Jessica Jung of SNSD - 11:27 P.M.

To Krystal, With Love

Happy Birthday to Krystal Jung!

Jessica is dead tired as she walks through the door to the Jung household- her home.

Normally, she stays at the SNSD dorm. It is her home away from home that houses her eight other band mates.

But today is a special day and Jessica had begged her manager the day before to be able to come home that night.

It isn't every day that her baby sister turns eighteen after all.

She groggily makes her way up the stairs and gently opens the door to Krystal’s room.

Her baby is sleeping peacefully, holding her phone. Jessica smiles a little at the sight and walks over to the bed, just watching her sleep for a moment. She makes her way over, sits next to her sister. She brushes her bangs away from her face and she softly coos, “I love you, Soojung.” She gently pries the phone away and places it on the nearby dresser.

Jessica thinks about how much Krystal has grown, how much she has changed.

She is growing up quickly, almost too fast. Jessica can’t say that she likes that.

I wish for you to never lose who you are- I want you to stay the precious, perfect Jung Soojung that you are right now. The one that you always have been.

Jessica knows that might be an impossible wish, with the world that they live in. But she wishes anyway. She can’t help it. She loves the Soojung that she is, and even though she will love Soojung no matter what (she’ll love her sister to death, she knows that for certain), she can’t help but adore the untainted and innocent Soojung that is untarnished, even as an idol. She loves that she is who she is, no matter under whatever scrutiny.

She thinks about how mature she has gotten, how she has developed into her own person. Her baby is still a little introverted, kind of awkward, but still- she never ceases to have the wonderful personality that makes her who she is today.

Jessica is a proud older sister. She thinks of all of her accomplishments with f(x), with everything that she has done. She is proud- Jessica realizes with a smile that she is stepping out of her older sister's shadow. She never meant for their blood relation to be such a burden on her baby sister. People have said that she was only famous because they were related, that she was only using Jessica's name. But she is proving every single person that has doubted her wrong. She is f(x)'s Krystal, More Charming by the Day's Jung Soojung, High Kick 3's Ahn Soojung, winner of Kiss & Cry, and the record holder for women's high jump on Dream Team. She is not just Jessica's little sister. And while she may be my little sister, she is getting to where she is with her own talent.

She tears a little, thinking about how much Krystal has grown, how much she is going through (how much she has missed as her older sister).

Stay beautiful and true to yourself.

She thinks about the harsh reality that is their world; she thinks about all the people that have changed. Fame has gone to their heads, the hate gets to be too much, the life is too hard to live.

She doesn’t want any of that for Soojung.

She thinks about the first time she heard about Krystal fainting; she remembers how hysteric she was, how easy the tears came to her. It is one thing to hear the horror stories of other people, other celebrities. But something has happened to her baby sister and just the memory makes her want to cry again.

Jessica continues to brush her bangs softly, taking time just to look at her baby girl. Krystal stirs at that moment; her eyes open slightly and her voice, still thick sounding from sleep, mumbles, “Unnie?” She is rubbing her eyes slowly, sitting up so that she can look at her older sister.

And Jessica feels her heart constrict with affection and love and even more love for her baby sister.

“Happy birthday, baby.”


Does anyone else find it super precious that Jessica has said that Soojung looks the best when she sleeps? And that sometimes, she watches her sleep or climbs into bed with her because she loves how peaceful she looks? >< <3

Happy birthday to my baby girl, the person that owns my soul, Krystal Jung Soojung <3 This little seven chaptered thing is a little personal to me because it has what I personally wish for Krystal scattered around in it.

So, Krystal.

I wish for your happiness and for you to never lose that precious smile, for you to always be true to yourself, for you to be safe, to be healthy and strong. You’re amazing, baby girl. You’ll go far in anything and everything that you decide to do. And you’ll always have my support (and you own my soul ;D).

I love you.


Thanks for reading and subscribing and commenting, lovelies! I love all of you sweethearts. (ALSO, AN EXTRA THANK YOU FOR ALL THOSE WHO VOTED THIS STORY UP<3)

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[10.24.13] Happy Princess Day! Jung Soojung, I love you! (I can't believe it's already been a year since I wrote this .___.)


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Ye_angel #1
Chapter 2: you know what Its 2018 and I come back to read your story, and I cry when I read the chapter with the late Jonghyun.. I wish him well and happy in heaven
Chapter 7: It's 2017, and I'm still reading this story. LOL. Honestly speaking, this is one of the best Krystal stories I've ever read. It's so good that I read every year on Krystal's birthday. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story author-nim.
vanessas_s #3
Chapter 7: I really love your story!!!
It is one of the best ones I read!!!
Chapter 4: Aww omg the little soojung who would tag along and see her sister dance (':
Chapter 3: Ohmygoodness myungsoo is so cute hahahhaha I can't help but comment immediately. And the first chapter on f(5) was so so so so touching!!!!! Omg :'(
serenitynadz #7
Chapter 6: wow, such a beautiful written story. I really like how you describe the people surrounding's love for Krystal. I love Krystal very much, and this story really is good, I love it very much. Please do write more about Krystal, moreover about Taestal, one of my favorite couple. :)
Chapter 6: This is the sweetest, totally happy that someone finally stepped up and confess the thing <3
Chapter 7: I didn't realise that I was tearing up..
twix_kat #10
Chapter 6: I didn't really know f(x) that well (I seriously thought that Sulli was the maknae -_-), but this fanfic really changed my perspective!
Around the web, I've herd people talking crap about Krystal, and I now want to tell them to look at it from her viewpoint.
Thank you Author-nim and keep up the good work!