Finally We Meet

10,000 Steps

The train station was very busy. The surrounding area around the station seemed to have descended on the single platform Chin-Sun stood upon. Swallowing thickly, she adjusted the strap of her messenger bag and pulled out her phone, hoping to find a text from her brother. She was hoping that it would let her know where he was. Babies screamed and children cried, adding to the growing timbre of mobile phones and rapid, confusing Korean.

Bright lights and signs were everywhere, and, although she knew what they said, she wasn’t sure if she understood their meanings properly. Wiping her suddenly clammy hands down her pants, she picked up her suitcase and walked forward. She wanted to get away from the train. The thundering of her heart beat in her ears had nothing to do with her sudden need to escape, naturally.

All around her, people stared. The most intimidating was the people who wore the surgical masks. She had no idea on what they were thinking or saying most of their eyes were guarded. More than a few school students giggled behind their hands and texted people in groups. Clenching her phone in her free hand, she wished intensely that her brother would call her. She had no more phone credit and was stuck in a city she had never been in before.

A sign, thankfully an obvious one, indicated that pay phones were nearby. The small jangle in her pocket indicated she had some change. Flicking her bangs out of her eyes, she pushed herself through the crowd, cursing some people who seemed to intentionally get in her way. One guy seemed to do it several times until she forcefully slammed her suitcase into his foot. He didn’t show up again after that.

She tried to get past a group of vibrantly dressed men, a bright pink and leather jacket especially catching her attention. But as she was slipping around behind them, an elbow in the back pushed her into them. Tripping over her suitcase, she slammed into the pink jacket wearing man. Time seemed to slow as they toppled to the ground, a strange glittery sign landing on her forehead.

“I am so, so sorry!” she exclaimed in halting Korean. Chin-Sun scrambled up and tried to help the person up. Mortification stained her cheeks red. Pulling off the glittery sign, she handed it to him with a bow. “Someone pushed me and I tripped into yo...Hey! Is that my name on your sign? It’” in actuality, her eyes hurt from the amount of pink and glitter that was used. They probably would have had a better time just using a sharpie and some white cardboard.

The other men around her blinked. “Your name is Chin-Sun?” one of them said, his voice all trembling. She nodded.

“Yeah, I’m trying to find my brother and his friends, they’re supposed to pick me up,” she replied. All of a sudden her arms were filled with a very exuberant, mask less man.

“Chin-sun! Its been so long! I’ve missed you!” The very air from her lungs was squeezed out of her. Thankfully he released her before she fainted. Bent over slightly, Chin-Sun focused on breathing before standing straight.

“Taemin,” she replied with a small smile.

“How was your trip? You didn’t get lost, did you? I’m so glad you’re here!” Chin-sun found it hard to keep up with his rapid Korean. Standing there with an odd smile and a confused face, she turned her attention to the others. The one she had knocked over had taken off his jacket, leaving him in a graphic red shirt. She watched as he brushed off the jacket with a furrowed brow. Blushing at her clumsiness, she turned her attention to the others. The smallest one looked taller, thanks to his copper blonde hair styled into an almost Mohawk. Around him were two others, an average height man and a taller one who looked as though he was really into sports.

“Oi, Taeminnie, her Korean schooling doesn’t cover tae-gibberish!” said the copper blonde one. “Slow it down.”

Taemin’s face fell. “Oh, I’m sorry!”

“Its ok,” she said with a small smile. “I think I understood most of it. I’m glad I’m here too. I didn’t get lost and my trip was did I do?”

Her brother’s smile was radiant. “Very good! WOW! You’re so beautiful now! I love what you did with your hair!”

“She looks just like you!” said the blonde again. “They could be mistaken as each other.”

“That’s because they’re twins,” said the average height one. “I’m Onew, since no one seems like they’re going to introduce us,” he said to her, bowing.

Returning his gesture, she smiled. “Chin-Sun Chang.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” he replied, “forgive the masks; we’ll take them off in a more private place. At the moment, we just don’t want to be recognized.” Chin-Sun nodded in understanding, not minding that her brother was holding onto her arm like a life line. “The tall one is Minho, the one you tripped over is Key and this idiot is Jongyhun.”

They all bowed to one another. Kidnapping her suitcase, Taemin pulled both the luggage and his sister towards the exit. “We’ve already set up your room, so don’t worry about unpacking! Oh and I never knew so many different types of converse existed!” he babbled on, slipping through people with ease. Everyone followed them calmly.  

“What can I say? I like converse,” she replied, a little disturbed to know that they had seen her belongings without her near. “Uh, thank you for setting up the room.”

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update soon please
myungsoojen #2
Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
Very very interesting! please update soon! >.<
fizz-peaze #4
a very descriptive story :D it was very interesting and pleasant. Update soon!
'Onew was frozen at the table, staring down at the mug in his hands. “Oops,” he said softly, causing the other men to wince.<br />
“What did you do this time?” Key asked. Onew simply held up the mug, minus its handle...' That was so funny. Onew condition strikes again!
Can't wait to see how your mind works this story into undilluted awesomeness!Lol, I'm messing with you. It is an interesting plot, I think I will take a liking to this one as well. It seems like there will be much to expect from your writting. Style wise, it blows alot of other fanfics out of the water.
minionsbanana #7
seems interesting~<br />
and the poster is nice<br />
update soon<33