
Normal's Boring

"Here is your hot chocolate. It's the least I can do for bumping into you." Baekhyun said with a grin as he handed me the hot chocolate that he bought for me after we introduced each other. 

After I asked for his name, he asked for mine. I told him and I saw a pleased look on his face. Like if he already knew before hand and was just testing me. Then he insisted on buying me something to drink in the cafe that he was heading to before we bumped into each other. I refused about five times until I gave in when he gave me puppy eyes. 

So here we are, sitting in at table for three in the corner farthest away from the door. Practically alone since everyone else is sitting in the middle or close to the door. I thank Baekhyun as he sits across from me. I take a sip of the hot chocolate and burn my tongue. 

"Ahh! Hot! Hot! Very hot!" I cry out as I fan my tongue with my hands. Baekhyun laughs at me and soon I join him. 

"I think I forgot to mention that it was hot." Baekhyun says as he takes a sip of his iced coffee. I glare at him.

"Nah. You think?" He giggles and so do I.

"So, what school do you go to?" He asks casually. I stare at him even though he is suddenly entertained with the napkins in the middle of the table. 

"Uh, Seoul High. Same as you." I say and he looks up from the napkins. He blinks then opens his mouth in an 'o' shape. He nods.

"Right! You're the one who we bumped into yesterday!" I grin and nod, "Then that means I owe you another hot chocolate." I chuckle and shook my head.

"Next time though. But who was that guy that was with you? He looked pretty pissed." Baekhyun looks at a spot behind me while I take another sip of my hot chocolate. I wince as my tongue starts to burn again and Baekhyun starts to talk.

"Oh, you mean Kris?" I shrug.

"I guess." Baekhyun nods. 

"Kris always looks pissed no matter what. But he's a good guy once he softens up a little." I nod. Then I remember something else.

"But you two are new right? I mean, I have never seen you guys before. Especially someone taller than me. And when you bumped into me, you were going to say something before Kris pulled you away. What were you going to say?" Baekhyun froze with his hand holding his iced coffee to his lips, about to drink some. He took a big gulp of it and set it down then looked around nervously.

"Y-yes. We're new. And, uh, I was going to say sorry but Kris pulled me away." He gave me a shy smile and took another nervous gulp of his coffee. I pursed my lips and leaned back in my chair. 

"You don't seem normal." I say it before I even think about it. Baekhyun stares at me then bursts out laughing.

"And you are?" He said after he finished his little laughing fit. I nod.

"Yes. I am very normal." He gets a serious look on and leans to me. 

"Explain." He says as he raises an eyebrow at me. I sigh.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it. I live with my mom and dad which are normal. I go to school every day, which is also normal. I have two best friends that are fantastic, also very normal people. Except Suho sometimes," His eyes widened when I said Suho's name but then returned to their regular size, “he acts wise sometimes then acts like a three year old in one second. On the weekends I stay at home or hang out with friends. And all of my life I have done this. So you could say me life is just...normal. As I said, I'm normal." Baekhyun thought about that for a moment. He shook his head a moment later.

"Isn't it boring? Don't you sometimes want to do something that isn't normal? Something different?" I study his face to see if he means what he says. And as far as I can tell, he means it. 

"Nope. Because that is all I have ever done. Be normal. And I think being different makes you...different. I don't like it. I would rather stay how I am now and not get unwanted attention than do something that will easily get me on the spotlight. I don't like being different." Baekhyun stares at me then giggles. "What's so funny?" I ask, not seeing the joke on what I just said.

"You just don't get, do you?" He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms in front of his chest. This time, it's my turn to lean towards him.

"Don't get what?" He looks at me then sighs.

"You have to be different some point in your life. Why not now? And besides, being different is a good thing. Believe me." I shake my head and shrug. He sighed, grabbed his iced coffee, and stood up, "I have to go before Kris throws another fit. I'll see you later, 'Kay?" He smiled and I gave him a small smile in return. He nodded and turned to leave but before he did, he turned around to look at me. 

"You shouldn't be normal. It's just plain and dull.  Think about it okay? Try to be different. Normal's boring." And with that he left the cafe. 




*A/N: Ah. You guys can kill me for not updating in a month. But do it after next week please? I have something very important that I will do next week and hopefully I don't humiliated and regret it. On another note, here is chapter five for my readers. ^.^ Enjoy~. I don't have muhc to say about this chapter. It pretty much explains itself. I'll try to update the next chapter soon. But I don't know when that will be. i'm focusing more on my other story, And You Are? because I plan on finishing it soon. But until I finish it, I won't be updating this story a lot. So don't expect me to update like next week. Actually... nah. Nevermind. Forget it. Please do subscribe to this story and comment please. I will love you forever if you do. (I used pathos right there, did you see that? No? No? Okay. .__.) Goodbye~!*

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awww the breakfast couple...I can't wait to see how everyone else meets... /fangirlfeelseverywhere /sobs /pukingrainbowyhappiness you can tell that I love this chappie update, it's so freakin' awesome :3
baeknips #2
Chapter 4: saw this on most recent updated, and baekyeol was the first thing i saw. Love this so far! Update soon, author-ssi<3
smileformebb #3
Chapter 3: I ran by this fanfiction by accident, and I'm glad I did. :)
I love that little fake confession scene. It made me laugh XD.
Update soon author-nim~
(BTW, Who's panda? Is that like your pet or something? LOL)