Chapter 11

A New Life


Denzie’s POV

I was in the car with L.Joe, and he refused to tell me where we were going. I was slowly getting bored and uncomfortable in my seat. I can’t stay still for long. “L.Joe when are we getting there?” I asked in a whiny voice.

“Ugh…10 minutes Denzie.”

“10 minutes in L.Joe time, or 10 minutes in real time?” I shot back.

“Dammit what is with you with this theory of L.Joe time huh?”

“Remember that day at school we were in class, you were scheduled for your regular nap, and I got hungry and I told you I wanted a bag of chips, and you said “I’ll get’em in a few minutes babe hold on” and a few minutes passed and there were still no chips in front of me I turned around to see you asleep. You finally got’em when I threatened you that I would just go and ask Hyukkie. Your eyes shot open then didn’t they.” I said amusing myself and slowly angering him.

“Ok Denzie-ah, no more ‘L.Joe time then, I’ll stick to real time, happy.” He said. I nodded my head yes as we pulled up to a warehouse type building he got out the car, and came around to open my side. I got out and asked where in tarnation we were, but he wouldn’t tell me. Instead he held my hand and walked to a door. It was locked by a code, and L.Joe took out a slip of paper from his pocket and entered something on the lock pad. The thing beeped and he opened the door and led me inside. When we got in far enough he let my hand go and I gave him a scared and confused look. Within seconds I was tackled by two guys I screamed once but stopped when I recognized the voices. Then I screamed in excitement.


“Hey Denzie.” They both said in unison.

“Hi guys, long time no see huh?”

“Yeah, you should tell L.Joe –hyung to bring you over here more often.” Ricky told me.

“Where are we exactly?” I asked confused.

“Oh, this is our new hangout spot, but it’s a secret so shush.” Chunji said, whispering the last part. I giggled and nodded my head. The boys looked over to L.Joe and he nodded his head, they both then smiled and took my hands. “C’mon Denzie, there’s a present over here for you.” Chunji said. “Yeah, and were the lucky ones who get to present it to you.” Ricky finished. My face still had a look of confusion on it as I was led somewhere, they had my eyes covered so I couldn’t see anything. We then stopped and I heard a whisper in my ear. “Surprise Jagiya.” I turn to see L.Joe smiling a heartwarming smile at me, and gestured me to turn around. I turned around and was met with the most beautiful car I have ever seen, in my opinion. It was a purple Porsche Cayman, just like I had told him. Even the interior like I had explained to him the day I met him. I can’t believe he remembered.

“You remembered?” I asked him shocked.

“Yeah, I mean you said you wanted it, and you even went in to detail about it. Sooo much detail.” He said laughing at the last part. He saw I was almost on the verge of tears and pulled me into his arms I buried my face in his chest.

“Saranghae L.Joe.”

“Nado, Saranghae Denzie.”

Chunji, and Ricky were looking at the sight in front of them with big smiles on their faces. They’ve never seen their hyung so happy before. L.Joe looked up from our hug to see them staring at us with huge grins on their faces.

“Yah! What are you two looking at?”

“Huh, oh nothing hyung, nothing at all.” Ricky said while dragging at giggly Chunji away. I pulled out L.Joe embrace to go explore my car, while L.Joe just watched. I got in and started playing with things, buttons. I felt like DeeDee from “Dexter’s Laboratory” “what does this button do?” I know how to drive but all the buttons were catching my attention, L.Joe saw me fiddling with all the buttons and came to help me. He told me what everything did and when to use it. I felt like I was in an automotive class so I drifted off and began to play with L.Joe’s face. He knew I was tired of learning so instead of shooing me off he let me. I love this guy. I started pinching his cheeks and that’s when he grabbed me and crashed his lips onto mine. He stayed there for a while before detaching himself from my lips.

“I’m sorry Denzie, I couldn’t help myself, you look so cute playing with my face with your cheeks all puffed out.”

“My cheeks were puffed out?”

“I love you and your aegyo, but you seriously don’t know when you do it?”

“L.Joe I know when I do and when I don’t do it.”

“Apparently not.” He said almost as if he was talking to himself.

“Excuse me.”

“Nothing Jagiya.” He said as he kissed me.


L.Joe told me to drive myself home because he and the boys had some…business…to take care of. So I drove home listening to an orchestral song that I have on my ipod.  Its from a game that I play called League of Legends, it is so soothing and beautiful I could cry to it. I got home and went to my room and decided to play a little before going to bed.


The next morning

“Denize…Denzie-ah, ireona.” I woke up quickly because it didn’t sound like Leeteuk or my dad. It was Yoona.

“Yoona?” I said with a groggy morning voice.

“Yeah, ireona, don’t forget you have school today.” I shot out bed, panicked.

“Did I miss my alarm, how late am i?”

“Denzie, calm down. I turned off your alarm and let you sleep a little while longer. Your alarm was set a little~ to early.”

“Oh, thank you, so what time is it?” she pointed at my clock that read 7 am. I still have time. Why was my alarm set so early anyway. I took a shower and meet leeteuk downstairs. He sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and was still wearing his robe.

“Leeteuk, why aren’t you ready I have to go to school now.”

“Boyfriend.” He said while still looking at the newspaper he had, not looking at me.

“Huh?” I said confused. He pointed to something behind me. I turned around and there was L.Joe leaning on the doorway to the kitchen. I smiled and walked up to him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and softly pecked my lips.

“Morning jagiya.”

“Morning L.Joe.” I said with a big grin on my face. I can’t help but not to grin, L.Joe makes me feel so happy. I noticed he was wearing make up. I would know, most of my friends are girls so you can already guess what I have to listen to everyday.

“L.Joe why are you wearing make up?” he tensed up and started stuttering. Not letting him get out what he wanted to say, I released myself from his hold and grabbed a paper towel. I walked over to the sink and drenched it, wrung it  out. I walked back over to a panicked L.Joe and began to wipe the make up off. He didn’t resist, I guess he knew I would get onto him if he did. When I was done there was a bruise under his eye, all purple and black and eww. I gave him look and he started apologizing.

“I’m sorry Denzie I didn’t want you to worry so I tried to hide it I didn’t think you’d notice.”

“Did you put the make up on.”


“Yeah I was gonna notice, you can’t put make up on to save your life.”

“Why didn’t you tell me I could’ve properly dressed it for you.”

“I was scared of what you were gonna say.” I smacked his arm and began applying peroxide to it.

“This is gonna sting a little so hold on, k.”

“Ok.” He flinched really hard, and I started laughing.

“I told you pabo.” He started laughing too.

“I know, bbali, bbali jebal.”

“Haha ok, then sit still.” I finished dressing it and applied the make up back on it to cover it.

“Now that’s how you put make up on. See the difference?”

“Totally, thanks babe.” He said kissing my cheek. I bid good-bye to Leeteuk as L.Joe took my hand and led me to the car. Once again he held the door open for me, which really unnecessary but he insisted because it make him feel more gentleman. I laughed as he began the drive to school.


hi guys, sorry i took so long to update this :(  something went wrong for me at school so i'm taking this semester off to straghten it out, and then i have writers block so that's why its so short. it's all i could come up with. anyways i'll try to update sooner next time and make it longer. the song i used in here is called "Daylights End" its used in the game League of Legends as a theme for the champion "Diana" i'll post it below, its really soothing and well sung (the game is awesome too. if you didn't already know, Heechul from SuJu plays it. ahhh lol) another thing i want to add is if you live in Korea and you play this game there is a champion named Ahri (아리) and some people made a custom skin for her that's based on SNSD's Genie. she has the outfit and everything, and it kinda add's to her already kpop feel since her in game dance is SNSD's Run Devil Run, but i just wanted to get that out there. i love this game if you couldn't already tell lol. :)




The lady in the video is Diana: Scorn of the Moon.


till next time, enjoy this chapter and hope that my writer's block goes away. :)

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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!