Chapter 16: Last Ditch Effort

Child's Play


“Oi! Dongni!”

As class was released for lunch, Dongwoon spun around to see some of his first grade friends waving him from across the room. Dongwoon grabbed his large blue backpack before running over to them. “Hey Ha Min. Jin do.” He smiled as the two boys patted the young kingka on the shoulder.

“Oi, Dongni?” The taller of the two spoke up. “Did you bring the game~ You promised~”

Dongwoon smiled, remembering his promise to show his classmate a game on his ipad. He removed his backpack, setting it on the floor. “Right here, Jin do.” He ped his bag and began rummaging through the various items inside it.

“Sweet,” Ha Min spoke looking down at Dongwoon. “Um..can you find it in that black hole backpack.”

“I can find it just fine, Haminnie!” Dongwoon protested, removing various items from his bag. “Just give me a minute.”

Ha Min and Jin Do sighed, watching the blonde boy, rummaging through his things.

“Oi! Jin Do! Ha Min! Dongwoon!” A slightly smaller boy ran in, waving to the group. “Come quick! Some second grader’s handing out pepero in the cafeteria!”

The two boys’ faces lit up as Dongwoon rolled his eyes. Yoseob. “I’ll stay here and look for my ipad. It’s here somewhere. I just know it.”

“Ok Dongni Pongni~” Ha Min giggled. “We’ll meet you in the cafeteria.”

The two boys ran out of the room, leaving Dongwoon alone to search through his bag. “No. No.” He tossed aside item after item, searching through his things, as Hye Su kneeled beside him. “Extra clothes. A frisbee. Bag of chips. Pepero. Twenty-eight bearbricks. Eyeliner. Stuffed cow. Twelve more bearbricks.-”

“How big is that thing?” Hye Su interrupted.

“Oh hi. Hye Su.” Dongwoon smiled before returning to his search. “Saja’s catnip mouse. Doojoon’s Shoe. Kikwang’s maga- um you don’t need to see that.” He stuffed the adult magazine deep into the bottom of his bag before continuing his search. “Eight more bearbricks. Video camera. Breath mints. Spider...Spider! SPIDER!” Dongwoon tossed the small black arachnid from his bag and ducked behind Hye Su. “Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!”

Hye Su giggled before stomping the small spider into submission. “ All gone.”

Dongwoon sighed with relief before looking at Hye Su. “T-thanks noona. I owe you one... again.”

“No problem, Dongwoon.” Hye Su sighed heavily before reaching into Dongwoon’s bag and pulling out an ipad tablet. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

Dongwoon simply nodded before looking at Hye Su. “Something wrong, noona?”

Hye Su shook her head before looking down.

“Hye Su?”

“It’s my sister. She’s really been upset lately.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, this weekend, the two of us are celebrating our birthdays at the park. Mine is the 5th and hers is the 9th so we’re celebrating together on the 7th.”

“That make sense. So what’s the problem?”

“ She’s turning 17. This was supposed to be a big deal for her and she invited her entire class. My party’s in the morning, and her’s is in the afternoon and evening. Anyway, she invited this one guy,who’s supposed to be, like, the best singer at her school, and he was gonna perform for her, but he cancelled due to something throat.”

“Strep throat. I think you mean strep throat.” Dongwoon corrected.

“Yeah. That thingy. Anyway. My sister’s been all sad ever since, saying the performance would’ve made the party. I wanna help her but I don’t know what the do.”

Dongwoon repacked all of his things into his oversized backpack before zipping it up. “I got an idea.” He smiled. “What if Beast performed?”


“Well maybe not Beast, but just as good. Me and my other friends can perform a few of Beast’s songs for your party.”

“Really! My sister loves Beast! You’d really do that for me?”

“After you saved me from that spider? Of course!” He slung his bag over his shoulder before smiling at the small, short haired girl. “Just get your sister to write down her 4 favorite Beast songs and we’ll take care of the rest.”

“But what if you don’t know them.”

“Trust me. We’ll know them.” Dongwoon smiled before escorting Hye Su out of the room.




Eunkwang sighed heavily, entering Cube’s conference room. He was called for a routine meeting of all the Cube Leaders and managers and he couldn’t help but feel a bit tired. He woke up earlier than he had planned to drive Sungjae to his new favorite cafe. He had to remember to ask the boy why he had to be there so early, but that’d have to wait until after the meeting.

Eunkwang was last to arrive as he noticed all of the cube managers sitting on one end of the large table and Jihyun, Hyuna, G.NA and an unfamiliar face on the other side. Eunkwang sat between the newcomer and an empty chair, usually reserved for Doojoon. He yawned grabbing a complimentary water bottle and leaned back in his chair.

“Alright, now that everyone’s here,” CEO Hong began. “Let’s get down to business. First, I’d like to introduce you all to Roh Jihoon. He will be debuting in a couple days.”

The others clapped for the newcomer and Eunkwang placed a hand on Jihoon’s shoulder. “Way to go, man. Congrats.”

“This means, BtoB will no longer be the Cube rookies.” CEO Hong continued. Eunkwang smiled at this announcement. Finally, his group would get out of the awkward newbie status.

“Welcome to Cube,” Jihyun extended a hand from across the table.

Jihoon promptly accepted. “Please take care of me, Noona.”

“Noona?” Jihyun questioned. “How do you know I’m older than you. I’m 22.”

“So am I?” Jihoon responded.

Great. He’s older than me. I’m 21...for a couple more weeks. Eunkwang thought.


“I was born in July 12, 1990.” Jihoon smiled

“Hmm. I guess I am older,” Jinhyun smiled.

“Welcome, Oppa,” Hyuna smiled.

“Welcome to Cube.” G.NA also greeted.

Jihoon shook G.Na’s and Hyuna’s hand along with Eunkwang.

“We’re supporting you, Hyung. Hwaiting.” Eunkwang cheered for the new cube artist as CEO Hong smiled at his signed artists.

“Alright all, now for a slightly more, unpleasant topic of discussion.” He sighed heavily, and Eunkwang noticed Beast’s manager, hang his head. “We’re dropping Beast from the label.”

“What!!” Jihyun stood in protest. “You can’t do that!”

“Beast’ll come back!” Hyuna picked up from where her leader left off. “Just be patient.”

“Hyuna! Jihyun! Settle,” 4Minute manager Hong Jin Taek commented. “We know how you feel but CEO Hong is right. The Beast boys obviously don’t care about their career or fans or else they would’ve made some effort to make contact with us.”

“What if they can’t,” Hyuna whined. “Beast cares about their fans. I should know, I worked with Hyunseung.”

“I agree with Hyuna,” G.NA spoke up. “In all the time I’ve talked with Beast, they’ve never shown any signs of abandonment. I think we should give them one more chance to return.”

“If you drop Beast from the label, then I quit!” Hyuna protested.

“Fine then,” CEO Hong spoke out, obviously frustrated with the Cube artists. “What do you suggest we do to get them back.”

Hyuna sat back in her chair to think when Eunkwang came up with an idea. “Why not send out a message to them through the television. If the Beast members, wherever they are, have tv, they can at least see that we miss them and maybe they, or someone near them, can see that we miss ‘em.”

“That’s a great idea, Oppa!” Hyuna cheered.

“Why not, instead of just a viral message,” Jihyun interjected. “We organize a tribute show. Each of our groups can perform one of Beast’s songs, exciting not only Beast’s fans, but our fans as well. With all the hype from the show, the Beast boys would have to see it and come back.”

CEO Hong rubbed his temples, seeing his idols were intent on making this happen. “I know you’re set on this but I don’t know if we can get a station to air something like tha-”

“Actually,” Beast’s manager, Joonkun finally spoke up. “I’m sure I can pull some strings with Mnet. But for something like this, we’ll need a lot more artists than just BtoB and 4Minute.”

“I can ask VIXX!” Eunkwang interjected.

“And if it’s for Hyunseung, Bigbang’ll probably help,” Hyuna smiled

“The MBLAQies will probably be interested as well.” G.NA continued. “And we can definitely convince Kara, since Hara’s in love with Junhyung.”  

“Fine. Fine.” CEO Hong continued. Call everyone up. But if this fails, Beast will be dropped from the label, got it?”

“Got it!” Jihyun, Hyuna, G.NA and Eunkwang all spoke in unison.

“I’ll call up Mnet,” Joonkun stood, pulling out his cellphone. “You guys try and get as many artists as you can on board and get to me with your line up in, 3 days. Let’s plan on this show within a couple of weeks giving you time to learn Beast’s songs and choreography.”

“Yes sir,” Eunkwang bowed exiting the room. I better tell the others. I’ll need all the help I can get.



The BtoB boys were hanging out in the Cube lounge, listening to music and playing games. Ilhoon and Hyunsik had taken the main tv to play Xbox, while Changsub, Minhyuk, Peniel and Sungjae sat around playing poker.

“Come on, guys,” Minhyuk joked. “Let’s make this more interesting. What do you say, strip poker?”

“I’m in,” Changsub raised his hand.

“Hell no!” Sungjae protested. “What if one of the other groups came in. Like 4minute or Apink.”

“I agree with Sungjae.” Hyunsik spoke up from across the room. “Besides. No one wants to see that.”

Minhyuk pouted as Hyunsik bested Ilhoon in their game. “Yes! I smoked you!~ I smoked you!~”

Ilhoon’s eye twitched, looking down at the Xbox. “Guys. How much do you think one of these co-”

“Don’t finish that thought!” Peniel yelled out.

“But I-”

“Trust me. I know what you’re thinking.” Peniel looked at his cards before glancing down at his watch. Oh crap. Peniel leaned over to Sungjae who immediately shielded his cards from Peniel’s eyes. “Sungjae,” he whispered. “ I gotta go pick up the boys from school.”

“Aww.~ But I’m about to win this hand. Can’t they wait?”

“Last time I made them wait for me to pick them up and I wasn’t busy, Junhyung filled a nearby indoor public pool with instant gelatin dessert and when they got home, Kikwang trained Saja and mewl in my ear all night whenever I’d spend the night.”

Sungjae giggled before setting down his cards. “Alright Hyung, I’ll cover you.” Sungjae stood up attracting the attention of the other members. “Watermelon! I need to break watermelon!!”

“What?” Minhyuk queried

“I really, really, REALLY wanna break watermelon! RIGHT NOW!!”

“Sungjae! Watermelon season is over.” Changsub responded.

“But...but...” Sungjae spoke, eyes nearly in tears.

“It’s ok, Jae.” Peniel spoke with a smile, standing from his chair. “I’ll get it. I think I saw a place a couple of blocks away that still has decent watermelon you can break with you head.

“Yay!~” Sungjae cheered.

Hyunsik pulled Peniel aside. “You’re encouraging this? Are you crazy?”

“C’mon. It’s funny.” Peniel pulled out of Hyunsik’s grasp as he looked around at the others. “I’ll be back as soon as I find the watermelon. Catch you later.”

Peniel ran out of the room as Eunkwang entered. He was too busy searching his contact list to notice the foreigner making a beeline toward the front door.

“Hey, Eunkwangie,” Minhyuk spoke up, noticing their focused leader. “♪Why so serious?♪”

Eunhyuk looked up at Minhyuk before laughing at the boy’s quote. “Oh yeah. I’m just...” He sighed before explaining his situation to the five boys in the room. “CEO Hong is threatening to shut down Beast’s contract.”

“WHAT?!” Sungjae yelled.

“It’s ok. The girls of 4Minute, G.NA and I convinced him to give them another shot to come back. Jihyun, Gina, Hyuna and I are gonna organize a Beast tribute broadcast to try and get them to return. With Manager Joonkun’s help, we’re gonna broadcast the show over Mnet. But to get this to work, we need to get as many artists as we can on board.”

“Right!” Hyunsik raised his voice. “I’ll call my dad and see if he can get me some contact numbers.”

“I’ll call my sister too.” Ilhoon pulled out his phone.

Sungjae nervously laid his head on the table. What do I tell Peniel and the boys?




A couple of days passed and the Beast members were hard at work, perfecting their performance for Hye Su’s birthday party. It was early in the morning and Peniel had taken the boys to a hair salon to get their hair dyed. Sungjae was with them but hadn’t been very enthusiastic for the past two days. When asked what was wrong, he’d just shake his head, giving a fake smile and saying he was hungry, or something of that nature. He didn’t want to worry them by telling them about the tribute show. At least not yet.

“What do you think, samchon?” Yoseob asked, standing in front of Sungjae with a wide smile on his face. “Black or brown.”

“Huh?” Sungjae questioned, looking at the boy.

“Do I dye my hair black or brown.”

“Oh. Um. I’m not sure. I think you looked really good as a blonde.”

“Oh no. I’m not putting myself through that torture again anytime soon. Especially as a kid! I’ll wait til I’m grown up before I bleach my hair again.”

Sungjae giggled at the little boy before nodding. “Then try a light brown. It suits you.”

Yoseob nodded and walks off as Peniel looked at his dongsaeng. “What’s up with you lately?” Peniel asked.

“What do you mean, Hyung.” Sungjae retorted, feigning innocence.

“I mean, you’ve been in such an uninspired mood lately. What’s on your mind?”

Sungjae sighed, looking up as then hairdressers started working with each of the boys. “Hyung.. I have something I need to tell you. And you’re not going to like it.”





A/N: WOW!!  50 subscribers (almost) 

Nyo's on cloud nine! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 

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3 in a row!! WAY TO GO AegyoB2st !! In bowling,  that's a Turkey!


Songs for Chapter 15:

Mastermind- Beast


One song (Or quote) in chapter 16. See you all next week! 




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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^