And finally, the birthday party

Seeing You [SunYeon special, 11/9/14] {HIATUS}


A/N: anddddddd i'm back :D phew finally *wipes sweat* here you go! i'll b back in april. pinky promise. i think my writing style changed a little... btw it starts off in THIRD PERSON.


 Chapter 35.1


Everyone held their breaths as the doorbell rang again and again, the person on the other side of the door impatient to get inside. Glances were passed, excited whispers and giggles came from random corners where the children were hiding, and the girl standing in the middle of the darkened room let out a sign, getting ready to release some tears if necessary.


“Krystal!” Sulli shouted and pounded on the door. The room grew silent, with only the sounds of Krystal’s footsteps to break the suspenseful atmosphere. The click of the lock, the squeak of the door hinges, a gasp.


We all looked on from our spots, hidden in the dark, at the scene, almost like watching a drama. Sulli pulled her best friend into her arms as soon as the door opened. With a big frown, she looked around the room, worried.


“Soojung-ah, are you ok? What’s wrong? What happened?” She pushed Krystal away to examine for any physical injuries and lifted the downcast girl’s head with a finger to enquire further with her eyes, but the latter’s eyes tore up as she looked away. “Why are you staying in the dark?”


The irony in the question almost made Krystal burst out laughing; Sulli was the one in the dark, not knowing about the plans and ignorant of some well-hidden feelings. But she didn’t laugh because she was feeling the exact opposite. While Sulli looked on in confusion at the sudden tears and the other people in the room admired Krystal for her acting skills, Krystal choked down a sob, a real sob, which came with the tears, real tears. She turned around abruptly, distracting herself from her suffocating emotions. The hug brought to her mind the love and care they had for each other, their friendship, her love for her friend, and the little time they had left together. But of course the other girl didn’t know. And Krystal reminded herself not to be thinking these thoughts. It was Sulli’s birthday, a day for celebration and laughter, not heartbreak and tears.


“Close the door and come inside.” Krystal said softly after she regained control of her emotions. To put space in between, she took fast steps forward while Sulli went back a few steps to close the door. The room fell into complete darkness, but only for a second. Minho, who was in charge of the lights, took Krystal’s furious steps as a signal to begin the surprise and pressed the light switch.


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Everyone shouted, jumping out from his or her hiding spots with confetti flying into the air.


The sudden commotion surprised Sulli so much that she launched herself onto someone who she knew would surely protect her, Krystal. Krystal, on the other hand, felt all her efforts slither away from between her fingers when those familiar arms clung onto her. She froze under the familiar touch and unconsciously held her breath as people began to move around them.


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sulli, happy birthday to you!~”


With Taemin in the lead, the other people in the room sang along. He walked through the crowd towards his girlfriend with a big pink cake that he had made by himself, just for Sulli.


Krystal felt the arms around her shoulders loosen with each step that Taemin took towards them, until the warm completely disappeared.


“Sulli-ah, make a wish and blow out the candles.” Taemin grinned as he extended the cake forward.


Sulli smiled back widely before doing as he said. As soon as the flames of the candle were extinguished, Yoona and Yuri grabbed the cake and ran away into the kitchen, crackling maliciously, and some of the younger shikshins followed along in a hurry to taste the special dessert. With the cake out of his hands, Taemin finally engulfed Sulli in a warm embrace and kissed the crown of her head.


“Happy birthday sweetie.” He brushed his lips fleetingly against hers and nuzzled her nose lovingly, giving her an eskimo kiss.


All the while, Krystal remained standing by Sulli’s side, with her left hand still held tightly by her friend, not wanting to break apart their meager connection. She looked away uncomfortably when she became a third wheel. There was a deep painful pang in her heart, a feeling that had become familiar to her. But then she felt another warmth seep into her hurting heart. Minho came up behind Krystal, entwining his right hand with her free one and holding it against her flat stomach. He trailed the other hand down Krystal’s left arm until he reached the clasped hands. Slipping in between with a slight twist, Minho took Krystal’s hand in his and fully wrapped his arms around her small waist, leaning forward to rest his chin on her shoulder.


“Come on baby.” Directing her to another direction away from the other couple, he brought her away from the awkward situation into his own embrace.


Krystal allowed him to guide her towards a less-crowded area where they leaned against the wall, and onto each other, drinking from the sodas they had grabbed on their way. Minho had an arm resting on her hip while she mindlessly played with his fingers. Krystal silently observed the party progressing in front of them, but her eyes kept on returning to the couple kissing on the other side of the room, her best friend and her boyfriend. In her defense, it was either watching that scene, or looking at her sister and her girlfriend being their cheesy selves.


“Oh my poor baby.” Minho said with a chuckle when he saw Krystal’s slight grimace and kissed her temple, successfully wiping the frown off her brows. “Glad I saved you from having to witness them up close?”


“Totally.” Krystal took their empty soda cans and placed them on the shelf behind Minho before facing her boyfriend. She threw her arms around his neck and buried her head in the curve of his neck. “Thank you.”


Minho chuckled and was about to reply but was shocked into silence as Krystal lifted her head and took his lips with hers.


Jessica’s POV


“Oo, my sister is making out with her boyfriend!” I pointed and announced to my girlfriend while giggling uncontrollably.


“Yah Jessi! Stop staring at them.” Tiffany slapped my finger away, scolding me with a frown. “Are you high on sugar or something?”


I looked at her and giggled again; she looked so hot when she’s annoyed. Shaking my head, I just leaned back into her arms, still giggling randomly. Ok, so maybe I drank a little too much coke, but then again, it’s a party, we’re supposed to do that.


“Jealous?” I taunted with a hand caressing her jaw.


“No! That’s just plain rude.” She slapped away my hand again, but I grabbed hers before she could retreat it. “Jessi, let me go! What’s wrong with you?”


“I’m high on you…” Tiffany let out a high-pitched squeak when I twisted my body and trapped her under my weight.


“Get off me!” Her wiggles nearly threw me off the sofa as my fingers tickled her waist mercilessly. “Jessi, serious—HAHAHHAHAHHAAAA!!!”


The laughter was enough incentive for me to continue and we laughed until tears nearly came out. The other kids halted what they were doing to look at us, two adults, fooling around like children. Feeling tired, I stopped and stood up on my knees. I looked down at Tiffany who fell still, trying to catch her breath. Her hair was a mess, her bangs were sticking to her forehead with sweat, her cheeks were flushed from all the laughter, her eyes were still smiling, and she looked beautiful. Slowly, I rested my hands on either side of her arms and bent down, aiming for her lips that belonged to me. Before I was even half way there, a fake cough and a sweet voice interrupted me.


“If my sister dies from suffocation, I’m blaming you.” Michelle-unnie jokingly said as she walked towards us with my panic-stricken mother trailing after her, clutching onto her arm.


Tiffany immediately sat up right and pushed me off at the appearance of her sister. I closed my eyes as I braced for the floor to catch me, but a pair of soft hands grabbed me instead.


“Careful there, Jessica! Gosh, the two of you are such violent kids.”


Mimi-unnie gently deposited me back beside Tiffany and leaned forward. My breath got caught in my throat.


What the heck was she doing?! My mind screamed when she got too close for comfort. I could practically feel her warm breath brushing against my sensitive ear, and on the other hand, Tiffany was possessively gripping the end of my shirt. Michelle-unnie stopped in her position before abruptly moving back upright with her purse in her hand. I glanced up at her nervously and frowned. I swear, there was a slight smirk in her wide smile, as if she knows.


She ruffled my hair like she always did when we were young and turned back towards my mother.


“Are you leaving already?” I asked quickly. Tiffany looked at me, frowning. My voiced sounded whiney like a child begging her mother not to leave.


“What? Little Jess doesn’t want me to go yet?”


I could feel myself starting to blush again at her teasing tone and grin. Avoiding her stare, I opted not to answer so as not to embarrass myself further.


“Sorry Yeonnie, unnie has work to do. But I’ll visit you again soon.” Michelle added a wink and emphasized the ‘you’. “Bye sweetie.”

My mind temporarily stopped working and I blinked to clear my head. Was she flirting with me?!


“That reminds me! Jessica, would you like to come with me to check out the fashion lines sometime this week? You could guide me, and it would also be a good experience for you.” Michelle twirled back around.


My eyes gleamed at the opportunity. “Sure, I would love to accompany you!”


Unnie chuckled at my enthusiasm. “When are you free?”


“Well, Wednesday and Thursday are the only times I’m free. I only have morning classes tomorrow, but I have a date with—” Sharp nails digging onto my thigh made me shut up like a clam before I leaked out any details of my relationship with Tiffany to her sister. “… I have a date. And the day after tomorrow, we’re all going to the amusement park together.”


“Sounds like you’re fully booked.” Mimi looked at me disappointedly. “I guess I have to go by myself?”


Seeing my idol’s little annoyed pout and frown, my mind began to urge me to get the former off her pretty face immediately. She was almost turning around to leave again when I reach out for her wrist quickly.


“Wait!” I blurted out before I could stop myself.


“Yes Jess?” I flinched at the nickname. Only Tiffany called me something either than the common ‘Sica’, ‘Jessica’, or ‘Sooyeon’. But I gulped upon realizing how nice my name sounded when said with that smooth voice of Michelle-unnie which was a little husky like Tiffany’s but… just nicer. “You wanted to say something?”


“If you want, I think I can cancel the date…” The warmth from the hand on my thigh left. Glares were aimed at me from Mom, Krystal, Yuri and Yoona. Unable to back off from my own words, I lowered my eyes to my pink slippers and continued uncertainly. “I think she’ll understand.”


“Oh! That’s great, darling!” Michelle was happy and grinning once again. “Well, see you tomorrow then Jess. Steph, don’t stay out too late. Let’s go, Aunty!”


She gracefully swung out of the door after my mother with a wink sent to me, not caring for a reply from me, or from her sister who was noticeably ignoring her. The couch creaked as a weight disappeared, the stumbling gait of the departure attracted our attention. Krystal immediately rushed over to assist Tiffany in walking away from me to who-knows-where.


Uh-oh… My heart slapped me silly while my mind ran away in fear of HellSica.


“Uh-oh…” Yuri and Yoona muttered as they came up on either side of me. “What the heck did you just do?”


My mind that had bolted left a blank state in my head. “Ditched my girlfriend for her sister?”


“Did I hear insecure girlfriend?” Yoona glared at me.


“And beautiful sister?” Yuri added, causing her doppelganger to shift her glare towards her for a second.


“Uh-oh.” I just repeated.


“What are you waiting for? Go clear the misunderstanding!” Their simultaneous pushes almost rammed me into the coffee table in front of the couch.


I staggered in the direction that my sister and girlfriend had disappeared off towards. That brain of mine wasn’t working properly yet and was therefore unable to answer the questions that my heart was worriedly shooting out: What was I to say? How can soothe Tiffany? How can I clear the misunderstanding?


“If there is any misunderstanding in the first place.” I faintly heard Yuri saying under her breath.


“Don’t say that!” Yoona reprimanded her sternly.


But we all knew that it might be true.



Krystal had taken Tiffany into her bedroom. I stopped in front of the closed door and knocked.


“Soojung-ah, open the door!” I shouted when they remained unresponsive after several knocks.


“Tiffany-unnie said go away!” Krystal shouted back at me.


“Just let me talk to her!”


“She said she doesn’t want to!”


“Come on, we’re never going to solve this problem like this!”


“She said there won’t even be a problem if you didn’t do that!” Krystal’s voice started sounding impatient, apparently disliking her role as the messenger.


“Gosh, just let me in so that I can apologize!” I banged my fist against the door again, ignoring the pain.


Krystal didn’t answer back. I shut up as well, not knowing what was going on, and waited for a few moments. Just when I was harboring thoughts of breaking her door down, Krystal finally opened the door and let me in. Tiffany was sitting on the bed with her back against the wall, arms wrapped around her knees, crying.


“Fany-ah…” I called softly as I made my way hesitantly towards her.


She kept her head down on her knees, refusing to look up. I sat down at the edge of the bed and inched hand forward until my fingers touched her feet. She immediately curled in her toes to avoid the touch. Frowning at the action, I looked around the room while thinking of what to say, and spotted my sister still standing near the door, watching us.


“Soojung, leave us alone for a while.”


Krystal did not reply and instead called Tiffany’s name. She waited until Tiffany nodded before leaving her room, not without sending a glare in my way. As soon as the door closed, I turned back to my girl.


“Tiffany, I’m sorry.” I tried to touch her again but she moved away from my reach. “Please Tiff, don’t do this to me—”


“What did I do to you? It’s you who canceled our date without even asking me!” She managed to say though her sobs.


“But like unnie said, it’s a great opportunity for me to get in touch with the fashion companies.” I reasoned to justify my actions.


“I know!”


“Then why are you mad?”


“I would have let you go if you had just asked me. Don’t you even care about my opinions at all?”


“You know that’s not true. I just… forgot.” I wanted to slap myself for my mistake. “I’m really sorry Tiff. Forgive me?”


I reached out to her again and this time, she launched herself into my arms, holding me tightly as she cried. “Will you forgive this stupid Jessi?”


Tiffany nodded against my chest like a little girl and hiccupped as she tried to stop her sobs.


“Now that’s my girl.” I cooed to her, cradling her, holding her face in my hands and wiping away her tears with my fingers. “I love you.”


I leaned down to press a gentle kiss onto her lips, etching the promise of love onto her trembling heart.




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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 44: I miss this story author ssi pls comeback
it’s been so long since i last read this story
jtsurfer #3
I miss this story. Hope you'll update one day
Miss this story so much
Chapter 2: It's well written story. And you really know how to keep readers attention. I like it.
whitney09 #6
Chapter 35: Miss this fic.... Will always be waiting...
It's been forever... Miss this fic :(
Chapter 44: duuuude i was just going through my bookmarks when i saw this and let me tell you, nostalgia straight up just punched me in the face. it's been years since i read the last chapter! i can't believe it, lol. this story was and always will be one of my favorites. (you should write the next chapter and make it the last.. to end my suffering.
Mamengurl #9
Chapter 44: Please update soon author
otnine0922 #10
Chapter 44: Please continue the story author ssi. I wanna know jessica's past..btw new reader here.:)