Fan Service

My Chicken Lover


Onew slowly approaches me while holding his drumstick. I look down at my pink doll shoes and let my light brown hair flow right infront of my face to cover it.



“Aniyo. I am fine, oppa.” I casually answered him back.



“Jjinja?” He sounded disappointed with my response. “I was looking for someone to share this bucket of chicken with.” I did not know how to escape the situation so I came up with a not-so brilliant idea to let the unexpected moment pass.  



“Isn’t it too late for an idol to be roaming around in the streets at this time of the night? Don’t you have a curfew?” I did not realize what I just said and even talked to him informally. I just dug up my own grave.  



He acknowledges what I asked him and said, “Idol? H—how did you know?” Onew sits on the vacant swing next to me.



The cold wind breeze brushes through our direction and blows my hair back, revealing my face for Onew to see, the last face that showed up during the fan signing event. Holy crap, the wind wants me to get embarrassed for the second around. What did I ever do to you?



He immediately recognizes me and his eyes widen, “Omo, you are the fan who gave me this bucket of chicken!” Onew’s voice was excited. “What are you doing here? Trying to get some fresh air?” He gets another piece of fried chicken to eat.



I smile awkwardly. “O—oppa annyeong!” I raised my right hand a bit and ran my fingers through my hair just so I could assure that it was really him. “I am actually waiting for my friend to come pick me up after I went to the event. Sorta new here in Korea.” I felt embarrassed.



“Have you tried calling your friend?” He offers me some chicken by handing the bucket to me, I grab a piece.



I nodded. “I have been trying to reach her for three hours now, but it seems like she is still busy with some personal matters.” I took a bite on my chicken. Ah, it tastes so good.



Onew moves his face closer to where I am. I do not exactly know what he was doing so I tried to ignore it, but ended up asking him a stupid question that randomly came into my mind. “O—oppa w—waeyo? What are you doing?”



The corners of his lips form a smile on his face. “Yeppuda,” he mumbled against my cold cheek’s skin.  I was trying to contain myself after hearing what he just said, but failed to do so. I started blushing and so I rubbed my palms against my cheeks so Onew would not notice my tomato-like face. “Omo, gwenchana?” His face is still close to mine. He takes off his jacket and surprisingly wraps it around my shoulder. “You really need to get home, it is getting cold and it is not safe for you to be alone out here.”



Ha! He did not see my cheeks, he probably thought I was just cold and was trying to warm my face.



“Kajja, I will take you home.” He stands up from his seat and offers his hand. I took it and started walking side by side with him. His hand is warm and he is not wearing gloves. Does he feel cold? I take a peek at his jacket that is wrapped around me. It smells good. It has a scent that would stay on anyone’s clothes. The streetlights are helping us find our way back to my dorm as I state him the directions.



It is, by far, the best fan service ever. 

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Chapter 5: OHHHHHHHH MMMMYYYYYY GAWWWWWDDDDD UPDATED :))))) ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ. I love this storyyyyyyy
Zeloxoxo #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please, author-nim! ^^
Chapter 4: I like this a lot :)))))) <3 update soon author-nim~~ omo when I fangirl to this I sound like Dongho dressed as a girl fangirling Shinee Oppa's~ bahahahah!!
Chapter 2: Update soon!!! It is a good story!
Waiting for te first chapter !