Kim Joonmyun of EXO - 10:19 A.M.

To Krystal, With Love

D-3 to Krystal's birthday

Suho runs into Krystal at the company; she has just arrived for practice and he has just earned himself a little break. (There is only so many times he can dance to MAMA without wanting water, after all.)

He wanders around the company for his break and is pleasantly surprised to see Krystal as she enters the company lobby.

“Soojung!” he calls out to her as he walks over and encloses her in a tight hug. He knows what day it is today. “Happy birthday!”

She lets out a little shriek (and he is thinking “she’s so precious”) before she pushes him away slightly and says, “You’re sweaty!” He lets her push him away but immediately hugs her again. She pouts but hugs back.

“My little Soojung is finally an adult!” he teases. She smiles at him and he sighs. “I wish that I could protect you forever. You’re grown up now, but you’re still the little Soojungie I met so long ago.” He pats her head thoughtfully.

He had hoped that he could protect her from everything- the media, life, boys- but he knows he can’t. (He knows that all of those things are out of his control, but one part, the last part, he knows he can at least watch over- he is watching that Lee Taemin closely. And then there is that L kid from Infinite- Suho knows he has his work cut out for him.)

“I don’t need your protection, oppa.” she protests, but she is smiling. That makes him smile. He has protected her for seven years; she knows that will continue.

“I’m a guardian, Soojung. It’s what I do.” he retorts, hugging her tightly.

He still remembers when he first met her. While she technically joined the company a year after him, he met her way before she officially entered.

She was scouted early, but was too young to join. Instead, her sister joined. But he always remembered the little girl that would come to the company sometimes and watch her unnie dance.

She was precious back then. She is still just as precious now.

Before too long, Soojung was known by everyone, and not only as Jessica’s sister.

Everyone doted on her, adored her.

He was no exception to that.

“I worry for you sometimes, Soojung.” he sighs, a big exaggerated exhalation of air. He knows she's a big girl now, but he can't help it. She's too precious not to protect.

“Don’t worry about me oppa, I’m a big girl now.” Krystal jokes. Thinking back to her earlier conversation with Jonghyun, she knows that he disagrees; apparently, so does Suho.  There is a disapproving look on his face and Krystal can’t help but sigh.

She adores these oppas, she really does. But she wishes that they wouldn’t baby her so much. “Joonmyun oppa, I love you, but really.” she says, reprimanding him slightly.

“I know, Soojung. But I still wish-”

He hears his manager call for him, saying that he needs to get back to practice. He pouts at the interruption but waves back at his manager, saying that he has gotten the message. Suho ruffles her hair affectionately and lets go of her completely; he promises to text her later. “Happy birthday again, Soojung.” 

I wish for you to be always be safe.

He has protected her for seven years; he'll protect her for the rest of his life.


Because Suho is a guardian and I loved that in her thanks to, she wrote, "Joonmyun...oppa..." xD 

Chapter five features Lee Jongsuk, Soojung’s “stupid” brother from High Kick.

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[10.24.13] Happy Princess Day! Jung Soojung, I love you! (I can't believe it's already been a year since I wrote this .___.)


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Ye_angel #1
Chapter 2: you know what Its 2018 and I come back to read your story, and I cry when I read the chapter with the late Jonghyun.. I wish him well and happy in heaven
Chapter 7: It's 2017, and I'm still reading this story. LOL. Honestly speaking, this is one of the best Krystal stories I've ever read. It's so good that I read every year on Krystal's birthday. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story author-nim.
vanessas_s #3
Chapter 7: I really love your story!!!
It is one of the best ones I read!!!
Chapter 4: Aww omg the little soojung who would tag along and see her sister dance (':
Chapter 3: Ohmygoodness myungsoo is so cute hahahhaha I can't help but comment immediately. And the first chapter on f(5) was so so so so touching!!!!! Omg :'(
serenitynadz #7
Chapter 6: wow, such a beautiful written story. I really like how you describe the people surrounding's love for Krystal. I love Krystal very much, and this story really is good, I love it very much. Please do write more about Krystal, moreover about Taestal, one of my favorite couple. :)
Chapter 6: This is the sweetest, totally happy that someone finally stepped up and confess the thing <3
Chapter 7: I didn't realise that I was tearing up..
twix_kat #10
Chapter 6: I didn't really know f(x) that well (I seriously thought that Sulli was the maknae -_-), but this fanfic really changed my perspective!
Around the web, I've herd people talking crap about Krystal, and I now want to tell them to look at it from her viewpoint.
Thank you Author-nim and keep up the good work!