
Normal's Boring

I sat up from my laying position, eyes widened, heart pounding. That dream was so real. I put my hand to my chest and could fell my heart about to pop out of my chest. I sighed, trying to calm down. I looked around me. Chen and Suho were in the same positions as they were in my dream. I tilted my head to the side and stood up. I walked over to Suho who was facing the pond. Just like how he was in my dream. I lay my hand on his shoulder which made him jump.

“You scared me!” He hissed as I took a seat next to him. I playfully slapped his arm and put my index finger up to my lip. He raised one eyebrow and I pointed behind us to Chen. We both turned to see Chen stirring in his sleep. We turned back to the pond. Suho brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them with his arms, letting his chin rest on his knees. I sighed and leaned back, my hands behind me supporting my weight.

Suho grunted. I looked at him and saw that he had his eyebrows furrowed and his lips kind of pouting.

“Something’s wrong.” My body froze. This is going just like my dream was.

“W-what?” I stuttered. He turned to look at me and opened his mouth to say something then closed it when we heard thunder in the distance.  He smiled at me.

“I said, something’s wrong. And I’m right. It’s going to rain soon when the weather man clearly said it wasn’t. Ugh, stupid weather man,” I sighed in relief, “I mean seriously, do you know how much I hate water and it plans on raining tonight? Stupid weather.” I laughed at his remark. I patted his shoulder.

“We all know how much you hate water. Come on, let’s go wake up Chen and leave before it starts raining and then you have one of your fits,” I said as I stood up and walked over to Chen. I heard Suho groan behind me and I chuckled. I bent down next to Chen.

“Chen. Chen~!” I said as I shook his shoulder. I pouted because all I did was make him groan and scratch his neck. I turned around to where Suho stood dusting off his pants and looking up at the sky. He looked at me and sighed.

“Don’t pout. Some sees you pout and they’ll think you’re cute. But once you open that mouth, BOOM! Deep voice which will leave them all confused.” He said as he walked over to me and bent down as well. I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Confused about what? My voice?” He nodded then shook Chen’s shoulder.

“Yes. I have to admit, your voice does not match your face.” I pouted again.

“Gee thanks,” I say and shake Chen more vicious than before. All he did was move and lay on his side, back facing us. Again both Suho and I shake his shoulder harder than before.

 I get frustrated and stand up. I walk over to the pond and bend down. I smile evilly at the water. I cup my hands and bring them under the water. I slowly bring my hands to the surface, getting as much water as I can. I stand up carefully and walk over to Suho and Chen. I watch drops of water slide down my hands and fall to the grass beneath me as I approach my two dearest friends. I smile as I see Suho's face full of fear. 

"W-what are you doing? Don't get near me! I hate water!" He yelled and ran to hide behind a tree. I chuckled at his childish reaction. I walked a few more careful steps and stood hovering over Chen. Slowly, I counted to three in my head.




I move my hands away from each other in a swift movement. The water splashes on Chen's face. He gets up quickly, wiping away the water from his face. I smile at him and bend down. He looks at me with an angry face.

"What the hell was that for?" he growled at me, his hands were in fist by his side as his face was still dripping with water. I smirked at him. 

"You wouldn't wake up," I playfully patted his head and stood. I looked up at the now dark, cloudy, night sky. I turn to see Suho hiding behind the tree. I called him over with my hand, "Let's go before it starts raining." Suho was by my side watching Chen glare at me while he stood up. I smiled and started walking. I heard Chen and Suho grunting behind me as we walked. 

"So what if it starts raining? I like water. It's harmless." Chen whispred to Suho, but it was barely a whisper. 

"Well I hate water, Chen. So you can stay if you-" Suho stopped talking and screamed. I stopped walking and turned back to see Suho running towards me at full speed and Chen standing there looking confused. 

"It’s raining!" He yelled, still running. I put out my hand out in front of me, and sure enough, there were little drops of water coming down to rest on my hand. "I hate water! See you guys later!" He ran past me, to the gates of the park. I sighed and shook my head. 

"Hey Chen?" I yelled at him as he stood there looking at the sky, "Are you staying?" He turned to look at me and shook his head. 

"Nah, I'm not staying.” He walked toward me, "I'm already wet." He grumbled. I smiled at him. I put arm around his shoulder. 

"Oh shush. You know you love me." He giggled. 

"No, I hate you."






I came out of my house to take a walk. Last night Chen and I raced home so that we wouldn't get wet. We got wet, just not that much. Now, at 10 in the morning, I'm walking past my home, the opposite way of which the park is. As I walk, I'm listening to music that is downloaded on my phone. One earphone is in my ear while the other is swaying in front of me. I passed by a clothes store. The clothes look very expensive. Furred coats, silky dresses, even jewelry with diamonds as big as my pinky nail. I bet to even enter this store, you would have to be filthy rich. I wonder why I have never seen this store before. Maybe it's new. 

I feel being pushed back, so hard I land on my back. I look up dazed at the person who pushed me. The sun rays around him make me not able to see his face. My hand comes over to block my eyes as I try to stand up. I see a hand in front of me and take it. I get pulled forward and see myself standing in front of a short guy. Now that I can actually see his face with the sun preventing me from it, I see who it is. It's the guy that bumped into me yesterday at school. 

"I'm sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't looking where I was going." He started saying quickly. I tried to hold back my chuckle. 

"It's okay. I wasn't looking either," He sighed in relief. He let go of my hand, which I had forgotten that we were holding hands. He walked past me. I turned and called him.

"Wait!" He turned to look at me with a confused look.

"Do you need something?" I hesitated at first but then spoke. 

"Can you at least tell me your name?" I called out. He shyly smiled at me. 

"Baekhyun. My name is Baekhyun."



*A/N: Oh happy days! Finally I get to update! Very sorry for not updating in what? 1 week? 2? Point is, I have finally updated. I have been very busy. I have other stories to writes, I have lines to memorize for my Drama class, my cousin came back from Washington. And I have been very tired. So, please enjoy this chapter. Finally, Baekhyun has entered the story. Well, he showed before but we didn't know it was him. Or did we? o.O Haha, I'm sure you guys are going to kill me for making the last scene in the last chapter a dream. Don't kill me though! I'm too young to die! Pease comment and subscribe if you already haven't. Hmm, that shall be it for this author's note. Goodbye~!*

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awww the breakfast couple...I can't wait to see how everyone else meets... /fangirlfeelseverywhere /sobs /pukingrainbowyhappiness you can tell that I love this chappie update, it's so freakin' awesome :3
baeknips #2
Chapter 4: saw this on most recent updated, and baekyeol was the first thing i saw. Love this so far! Update soon, author-ssi<3
smileformebb #3
Chapter 3: I ran by this fanfiction by accident, and I'm glad I did. :)
I love that little fake confession scene. It made me laugh XD.
Update soon author-nim~
(BTW, Who's panda? Is that like your pet or something? LOL)