Chapter 15: Samchon

Child's Play


“YOU TOLD?!” Junhyung yelled at Peniel at the top of his lungs.

“I had to!” Peniel retorted.

Sungjae sat, uncomfortably in the living room while the members of Beast confronted their Appa in the kitchen.

“But what if we’re caught now?” Kikwang spoke nervously, “We’ve been gone so long that not only are you gonna get in trouble, but we will too for hiding!”

“Sungjae won’t tell!” Peniel argued. “He swore to keep his mouth shut, and I trust Sungjae. He’s my friend.”

Doojoon sighed heavily. “I guess it’s ok. Not like we can do anything about it, now.”

Junhyung sighed. “I guess.”

Hyunseung handed a cat treat to Saja before walking over to Sungjae. “I guess Peniel informed you of our entire situation.”

Sungjae nodded, trying to stifle a chuckle. “ I promise. I won’t tell anyone. And I’ll even help Peniel look for the gypsy. Believe me. I know Seoul and have a way better sense of direction than Hyung.”

“Hey!” Peniel yelled.

“No arguing with you there.” Hyunseung smiled and Sungjae couldn’t contain his laughter any longer.

“What’s so funny?” Hyunseung tilted his head.

“It’s just- It’s just,” Sungjae kept laughing before taking enough breaths to utter out a sentence. “It’s just so unbelievable. I mean, when Peniel told me what happened to you guys I was having a hard time believing it, even with the picture he showed me. But now,” he let out a couple of giggles. “You guys are just so cute.”

Hyunseung’s smile faded as Peniel pulled his giggling friend off of the couch. “Sungjae. Best not make fun of Hyunseung. He’s secretly evil.”

“Huh?” Sungjae tilted his head in confusion.

“Trust me. You have no idea what these kids are capable of.” Peniel shuddered, remembering it was Hyunseung who planned out his entire, ‘Hide-n-seek’ adventure. Sungjae quieted his laughter but still had a large smile on his face when Yoseob approached the two boys.

“So,” Yoseob said with a big smile. “What should we call you, Sungjae?”

“What do you mean?” Sungjae asked in confusion.

“Well if Peniel’s Appa, you should have a name too.”

“We can call him umma.” Kikwang spoke, sipping on a protein shake.

“NO!” Peniel and Sungjae just spoke in unison.

“Why not?” Kikwang asked through a cheeky smile.

“Just no,” Sungjae rubbed the back of his head.

“You’re implying something, Kikwang,” Peniel spoke, narrowing his eyes. “Knock it off.”

“We could call you Appa too,” Dongwoon spoke up. “Then again, that’d eventually get really confusing.” He sat on the couch and Saja jumped up next to him.

“How about,” Sungjae pondered. “You call me Samchon.”

“Samchon,” Junhyung smirked. “Makes sense to me.”

“Alright Samchon,”  Doojoon extended a hand. “Welcome to our dysfunctional little family.”

Sungjae smiled and shook the young leader’s hand before looking at the clock. “Oh crap! Hyung! We gotta go!”

“Oh yeah the fan signing.” Peniel spoke before running to the door.

Sungjae turned to the kids. “Ok, Peniel and I have a fan signing today after quick performance but, I’ll fake and ulcer and Peniel will “rush me to the hospital,’ So we’ll be back in a couple of hours with lunch.”

“Wait. We’re doing what now?” Sungjae ran over grabbing the wrist of the confused Peniel.

“Bye Appa~ Bye Samchon~” Yoseob waved as the two caretakers exited the dorm. The boys all scattered to do their own individual things.

“You’re taking this thing with Sungjae rather well, Junhyung. No death threats.” Doojoon chuckled as he talked to his purple haired dongsaeng.

“I just want some time alone.” Junhyung walked over to the boys bedroom, where he quickly closed the door before hauling himself up in the Bedroom’s linen closet. After closing the closet door and sinking into the spare sheets and blankets of his favorite hiding spot, Junhyung reached into his pocket and pulled out his smartphone, scrolling through his contacts until he found the correct number. He typed out a quick text and hitting send.

To Hara from Jun

Hey. Been awhile since we last talked.

He waited a little while before receiving a reply.

To Jun from Hara

Junhyung! Oh my! Where are you! I miss you!

To Hara from Jun

You’re alone right. No one’s supposed to know we’re still corresponding. As far as everyone knows, you think I’m dead.

To Jun from Hara

Yes. I know I know. You tell me this everytime you text me. So what’s up?

To Hara from Jun

Just. Some weird stuff. I felt like I wanted to talk to you

To Jun from Hara

You’re so vague, Jun. Why can’t you tell me what’s really going on.

To Hara from Jun

It’s complicated. I’ve told you this.

To Jun from Hara

I can’t do this anymore. I have to see you.

To Hara from Jun

I can’t do that. You’re not supposed to see this. It’s too complicated and I have to keep things a secret.

To Jun from Hara

Stop saying it’s complicated. Can’t we please meet? I promise, whatever’s going on, I won’t tell.

To Hara from Jun

...promise you won’t tell?

To Jun from Hara

Yong Junhyung. You know me. If something has to be kept secret, not a word about it shall pass my lips. I can keep a secret.

Junhyung sighed heavily, looking at his phone. Truth be told, he wanted to see Hara as much as she wanted to see him. He knew if the others found out that he was planning on telling her, they’d never forgive him. And how would Hara react to having a seven-year-old for a boyfriend.

On the other hand, if he didn’t tell Hara, how could he expect to keep a relationship with her. Who knows when he’d be able to return to his adult form. For all he knew, he’d have to grow up again, naturally, and he doubted Hara would wait fifteen years to date him again. If anything, he’d have to let her go, but she deserved an explanation before he dropped the bomb on her.

To Hara from Jun

Ok Hara, lets meet. Are you available tomorrow?

To Jun from Hara

I have a show in the afternoon, but I’m free in the morning.

To Hara from Jun

Good. Go to the cafe near my dorm about six am. There will be a kid in sunglasses, a black hoodie and an oversized baseball cap waiting for you. He’ll take you to me.

To Jun from Hara

Why can’t you just meet me at the cafe.

To Hara from Jun

Just trust me on this, Hara. Please?

After waiting several minutes for a reply, Hara finally texted back.

To Jun from Hara

Alright, Jun... I’ll see you tomorrow. I hope.

To Hara from Jun

See you tomorrow. And don’t forget, don’t text me or call me unless I text you first. The others can’t know we’re corresponding

Junhyung pocketed his phone and exited the closet, after readjusting the blankets and sheets. He had the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was betraying s but, if Peniel was willing to trust Sungjae with their secret, he should be able to trust his girlfriend. He just hoped she’d be willing to accept it.

It was about 5am on Sunday morning when Junhyung woke up. He had fallen asleep in his hoodie and jeans, after everyone else had gone to bed. Quickly and quietly, he snuck out of bed before rushing to the bathroom to comb his hair. He washed his face and looked in the mirror at his appearance. He combed his hair and smiled. My roots are showing. Time to re-dye it. He inwardly giggled at the thought of a seven year old getting their hair dyed and remembered how the other members were also desperately in need of a touch up.

After tucking his hair into his large base ball cap, Junhyung set out, slipping his large sunglasses over his eyes. He grabbed a note he had written the night before so he wouldn’t have to say anything to Hara before he was ready to reveal himself. He laced up his new high top sneakers and slipped out the front door, careful not to wake to others.

It was a quarter to six and Hara sat in the cafe bundled in a brown jacket, gloves and sunglasses to try and deviate any passerby who happened to see her. She sipped a cup of fresh ground warm coffee, waiting for the child that would lead her to her missing boyfriend.

“Can I get you anything else, miss?” A server approached Hara, a smile on his face.

“Huh? No. But thank you.”

The server walked back toward the kitchen as Hara was left alone in the cafe. The shop had just opened, so no one had yet come in for their morning brew. Hara sighed checking her phone. She was a little nervous to meet with her lost boyfriend, especially after not seeing him in months. She didn’t know why he and s were hiding and why this meeting had to be so secretive, but seeing Junhyung was all that mattered.

“Goo Hara?”

Hara turned her head to see a small seven-year-old in sunglasses, a black hoodie and an oversized baseball cap, holding out a white note for her. Hara took it and read.


I know this is weird. Really weird but please, follow this child. He will take you to me. but promise, you won’t freak out when you learn the truth.


Hara nodded before pocketing the note and standing up. The child looked up at her before looking down, keeping his face covered by the large rim of his cap. He walked out of the cafe with Hara following. They took a lot of back routes and alleyways to keep Hara out of civilians’ line of sight. After a half an hour or so of silent walking, the two of them reached a heavily wooded area. The child lead Hara into a clearing where two chairs were set up.Hara sat in one chair as the child walked around the clearing.

“So... where’s Junhyung?”

The child remained silent as he looked around. He held his hand up to his ears to listen. Hara watched the boy as she started to become a bit impatient.

“Kid. You were supposed to take me to Junhyung. Where is he?”

The boy remained silent before taking a seat in the chair across from Hara and looking down.

“Kid! Please! I’ve been panicking over this for months now! Tell me right now, where is Junhyung!!”

The kid sighed heavily before removing his large cap and revealing his purple hair. He took off his sunglasses before looking up at Hara. “Hara, I’m right here?”

Hara stared at the boy before standing up angrily. “Unbelievable. Junhyung stands me up and pays some kid to pretend to be him.

“I’m not pretending, Hara. I’m really Junhyung.”

“Fine. ‘Junhyung.’ If you’re really who you say you are, prove it.”

“I’m 22 years old. My favorite color is red. I’ve had more girlfriends than I can count and I’m still trying to figure out why you like me. Bugs make me nervous and if that’s not enough to prove who I am-” He took a deep breath before continuing. “♪Geobuhal su eobseul jeongdoro gangryeokhan mueongareul kajigo dorawa dashi igoseul ddeugeopge

Deo ddeugeopge dalgwi da naege matkyeo I'm the mastermind, untouchable joker♪”

Hara’s eye widened. “J-Junhyung?”

Junhyung nodded, keeping his gaze directed to the floor.

Hara sat back down in her chair, absolutely stunned. “W-What happened to you?”

“I...I don’t know,” Junhyung lied. “Just, one morning, we woke up with our ages reduced about fifteen years. Maybe we got involved in some dark arts. Maybe we pissed of some witch or something. All I know for sure is that I’m a grown man trapped in the body of a seven year old kid.”

Hara looked at her distraught boyfriend, sensing that he was scared. “Can’t you change back?”

“Don’t you think we’ve tried.” Junhyung sighed. “We... we heard of a gypsy that has magic powers, or something, but we can’t seem to find her. It’s the only lead we have on getting back to normal.”

“Then why not tell everyone. It doesn’t seem like your mind’s regressed with your body.”

“Would you like to admit to the world that you’re boyfriend is a second grader?” Hara paused for a moment as Junhyung continued. “It’s not something we can tell people. Not only would it cause a MASSIVE scandal, possibly ruining Beast, but if people found out about it, we could be experimented on so other people could figure out the secret to eternal youth.”

“I suppose you have a point.”

“That’s why you can’t tell anyone I met you here. The only ones who know about this are the members of Beast, and a couple of members of BtoB.”

“Why them?”

“They discovered it on on their own. Besides, they’re helping out around the dorm. life’s a bit harder when you can’t reach the stove.”

“I could help too.”

“No... it’s better if you don’t. I’d be in huge trouble for telling you the truth. But... I just couldn’t stay away.”

Hara smiled before reaching over and pulling Junhyung into a tight hug. “Aww~ You’re just soo sweet, Junnie. And so adorable now too.”

Junhyung struggled to get free. “Ok! Ok! I feel the love! Let me go! You’re squeezing the life out of me!” Hara let the boy down as he struggled to catch his breath. After quickly calming himself, Junhyung looked up at Hara once more. “Promise me, you won’t tell anyone about this. Not Kara. Not Beast. Not anyone! My life is on the line here!”

Hara nodded her head. “I swear to you, Jun. Not a word of this shall pass my lips.”

Junhyung smiled and stood up, giving his girlfriend a quick hug. As the two were about to part ways Junhyung paused, remembering something else he needed to tell her. “Hara?”

Hara stopped in her tracks and turned to the young rapper. “Yeah Jun?”

Junhyung sighed heavily. “I know this may be hard, but...” He took a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts. “If I can’t get back to normal... I think we should split up.”

“What? Why?!”

“Hara. I’m seven. I don’t want you to be stuck waiting for 15 years for me to return to man you fell in love with. I rather you be free.”

“But Jun-”

“No. I think it’s for the best.” Junhyung didn’t give his girlfriend a chance to respond as he quickly ran out of the area. Hara was left slightly heartbroken, but she understood what Junhyung meant. She couldn’t be seen with a seven year old even if she really cared about him. After taking a moment to think Hara left the clearing. I hope you can get back to normal, Jun.

Peniel arrived at the Beast dorm at about six, the next morning. He had a large brown bag in his arms as he struggled to open the lock with his key. When he finally entered and sat his bag on the ground, his ears were assaulted with a loud yell.


Before Peniel had anytime to react, Yoseob and Doojoon pushed past him, chasing after the rambunctious Saja, with a bag of dried fish in .

“Morning Appa,” Dongwoon smiled, helping Peniel with his grocery bag.

“Morning Dongwoon? Why are you guys up so early? Normally I can’t get you up for school til near seven.”

“Samchon woke us,” Kikwang answered, his cheeks filled with Korean pancakes.

“Samchon?” Peniel peeked over into the kitchen where he spotted Hyunseung standing on a chair, assisting Sungjae in cooking korean pancakes for all of the boys.

“S-Sungjae?! How’d you get here so fast!”

“Oh, hey Hyung.” Sungjae turned the skillet over to Hyunseung as he walked over to Peniel. “What took you? The boys were getting hungry, so I made pancakes.”

“I left before you! How’d you get here!”

“Eunkwangie drove me.”


“Don’t worry. He doesn’t know anything. I asked him to drop me off at the cafe across the street and he did. No questions asked. It’s easy to get him to do stuff when he’s tired.”

Why did I never think of that? Peniel thought to himself as he unpacked various groceries into the fridge and cabinets. “Thanks Sungjae.”

“Just doin my job as an uncle.” Sungjae giggled and Peniel rolled his eyes.

“Samchon? I don’t think we can use this.” Yoseob walked in, holding up a ripped up bag of dried fish.

“It’s ok. I’ll just make pajeon.” Sungjae smiled

“Pajeon?” Peniel questioned. “But Kikwang’s allergic to-”

“Seafood? I know. That’s why I made his first. Seafood free.”

“And delicious,” Kikwang spoke with his mouth full.

“Kikwang swallow.”

Kikwang followed his appa’s advice before taking another bite.

“Well, I guess I’ll just go and make the beds now.” Peniel took a step toward the bedrooms before Sungjae stopped him.

“Already done, Hyung.”

“Seriously? Then I get Saja her breakfast.”

“Did that too.”

“What are you, super nanny?!”

Sungjae just giggled at that statement before placing a hand on Peniel’s shoulder. “I’m just helpin out the best I can.”

“But.. that’s my job.”

“Appa?” Yoseob approached the caretaker. “Are you becoming sentimental?”
“Yoseob. You’re a second grader. Don’t use big words.”

“Don’t worry, Appa. Even though Sungjae does a way better job as a caretaker,” Sungjae nodded causing Peniel to glare, as Yoseob continued. “We still love you, Appa.”

“Really?” Peniel looked at the boy.

“Yeah.” Doojoon re-entered the room. “In a fraternal way that’s not creepy.”

Peniel smiled and Sungjae wrapped his arm around his hyung’s shoulder. “Come on, hyung. Lets eat and get the boys ready for school.”



A/N: Sorry for the short boring chapter. I had to split a chapter in 2 again beacuse it was too long. 



Good job AegyoB2st on scoring your second honorable mention in a row!


Songs for chapter 14: 

Genie (Tell me your wish) - SNSD (Girls Generation)

Nillili Mambo- Block B


Only One song for chapter 15. Loving the comments! Keep reading, commenting and subscribing. See you next week, Cubies. 



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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^