Summer Excitement...

Saving Forever For You...


Chapter 2


Ja Ra's POV


I am at the school. My Omma told me that we'll spend summer in one of her friends house.


I don't really mingle well with my Omma's friends so I am not sure which friend is she talking about.


I was done packing my stuffs and was about to leave the classroom when a bunch of boys blocked my way..


HAVE A GREAT SUMMER JA RA-SSI” They said in unison. I was dumbfounded and just manage to gave an awkward smile. “Thank you” I said in small voice.


Wish you won't forget us over the summer.” Dylan, the president of my fan's club said. Yep. You heard that right.. I have a freaking fan's club. All members consist of guys... Then a school magazine dedicated for me.


Did I forgot to tell you. I was crowned the Campus Queen. So, this kind of scenes was something I just got used to. Sigh...


I walked away and into my car... I hope my summer will be something out of ordinary.. I'm just tired of the usuals.. My omma wanted my friends to come with us since we always spend summer together so i told them about the plan and they went home immediately out of excitement.


I called Sena.


I'm repacking my stuffs.” she said in an exasperated voice. I chuckled.


Why?” I asked.


I think Omma wants me to bring the whole house. Arghhh...” she said and I laughed harder.


Then I dialled Key's number to check up on him..


I'm done packing. Can't wait.. I'll see you there.” he squealed through the phone.. I sighed.. If only Key is a straight guy, he might be my boyfriend by now.. Ahuh!! Key is gay.. But who cares.. he's my friend and shopping buddy. That's what I love about him..


After I hung up, I started my car and drove all the way to my home to pack my things as well. Then something shiny caught my attention. My bracelet.


Another year had passed Oppa..” I sighed and concentrated on the road.


Another year has been wasted..




Don't hate me if i made key's character gay. First he's some kind of a diva and i need a gay character as one of my heroine's friend... Comments... <3

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Chapter 37: hey new/late reader it's kinda sad though ..well it ended nicely but...I feel sad it's not that I finished reading it..but...I don't know...just sad...
Amazing!!!<br />
your story's really amazing...<br />
i read for only 3hrs..<br />
jharaa #5
@taemin_luv4eva: yep dongsaeng.. i'm gonna keep a regular update for this from now on. thank you for the support.<br />
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@jaejae007 : haha.. it's ok. i don't think they would mind. fans are used to their Korean names so it's no biggie. i think. hahaha ^^
yay!! unni! finally an update~<br />
oow~ jonghyun is gonna steal Jara from Siwon,<br />
I'm team Jjong, sorry Siwon but... I'm a Kyu biased XD and besides I'm not really a big E.L.F :P<br />
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@jaejae077 haha, don't worry I get confuse sometimes too XD
jaejae077 #7
OMG u serious? that means i mix the 2 of them up for such a long time? omg><