this bunny princess?”

“No one just forget it.”

“YAH CHO KYUHYUN.” He looked at me appalled.

“YAH CHOI DENZIE…don’t forget I’m older you than you. Use honorifics.

“either you tell me…” I grabbed his PSP “…or the console gets it.” He looked at me with pure terror in his eyes, while I laughed like a villain. I gave it back to him and awaited my answer.

“…well.” I said, getting a little impatient.

“Sungmin, Lee Sungmin.”


“sssshhhhhuuuuuuuuuussshhhhh. Don’t be so loud.” I nodded my head.

“Aww…Sungmin is your Bunny Princess how cute.” I was literally gushing.

“Only in my mind is he my Bunny Princess, I haven’t got the guts to ask him.”

“Awww Kyu I’ll help you, I got Favi and Chansung together. I’m sure I can get you and Sungmin. Together.”

“Thanks Denzie.” He smiled at me.

“No problem Kyu, we’ll start tomorrow.” His smile quickly disappeared.

“t-to-tomorrow. Why tomorrow?”

“Cuz I said so silly.”

We turned around to finally pay attention when the bell rang; Awww time to go haha. I bid Kyu good bye and told him to wear something pink since Sungmin LOVES pink. Favi and Chansung caught me out in the parking lot.

“C’mon Denzie ready to go home?” Chansung told me.

“I thought Favi was taking me home?”

“Well I don’t know where you live and you hyung wanted to, bye Denzie. By babe.” She said pecking Chansung on the lips which in turn made Chansung deepen the kiss by wrapping his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a little moan.

“GAHHHH!!!!! Umma I’m right here.” As soon as I made my presence once again known, she pushed a chuckling Chansung away.

“Awww c’mon babe it’s not like we were having .” Favi smacked Chansung’s chest a little too hard.

“Don’t say such things in front of my child oppa.”

“But Umma it’s not like I don’t know what it is. I know what i-“ she then hit my arm.

“Don’t say things you don’t know the meaning of Denzie.”

“But umma I-“ I was once again cut off by Chansung hyung covering my mouth.

“Denzie don’t anger the panda.” He said in my ear. I shook my head and shut up. Favi left and Chansung led me over to his car.

“Hey Denzie wanna meet my hyung’s I talk about you a lot so they’d be thrilled to meet you.”

“Ummm…sure I guess.”

“Yay c’mon.” he all but shoved into the car while he got in and started it up. He sped off to the main road yapping things about his Hyungs. From what he said they sounded like good guys. I don’t why but I had bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I kind of wanted to back out but the image of Chansung’s happy face made me rethink. I figured if anything went wrong Chansung hyung would protect me right? What’s the worst that could happen?


Hey guys here's the update. well this is longer than what i usually write so i hop you guys like it. i brought Favi's mexicanside so haha. well i'm off to fan over Kyumin from LEDApple lol he's soooo cute lol enjoy the chappie!! :)

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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!