Chapter 3

Nappies....and Jiyong.

For the rest of the evening, I just went through the motions, but my mind was somewhere else. Young Bae saw me clamber from the rest room with the colour drained from my face, and tried to pull me onto the dance floor.

On a regular occasion, I'd have been the life and soul of the party, but I just couldn't stop thinking about the fact that a foetus was sprouting in my uterus.

It didn't feel right. Pregnant women lay on couches at home talking to their tummies, they didn't shuffle around nightclubs in stilettos.

I'd just about had enough when the slow songs began playing and people started dancing in ways that are just too shameful to mention.

I wandered over to the bar and sat down next to TOP, in attempt to redeem myself from our previous encounter. It was a bit strange that it was his party yet he was sitting by himself.

"Did you make it in time?"

It took me a while to realize that he was talking about my sudden urge to pee during our last conversation. I started blushing furiously.


He took one look at me and burst out laughing

"Ya! Can't we talk about something else?" I started to get embarassed.

"Fine. Can you tell me what's wrong with Jiyong?  haven't seen him for two months, and suddenly he's scarily quiet..."

I could feel the intensity of GD's gaze on the back of my neck as I talked to his hyung. He'd avoided me all evening and I had no idea why.

Turning around, my eyes met his. A girl sat on his lap, playing with his hair and kissing his neck, but his eyes were fixed on mine.

It felt awkward.

"Amber you listening?"

I'd been so distracted that I completely zoned out from what Seunghyung was saying.

He stared at me with a concerned look on his face.

"You don't look so good..."

"I-I think I'm gonna leave..." My voice trailed off.

TOP escorted me to the lobby of the hotel.

"Thanks for coming"

Semi- bowing, I walked out of the entrance as he made his way back upstairs, completely un prepared for the freezing gust of wind that shocked my system as I stepped outside.

"Going, already?"

He had his shades on, even though it was dark.

"I'm not staying all night so you can stare at my , Jiyong"

He scratched the back of his head and walked towards me.

"It's not like that.."

I looked at him sarcastically and proceeded in sticking out my arm, for a taxi.

He came behind me, and covered my shoulders with his coat. I tried to shrug it off.

"I'm fine"

"You're cold"

I watched him pull out his phone, dial a number, and speak really fast in Korean. I couldn't understand a word of it.

Three taxis drove past, totally ignoring me. I looked like an idiot trying to catch their attention.

I stood back, abruptly as a limosine pulled up in front of me.

A chauffer got out, and opened the door. When I didn't get in, he glanced at Jiyong, then at me.

Jiyong turned to me.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

"Its for me?"

He rolled is eyes, an indication for me to hurry up.

"Keep the coat."

Before he shut the door, he hesitated.

"Oh, and Noona, don't talk to my hyungs"

I stared blankly at him as the car sped off.



'Don't talk to my hyungs?'

Don't talk to my hyungs? 

I imitated GD as the car travelled down the highway at full speed. 
Who did he think he was? TOP, DAESUNG, SEUNGRI and TAEYANG were as much my friends as his. 
I choreographed their live stages for goodness sake. I told myself to cool down as I lay back on the firm leather seats of the vehicle. 

And fell asleep.

In the morning Lena told me she nearly had a heart attack when the limosene stopped outside the apartment. I was so tired that she and the chauffeur had to carry me up to our dorm.

How cringe. 

A week had passed since the party, and I hadn't seen much of anyone at work. It felt like my tummy had begun to swell and was so concious about it. As long as I wore baggy clothing to cover it up, I could just about manage to go outside.

Gary stayed over for the next couple of days too. He was the big brother I never had, and I loved his company. Born in Incheon, he was half American and half Korean. My sister met him at a course she did in business advertising in Seoul. After 3 weeks they started dating. At 6 months they were married. They were undeniably close.

Lena took me for my first scan at two weeks, and Gary tagged along. He hated hospitals.
Reluctantly, I drank as much as I could, and all three of us sat in the lounge area of the pregnancy unit, waiting for my name to be called. 
All I can say is that I received some death stares from several ajummas as they walked past. Teenage, and Pregnant. These were two words that were rarely said in the same sentence in Korea. In such a conservative society, girls were too busy with schoolwork and idol-stalking that they had no time for relationships.  They all had the wrong idea of me. I just scowled back.

"Ya, wipe that glare off your face Ambs, or it will stay like that" Gary snapped me out of my daze as he jokingly ruffled my hair. 
"Seriously dude, I just brushed it" I slapped his hand out the way.
" Ya" Lena punched him softly. "Stop annoying her".
Ten minutes later we filed into the designated room, where the doctor stood waiting. I sat down in the reclining chair. 
"Two weeks right?" she asked.
I nodded.
She took a couple of tests, urine samples, and all, and then she loaded up the CTV scanner. She told me there were definate signs of life, but I saw nothing on the screen. I must have squinted too hard because I ended up with a headache.

Later on that evening at the apartment Gary took me to one side. 
"Kiddo, I want know contribute to this whole baby thing. " 
A smile crossed my face. 
"I'm gonna start looking for things from now, you know, baby grows, prams, equipment." 
"Well there's a baby care centre near to wear I work. You wanna grab some stuff tomorow?" 
His eyes lit up. 
"Yeah! Yeah. It's a suprise for Lena too, so just make sure she doesn't find out"

"Sure thing bro" 
He patted me on the back and resumed to washing the dishes.


The following day my head snapped upwards as Jiyong barged into my office at YG. When did he even enter the building?

I hadn't spoken to him since the party. He walked straight up to my desk whilst muttering under is breath. He kept wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

Then he blurted out a question that completely threw me off guard.

"What would you buy a pregnant woman?"

I stopped typing.


"I need an answer, fast"

My brain went into shut down mode.

"It's my sister. She's pregnant, and it's her baby shower today...It totally forgot. Sh*t she's going to kill me"

My muscles slowly relaxed as I leant back in my chair.

"Baby grows, toys, teddies, a pram? Even a bit of money, maybe"

"Write them down"

 I did so, and he took the postit note from me.


The next time I saw him was while I stood outside the YG building waiting for Gary to pick me up. As I climbed into to car, he casually    strode over and stuck his head through the window. What the hell was he doing?

"Can we help you?" Gary was slightly taken aback by Jiyong's forwardness.

"Who's this?" GD blatantly ignored my brother-in-law and addressed me. He was being downright rude.

"Gary let's just go" I put my seatbelt on.

"Gary?" Jiyong stared at me questiongly.

I didn't understand why he was being so awkward. 

We drove away.

I kept watching him in the review mirror until he disappeared from view.


Gary put his hand on my stomach, and creased up.

"That bump is non-existent!"

I laughed as he held up a baby grow against me. 

"Have you even come up with any names yet?" I chuckled.

"I was thinking Voldemort for a girl-"

I guffawed crazily. We were both in stitches.

My mood swings were drastic. 

I'd found a couple of cute outfits in the Babycare store. Now we were looking for Car seats and Carriers. 

"You better be thankful that I'm carrying your child, you know"

Gary calmed down a bit and put his arm on my shoulder.

"I am-"

"Carrying your child?"

My blood froze. 

I turned around. 

Jiyong stood behind me, with the postit note I'd written earlier, in his hand.



Sorry that this Chapter is so short! I will update it in the next 3 days! Please continue to support! Fighting!!!

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Angel2love97 #1
Chapter 28: wait!!! Where's the rest??!!!
DjTinkDome #2
Chapter 28: ...just drop dead Hanee...ghetto mode activated...I'd snatch that heffa by the hair and just slam her ahh...bump martial arts or wushu...she would've gotten a good ole dirty south ahh whoopin. Please continue this so I can read about her gettin beat and Ji too. Cause he need to learn how to not mess with people emotions. AMBER GIRL...don't give up on him...but still show him you not playing anymore.
pmgayles #3
Chapter 28: Why won't Hanee just drop off the face of the Earth?
Chapter 29: I'm really enjoying this story and the imagery it's evoking. I'd love out if you were to continue with it. I can't wait to see what happens next.
MLovesU #5
Chapter 29: I've been waiting for an update for ages. Please continue!
Chapter 29: Yassssss please continue
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 29: Yes please do!
Ashleybook #8
Chapter 29: please continue
Chapter 29: Yes, yes please continue!!!!
gdgpbb #10
Chapter 29: continue please!