Chapter 13: Hide and Seek

Child's Play


Peniel arrived at Beast’s dorm, bright and early. It was only about 9:30 am and he had already picked up breakfast for the children. He was slightly tired from waking up several hours earlier so he’d be able to sneak out without confronting Sungjae. Besides, he promised the boys an entire day together.

Peniel sat down his bag of food and opened the door with his key. He typed on the orm’s keypad, to make sure the alarm would not go off, before grabbing his food and setting it on the dining room table. “Boys! I’m here! Breakfast!” He began to unpack the large containers of food but stopped when he heard no noise coming from the dorm. “Boys?”  

He walked into the hallway, leaving behind the food. Are they still sleeping? He quietly opened the bedroom door and peaked his head inside. “Boys breakfast.” He opened the door wider, noticing that all six beds were empty. “Guy’s where are you!” He walked over to the bathroom pressing his ear against the door for sounds of them. Not in the shower. He ran into the living room and out onto the balcony. Not here either? He walked back into the living room. “Guys! Where are you? This isn’t funny! I’m not your manager so come on out!”

There was no sound within the dorm, aside from Peniel’s yelling. The caretaker was starting become worried. Please tell me they didn’t go out without telling me. Or worse, what if they were caught? Peniel ruffled his hair in frustration and grabbed the keys to the Beast van as  he ran towards the front door. He was about to make a beeline for the parking lot when he was stopped in his tracks by a purple-haired rapper, standing just outside the door. “Junhyung?”

The boy simply smirked before reaching up and pushing his Appa to the ground. “Tag. You’re it!” He lept over Peniel and ran into the apartment.

“What the hell, Junhyung!” Peniel stood up before chasing the boy. As he was about to enter the bedroom hallway, he was stopped dead in his tracks by a familiar voice.

“What’s-a-matter, Appa? Never play Hide-n-seek before?” Hyunseung’s voice seemed to echo from nowhere.

“Hyunseung! Where are you, and what do you mean, Hide-n-seek?”

“Calm down, Appa. It’s a game.” Yoseob giggled. His voice, like Hyunseung’s, origin was undeterminable.


“But this isn’t your ordinary game of hide-n-seek.” Kikwang echoed like the other two. “This is Beast’s hide-n-seek.”

“The objective of our game is to find all of us before lunchtime.” Doojoon continued from where Kikwang left off. “Simple right?”

“Wrong.” Junhyung spoke from an undetermined origin. “We’ve y trapped several incorrect hiding places, just to make the game a bit more interesting.”

“That’s not funny!” Peniel yelled out. “Where are you hiding! I don’t wanna play your game.”

“You don’t have to play, Appa.” Dongwoon echoed. “But I suggest you do.”

“If you don’t find us, your band members will.” Doojoon continued.
“W-What do you mean?”
The television flipped on, and video played. Peniel’s eyes widened as he watched the screen.


Six children stood on the screen, each with a smile on their face, wearing a black hoodie “So Beast! Annyeonghaseyo, Beast imnida!” The boys on the screen all spoke in unison.

“That’s right.” Doojoon spoke. “We are the members of Beast.”

“Hard to believe, I know.” Kikwang chuckled.

“But we can prove it.” Yoseob giggled and pulled Dongwoon forward.

Dongwoon smiled at the camera and took a deep breath. “♪Ni-ga bogo shipeojimyeon ♪”

“♪So go-od bye, go-od bye♪”

“♪Ni-ga deo keuriwojimyeon♪” Dongwoon sang his part on screen with Yoseob harmonizing. The other 4 provided smooth background vocals to provide to the accapella.

“♪Ni-ga bogo shipeojyeodo♪” Now was, Yoseob’s time to shine with Dongwoon and the others backing him. “♪Ni-ga deo saenggannado. Naneun gwaehn-chanha naneun gwaehn-chanha. naneun gwaehn-chanha. Ni-ga haengbokhadamyeon nan♪”

The boys applauded and the screen cut away to the six of them in the living room, dancing to their debut song, Bad Girl. Afterwards the screen returned to the boys in the bedroom, smiling and giggling.

“Still don’t believe us,” Kikwang asked. “This should clear it up.” He whispered a joke to Doojoon and Hyunseung. Within an instant the two eldest started cracking up. Hyunseung displayed his unique, high-pitched laugh and Doojoon started hitting Dongwoon hard on the back. Kikwang then walked back to the camera. “That should clear up any misconceptions.”

“So, how did we get this way?” Junhyung stood in front of the camera now. “ A certain friend of yours wished for this.”

“You’re band member, Shin Dong Geun, also known as Peniel-” Kikwang continued.

“Or as we call him, Appa.” Yoseob giggled.

“-turned us into children.” Kikwang finished.

“ Since then, he’s been hiding us in our dorm, under the guise of normal gradeschool children.” Doojoon spoke up.

“But why take our, word for it?” Yoseob smiled. “Just ask him?”

The six boys waved to the camera, all with mischievous smiles on their faces.

The video cut off and Peniel clenched his fist. “How could you do this to me!”

“We didn’t,” Kikwang spoke from the unknown origin. “At least not yet.”

“Find us by noon, or we’ll email this to the other members of BtoB.” Junhyung finished.

“...little sadists.” Peniel muttered under his breath.

“Have fun,” they all said in unison and the room went silent again.


Peniel stood around, trying to think. He figured he’d look for Junhyung first. He saw the little rapper run into the hallway so he knew the child couldn’t be in the living room, dining room, balcony or kitchen. He cautiously walked around the hallway, looking for clues of the boys whereabouts. The caretaker opened the door to the hall closet and a bucket of cold water dumped onto his head.

“Bucket of water. Cute. Original.” He reached into the closet grabbing a towel and rubbing it on his head. He tossed it aside, realizing it was laced with itching powder. He scratched his head furiously as he hopped around the hallway and eventually stumbled into the bathroom door, pushing it opened.. He looked up and heard a quiet giggling from the shower.  

Hmm. Peniel stood to his feet, still scratching his head. He quietly approached the shower and in one swift motion he yanked back the curtain. “Gotha.”

Instantly the shower , spraying Peniel in the face. “And now I’m wet again.” He reached over to the wall and pulled a small, wireless speaker from the tiled surface. He sighed, realizing how the boys were trolling him. Seeing as he couldn’t trust any towels in the dorm, Peniel violently shook his head, like a dog, to try and shake off the water from his hair. He pushed aside his soaked locks and wiped the water from his eyes. As he took a look at himself in the mirror, he stayed silent for a moment and heard a slight humming, from beneath the sink. He reached under and opened a cabinet. “Found you, Yoseob.”

Yoseob sat in the small cabinet, with a headset microphone over his head and an iPad in his hand. He pouted as he looked up at Peniel. “Aww. Why was I the first one found.” He crawled out of the cabinet and dusted himself off.

“Where are the others?”

“If  told you, it wouldn’t be much of a game, now would it?” He skipped off toward the living room, leaving Peniel to continue his search.



He decided to try the boys’ Wardrobe room next. Peniel always felt awkward when he entering the room. Even though some of the spaces were messy, none compared to his back at the BtoB dorm, with the exception of Kikwang. He surveyed the room noticing it was slightly messier than normal with a pile of clothes stacked between Hyunseung’s and Junhyung’s cabinets. Peniel decided to individually search each cabinet. He started with Hyunseung’s, knowing it’d be the least messy. As soon as he opened the cabinet he discovered two large speakers and a subwoofer standing in the confined space. I don’t like where this is going.

♪Nananana Nananana♪

Peniel slammed the door shut before the music could blast out his eardrums.

♪Wow Fantastic Baby♪

Peniel sighed with relief, as the music system turned off. He moved on to the next cabinet, Junhyung’s. He opened it to find nothing out of the ordinary. When he closed it and pulled his hand off the handle, he noticed the handle had been covered in white paint. “Really. Really!”  He moved on to the next wardrobe, Yoseob’s. He opened it and hundreds of balloons flew out to the ceiling. Left inside the wardrobe were Yoseob’s clothes and a clapping symbol monkey. He rolled his eyes and walked across the room to Dongwoon’s wardrobe. He stood aside and opened the door from an angle. When he was sure nothing was going to jump out and attack him, he smoothly looked inside the cabinet.

Peniel stared at the maknae’s cabinet for several minutes. He saw a huge assortment of bearbricks. Hundreds of them were stacked on shelves and hung from the walls. There were big ones, small ones, cheap ones and expensive one. The faceless ones gave Peniel a creepy feeling. He remembered buying one or two of these for the young maknae but this was ridiculous. He closed the boy’s wardrobe and vowed never to go in it again.

He walked passed Kikwang’s wardrobe, already knowing it was impossible for anyone to hide in there, and turned to Doojoon’s cabinet. Noises came from inside it. He took a breath and opened the door where he found a cute, stray cat. He tilted his head and smiled. “Aww, did those evil trolls put you in here?” He picked up the cat and petted it. The cat jumped up and scratched Peniel’s face, and Peniel couldn’t help but panic. As he stumbled back in pain, he collided with the side of Kikwang’s wardrobe. Hundred of items, burst through the doors of the cabinet including, clothes, shoes, toys and two or three nintendo wiis.

Peniel rubbed the spot where the cat scratched him as the creature took off into the living room. He looked back at the mess that had fallen all over the floor. “I’m not even gonna ask.”


Peniel returned to the living room after treating his scratches. He glanced at the vocalist, sitting on the couch, watching tv. The small cat was laying next to the boy as Yoseob gently scratched it’s back.

“What time is it,” Peniel tiredly asked the child.

Yoseob took a bite of the food Peniel brought earlier, then held up all 10 of his fingers. He swallowed and then replied, “10:15! Better hurry, Appa. Five more beasts to find.” He giggled and went back to eating while watching tv, with the cat.

Peniel walked to the kitchen. He felt he should put the rest of the food in the refrigerator before continuing the search for the boys. He packed everything into the paper bag  and placed the food on the bottom shelf of the ice box, next to Junhyung’s coke. He paused for a moment when he heard a faint noise from the cabinet under the sink. He opened the cabinet and several confetti poppers shot out at him. “ He groaned before hearing giggling from the living room. He glanced at the cat as well, hearing a different laughter, other than Yoseob. Is that cat laughing at me too? No.

Peniel looked around realizing the second stream of laughter was coming from the kitchen. He snapped open the cabinets above the sink to find a giggling blonde six-year-old.
“Found you, Dongwoon... How’d you get up here?!”

Dongwoon smiled, taking off his headset mic. “ My little secret.” He then jumped down onto the counter, holding his laptop. He climbed off the counter and ran over to sit next to Yoseob and the cat. “Hi there, Saja.”

It has a name? Peniel rolled his eyes and walked into the living room. He noticed how neither Dongwoon nor Yoseob had their feet on the ground but rather on the couch itself or coffee table in front of them. He remembered that when he was first in the living room, the tv had flipped on and off on it’s own. He figured the boys were talking to him through speakers and microphones, but the tv did not have an automatic timer. Someone must've been controlling it. He smirked and walked behind the couch, as the boys continued to watch tv and eat. With a swift kick to the underside of the couch, he felt his foot make contact and a loud groan.

Doojoon rolled out from under to the front of the couch, holding his stomach. Dongwoon and Yoseob looked down at the leader and tried to hold back their giggles.

“Found you, Doojoon.”

Doojoon groaned once more and climbed up on the couch next to Dongwoon. He took the maknae’s food and went to watching the tv.

“Hyung!” Dongwoon walked back to the kitchen to grab more food from the refrigerator.

Peniel looked at the three boys he found as well as the small white and brown cat. He began to understand their game. To catch a troll, you have to think like a troll.



Peniel ran back into the wardrobe room and waded through the junk from Kikwang’s cabinet, until he found exactly what he was looking for. He picked it up and ran back to the living room. He smiled and the three boys gave him an awkward look as he stood behind the couch. Peniel just smiled and held up a nintendo wii. “Hey guys. How much do you think one of these costs?”

Doojoon smirked and before anyone could answer, Peniel walked out onto the balcony. “Let’s see how far this thing can fly. “ Peniel positioned his arm as though he was about the throw the gaming console as hard as he could.

“APPA NO!” Reacting just the way Peniel expected, Kikwang emerged from his hiding place, under a cardboard box in the corner of the balcony.

The young dancer grabbed onto Peniel’s arm and the caretaker lowered it, dropping the system into Kikwang’s hands. “Found you, Kikwang.”

Kikwang hung his head, realizing he had been tricked but immediately recovered seeing he was able to keep his gaming system. As Peniel re-entered the dorm, Kikwang followed before tripping and falling to the ground, smashing yet another wii. He sat up with his eyes wide and his mouth open. A tear fell from his eye as he looked to the sky. “Is this some kind of cruel joke!”

Peniel leaned against the wall taking a moment to think. He had been able to locate 4 of the boys but Hyunseung and Junhyung were eluding him, somehow. He glanced at the dancer, returning to the couch with the broken wii in his hands and suddenly, it hit him, and he rushed off the to wardrobe room once more. He glanced around the room until he layed eyes on the large pile of dirty clothes laying against Junhyung cabinet.

Peniel smirked as he approached the clothes and took out his phone, scrolling through his music library. After a few moments he reached a song and began to play it at full volume.

Neon neomu yeppeoseo gaman nwadul su eobseo. Nae gyeoteman isseojwo You're ma girl~ Say I love you baby. I love you baby wanna girl

Peniel waited for only a few moments and by the time the chorus to the song played, the pile of clothes began to move. Within seconds, Hyunseung emerged, dancing along to the music. Peniel smirked pulling the boy’s headset mic off of his ears.  “Found you, Hyunseung.”

Hyunseung sighed, realizing he had been tricked and pushed his bangs out of his eyes. “How’d you know I was in this room.”

“Easy.” Peniel helped Hyunseung past Kikwang’s mess and back to the living room. “I just remembered your wardrobe. You had to be nearby to control the music that played from it. After all, if it played while the cabinet doors were closed, it’d have destroyed the entire wardrobe.”

Hyunseung smirked. “Wow. Fantastic Baby.”

Peniel stood in the living room looking over the five boys he found. All that was left was Junhyung. He smiled and walked over to the kitchen. “ Looks like I won.”

“But, Appa,” Yoseob whined. “ You never found Junhyung!”

Peniel raised his eyebrow. “Didn’t I?” Peniel reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a red can. He popped the top of the soda and instantly saw a purple haired boy emerge from the hallway.

“Peniel Shin! Don’t you dare touch my coke!”

The other five boys simultaneously face palmed as Peniel sat down the beverage and pointed for Junhyung to sit on the couch. “Game over!”

“Ok Appa, you beat us fair and square.” Doojoon spoke on behalf of the other members. “No hard feelings right?”

Peniel’s mood instantly turned sour. “ OF COURSE THERE ARE HARD FEELINGS!” The caretaker snapped. “How could you even think about telling my members! You promised! And for what?! A stupid game! How the hell could you be so cruel!”

The six boys looked at each other and instantly broke into laughter.

“Y-You actually believed us?!” Yoseob yelled between laughter.

“He’s more gullible than Kikwang.” Junhyung chuckled.

“W-What?” Peniel stood confused.

“Appa. We were kidding. That video was a fake. We were never gonna tell.” Dongwoon giggled. “Even if you didn’t play hide and seek with us.”

“We were just teasing you, Appa.” Hyunseung spoke as he tried to keep his sides from splitting.


“C’mon, Pen.” Doojoon cut the caretaker off. “Do you really think we’d tell. After all this time we’ve spent together. We’re not like that. We’d never try to get you in trouble like that.” He smiled as the rest of the members calmed down. “Peniel. We like hanging out with you like this. We may tease you a bit, but it’s all in good fun. We promise we’re not going to tell, ok?”

Peniel smiled and looked at the group. Even though at first, he felt a little betrayed, he knew he could trust the Beast boys. They were his seniors, his children, and perhaps, even his friends.


The rest of the day was spent just as Peniel had planned. He took the boys to the park to ride bikes take a boat ride on the pond. They ate some of their favorite foods for dinner and played video games at the local arcade. The day went by fast and it wasn’t long before Peniel was tucking the boys in for the night.

He tucked in Hyunseung and placed a can of coke next to Junhyung’s bed. He pet the cat sleeping on the end of Dongwoon’s bed before covering the maknae, and the leader next to him, with their favorite blankets. Be brushed Yoseob’s hair out of his eyes and gave Kikwang a large bear to hug, before covering the second graders with their blankets as well. As he quietly exited the bedroom, he sat on the couch of the living room and pulled out his little blue book.

Journal Entry 126 October 25, 2012

Today was fun. The Beast boys trolled me, as always, but at the same time made me realize just how important our relationship has become. I really enjoy our time together... but as I sit here in their living room, reflecting on the day I had, I can’t help but wonder... do they even want to change back, now?


A/N: Wow! Fantastic Baby! 


I am sooo happy with the results of last week's chapter. The comments were AWESOME!!! And I reached 40 subscribers! OMO, I didn't think I'd reah 40 so fast! I soo grateful!!! I love you all keep commenting




Good job again, Seoblove On getting your 6th honorable mention and regaining the lead! 


Songs for Chapter 12: 

Lover Boy- BtoB


Also BONUS Honorable Mention to b2strockzfor noticing the lyrics to Beast's 'Bad Girl.' Even though this was not an official game song, I'm kinda happy you were able to pick them out. 


Three songs for chapter 13. Good luck and please keep commenting! I love you all!! 


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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^