Chapter 12: Ghosts

Child's Play


“♪ Naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla nan neobagge, naneun molla ibyeol ddawin molla molla

“♪Naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla ibyeol ape, baboga dwae ddo ireoke oh wae oh wae♪”

The crowd roared and the seven boys took a bow before exiting the stage. Hyunsik walked over and placed an arm around Peniel’s shoulders. “Nice set, Peniel. You’re almost to the point where I don’t have to watch over you anymore.”

“Thanks Hyung, but if you didn’t watch over me and help me out, it’d feel too weird.”

Hyunsik chuckled, scanning his dongsaeng from head to toe. “Query. You seem more tired than usual. Just what were you doing last night?”

Searching the darkest alleys of Seoul for a gypsy I’m starting to believe I dreamed up? “I took another walk and got lost...again.”

Hyunsik narrowed his eyes, then burst into laughter. “Seriously? Doesn’t that iphone of yours have some sort of GPS?”

Peniel mentally face-palmed himself. Why didn’t I think of that? He looked at his hyung before surveying all of his other band members. It was still mid afternoon so he knew they’d all want to go out to eat or to Cube to hang out and play table tennis. It was a Saturday so he didn’t have to pick up the boys from school. He had time to kill before bringing them dinner.

Sungjae glanced over at Hyunsik and Peniel. He narrowed his eyes at the foreigner, thoughts still on the party from just days before. No one else may have noticed, but Sungjae was well aware of Peniel’s erratic behavior, regarding the children in black hoodies who crashed the party. He was sure his hyung knew who they were, why they were there, and their connection to his nightly outings and Beast’s disappearance.

“You’re awfully quiet today, Sungjae?” The leader spoke from behind the puzzled maknae.

“Oh, yeah Hyung. I just have a bit on my mind.”

“Care to share?”

Sungjae furrowed his eyebrows as the group reached their dressing room. He sat on the couch away from Hyunsik and Peniel and crossed his arms, Eunkwang sitting next to him. “I’m trying to unravel a mystery. One laced with possible deception.”

Eunkwang looked at the focused maknae before following his gaze toward the dancer and foreigner. “You’re still trying to figure out what’s up with Peniel?”

Sungjae nodded and Eunkwang left out a heavy sigh. “Look, I know you're worried about him. And the fact that our Cube seniors have disappeared doesn’t help the situation at all. But I think Peniel is dealing with something we can’t help him with. Perhaps something bigger than all of us. In which case, he’ll have to tell us all on his own. Give him some privacy.”

Sungjae heaved a heavy sigh before turning to the leader. “But what if... his actions and Beast’s disappearance are related! Shouldn’t we confront him on that?!”

Eunkwang though for a second. “I don’t think they’re directly connected. But I do think Donggeun’s stressed. Perhaps his worry over the Beast boys is pushing him to act so bizarre or maybe he does know something. But if he refuses to tell us, then maybe we’re not supposed to know. It’s best to leave him alone and let him figure this out on his own.”

Sungjae wasn’t buying that. He was sure that Peniel was involved with Beast’s disappearance and he wasn’t gonna rest until he knew the truth. Tonight, I get my answers.


The moment the boys returned to their dorm, Peniel immediately ran to the bedroom. They decided to have dinner at home, rather going out to a restaurant. Peniel sighed, listening to the other members cook. He wanted to stay and help but it was more important to get dinner to his “children.”

As he packed his iPad into his blue backpack, he sat down on Minhyuk’s bed and began to write in his journal.




Journal Entry 125 October 24, 2012


Another successful performance and BtoB’s becoming more popular than ever. It seems like we’re getting more ‘melodies’ by the day. However, I’m a bit worried for Beast. After the party last weekend, word finally got out to the fans about their disappearance. I snuck into a few chatrooms on the matter, using a false ID. The b2uties are really upset. And the Beast members are even more downtraughtened. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can get them back to-



“Hello Hyung.”

Peniel jumped dropping his favorite pen under his Hyung’s bed. “Oh Sungjae. You startled me. What’s up?” Peniel closed his journal and got down on his knees, searching for his favorite blue pen.

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Sungjae walked over to Peniel, sitting on Minhyuk’s bed. “Hyung. I have questions and I need you to answer me truthfully.”

Peniel stopped his search and glanced up at the maknae. “What kind of questions?”

“Where’s Beast?”

Peniel was taken aback by the tall boy’s question. He stood to his feet, slipping his journal into his bag and not making eye-contact with his dongsaeng. “I-I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me, Dong geun!”

Peniel was shocked by Sungjae’s sudden outburst. “What makes you think I’m lying?”

“You’ve spent everyday at Beast’s dorm since they vanished. You’ve gotten better at performing and you always seem to react strangely whenever someone mentions their disappearance.”

“Sungjae. I told you. I’m just a little worried about them. I really need to talk to them but they never come back. I guess you can call me a house-sitter until the return.” Peniel laughed awkwardly before slinging his backpack over his shoulders and stepping toward the door.

“Who were those children?”

Peniel froze in his tracks. “ Children?”

“At the party. Everyone else might’ve been too drunk to remember, but I counted about 5 or six hooded children, wandering the club.”

“W-what makes you think I’d know?”

“You rushed one off the dancefloor.”

Peniel swallowed before turning to his dongsaeng and cracking a fake smile. “W-well. They’re my cousins. Or rather my cousin and his friends. They managed to sneak in last night and-”

“Your cousins live in Seattle! Your mother too. You lied about her illness to get out of coming to Busan a few weeks ago. There’s something here that prevented you from going to Busan with us. Theres something at the Beast dorm that has to do with your weird behavior and their disappearance. No more games, Hyung. Tell me!”

Peniel sighed heavily. He was trapped. He could tell Sungjae was mad but at the same time, he could sense worry in the maknae’s voice. He could see fear in the boy’s eyes and he could tell that Sungjae wanted to be trusted. Peniel sighed and surrendered. “Sungjae... I’m sorry... but Beast’s disappearance is all my fault.”


“The truth is...” He hesitated for a minute thinking of the boy’s reaction. If he knew what Peniel did to their seniors, would he be able to take it? Would he be mad at Peniel? Would Peniel have to leave BtoB? He looked up into his dongsaeng’s eyes before returning his gaze to the floor. He decided that he’d have no choice. Even if this meant the end of his career, it was time he told the truth. “Sungjae...I-”

The door swung open and Hyunsik entered the room. “Sungjae!”

“Eh? Hyung!”

Hyunsik pulled the maknae up by his wrist. “Sungjae! How many times have I told you, when you make a mess in the bathroom, clean it up.”

“But Hyung! I did-” Hyunsik pulled Sungjae out of the room, moving farther away from Peniel. As he took a glance at the foreigner, his head began to spin. He just saved his hyung from revealing his secret. A secret that he himself wanted to know. Peniel. You better me tell the truth soon. Until then, I’ll protect you.





The Beast dorm was as lively as ever. Rain was heavily pouring outside so all the boys had taken to indoor activities. While Hyunseung had taken to practicing his dance moves, Doojoon and Yoseob were searching themselves on the internet. Junhyung and Kikwang were playing a game on Kikwang’s new nintendo wii, he had managed to buy with his saved funds.

Yoseob laid his head on the table, glancing up at the laptop screen. “Hyung. Why are we looking at this? I don’t want to see all this stuff about our disappearance.”

“It’s fine, Yoseob. We’re just gonna assure the fans that we’re alright.”

“We can’t do that. What if the managers find out and discovered us before we get back to normal?”

“What is normal, anymore?” Junhyung interjected before dropping his controller as Kikwang stood up to celebrate.


Junhyung simply looked at the screen flashing the name of Kikwang’s game character, before glancing up at the celebrating dancer. “Kikwang. How much did that wii cost?”

“Um. I guess it was-” Before The boy could finish his answer, the frustrated rapper ripped the system from the wall and tv and threw it to the ground, before vigorously stomping on it. Kikwang was left, mouth agate, as Junhyung walked over to Doojoon and Yoseob.

“Hyung? Isn’t this dishonest?” Yoseob whined to the leader

“Who’s gonna know. Besides. It’s to reassure the fans.”

Yoseob nodded and went to the screen. He created a password and typed in one of his many email addresses. “All we need now is a user name... I’m sure all our usual stuff’d be taken.”

Doojoon thought for  a moment. “How about YangYoyo?”

“Taken.” The vocalist replied.





Doojoon crossed his arms in frustration.

“Try DJYangYoDragJang10.” The rapper spoke up and Yoseob typed.

He gave the rapper a thumbs up earning him a glare from the leader. “A little wordy, don’t you think?”

Junhyung rolled his eyes and leaned over the vocalist’s shoulder as he scrolled through a list of chat rooms on the subject of the ‘Beast’s disappearance.’ He eventually found one with only 4 members and decided to enter. The three boys read through the heated conversation to find that all the members, excluding one, were b2uties. Yoseob took his time before introducing himself into the conversation.


AfterSchool01181 says...


Well maybe the boys are just tired, right? Maybe they just wanted a break?

PearRanchoJunseung says...


It’s been nearly two months.

AfterSchool01181 says...


TWO MONTHS! Why are we just finding out now?!

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...


Calm down afterschool, the executives of cube probably didn’t want to worry us until they were sure the Beasties were really gone.

-DJYangYoDragJang10 has entered-

PearRanchoJunseung says...


Hi you’re name is long



Yoseob simply giggled at this comment causing the young rapper to sigh and roll his eyes.


DJYangYoDragJang10 says...



Nice to meet you all.

Afterschool01181 says...


So, you’ve heard of the members of Beast going missing.

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...



UraniumTitan says...


You guys are making a big deal about it. Beast probably just got tired of their fans and decided to abandon you all.

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


THAT’S NOT TRUE!! WE’D NEVER.... They’d never abandon you!

PearRanchoJunseung says...


DJ’s right! Beast would never abandon us.

UraniumTitan says...


How can you be sure? Do you know what really happened to them?

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


No! But I know Beast. They love their fans and wouldn’t abandon them! Something happened to them, and they’ll come back as soon as it’s resolved.

UraniumTitan says...


DJ, you’re too much of an optimist. So naive

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...


DJ? What do you think happened to the Beast members?


Yoseob sat back and thought for a second. He could lie or tell the truth and no one would believe him. As he leaned back in his chair, Kikwang walked over and pushed the visual aside to type on the laptop

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


Space Pirates!


“Kikwang!!” Yoseob, Doojoon and Junhyung all chimed in unison.

“What! You weren’t answering.” The dancer sat in front of the screen, scrolling through the whole conversation. “Hey. Why didn’t you include my name in the User ID! It could’ve easily been DJAJYangYoDragJang10!”

Junhyung hit the dancer in the back of the head. “That would’ve been way too wordy.” He pushed Kikwang aside and sat at the keyboard.

“But you included Hyunseung! And he’s not even paying attention!”

Junhyung  ignored the whining dancer and simply went to reading the replies.

PearRanchoJunseung says...


Lol! That’s so random

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...


O.o ... You really think so?

UraniumTitan says...


DJ! You’re such an idiot. What are you, 8?


“Yes.” Yoseob giggled as the rapper typed a reply.

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


Look, Titan. Maybe I know what happened to Beast. Maybe I don’t. But what I am sure of is that the Beast boys would NOT abandon their fans. If something is keeping them away, I’m sure they’re doing whatever they can to come back. Even if it takes years, they will return. I promise.

PearRanchoJunseung says...


Here! Here! I’m with DJYangYoDragJang10.

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...



Afterschool01181 says...


But I hope they’re ok

UraniumTitan says...



xX_Dongseob_Xx says..


What’s your problem, Titan!

UraniumTitan says...


I just don't believe that Beast could disappear without someone knowing. I still think they left on purpose

PearRanchoJunseung says...


Then why don’t you leave on purpose.

-UraniumTitan has left the chat-

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...



Doojoon pulled Junhyung up and out of the chair as he sat down in front of the laptop, a look of concern on his face.

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


B2utys. May I ask you all a question? And I want you to be completely honest.

Afterschool01181 says...


Sure DJ, Shoot.

xX_Dongseob_Xx says...


Go for it.

PearRachoJunseung says...



Doojoon sighed heavily before beginning to type.

DJYangYoDragJang10 says...


If Beast couldn’t come back for a long time, and I mean a really long time, would you forget about them?


The other three members were surprised by Doojoon’s question. They knew it’d be hard to answer but they couldn’t help but be curious as well. They didn’t know when they could get the spell on them reversed. For all they knew, they could be stuck this way. They’d have to grow up all over again. It could be years before they return to their normal adult ages. Would their fans forget about them? Would they even be welcomed back? They anxiously awaited the reply, even though it was just from 3 fans.


xX_Dongseob_Xx says...



Of course we wouldn’t forget about them! Beast is the Best! I’ll wait for them forever.

Afterschool01181 says...


What a silly question. I’m a forever B2uty. They could be gone for hundreds of years and I’ll still be singing their songs. Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl.


The boys were pleased with these responses. Yoseob and Kikwang were both internally celebrating, where Doojoon and Junhyung let out a sigh of relief.

PearRanchoJunseung says...


Beast’ll be back soon. And I’ll be waiting for them. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ran off so Junhyung and Hyunseung could get married, kekekeke. Junseung, Hwaiting!!XD


Junhyung’s eye twitched, reading the latest response. The other boys burst into laughter, attracting the attention of the 4D Dancer across the room. He pulled out his headphones, walking over to the giggling group.

“What are you looking at?”

The boys took one look at Hyunseung before bursting into a stronger fit of laughter, Doojoon violently slapping Kikwang on the shoulder. The doe-eyed boy looked at the group with a confused expression and Junhyung typed a quick ‘thank you’ before shutting the laptop.

“What’s that about?” The redhead asked as Junhyung rolled his eyes.

“Don’t. Ask.”


As the giggling boys started to calm down, a certain blonde entered the living room, rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, sorry Dongwoon.” Yoseob chuckled. “Did we wake you?”

Dongwoon shook his head before walking over to the couch. “Is Appa here yet? I’m hungry.”

Hyunseung shook his head and looked out the window. “Could be a while. It’s coming down pretty hard now.”

Dongwoon sighed and walked over to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and the cabinets. “All we really have is soda and popcorn. And a couple of Kikwang’s protein shakes.”

“Popcorn, eh?” Junhyung smirked as he walked over to the tv and grabbed the remote. “Then let’s watch a movie.”

“Oh boy! A movie!” Kikwang hopped onto the couch. “What kind of movie?”

Junhyung looked back at Kikwang, a mischievous smirk on his face. “A horror movie.”

Kikwang froze and Yoseob sat down on the couch.

“Come on, Junhyung,” Doojoon responded walking to the kitchen. “You know how Kiki and Hyunseung don’t like that kind of stuff.”

“No. It’ll be fun. In fact. Let’s make a game out of it.”

“A game?” Yoseob queried.

“Last person to scream chooses how we mess with Peniel, tomorrow.”

A sly smirk appeared on all the boys’ faces. They knew their “Appa” had a day off and promised to spend the whole day with them. They had anticipated trolling the caretaker while they could, and maybe getting a few treats along the way, but each of them had a different thought in their head about how to go about it.

“Fine. I’m in.” Doojoon remarked.

“No fair!” Kikwang whined. “You and Doojoon are the only ones who don’t get scared by these things.”

“It’ll be fair play.” He scrolled through the ‘on-demand’ window of the television. “Neither Doojoon nor I have seen this one before. It’s been subbed in korean and it’s supposed to be a real thriller.”

Yoseob jumped when Junhyung stopped on the film titled, ‘Paranormal Activity.’ “Um, if we scream, can we leave?”

“Sure. Why not.”

Dongwoon walked into the room with a large bowl of popcorn and Doojoon followed with six cans of soda and a protein shake. He tossed two cans of coke to Junhyung before handing out the rest. Hyunseung got up to shut off the dorm lights and as soon as everyone had settled down on the couch, Junhyung started the movie.


As the opening credits came up, Kikwang was already a nervous wreck. He held his soda can in a death grip while Dongwoon sat next to him, shoving several kernels of popcorn into his mouth. The rest of the boys remained calm as they stared at the tv screen.

“AHHHH!!!” Kikwang screamed at the sound of keys dropping in the film. The other members simply looked at the frightened dancer, trying their hardest to stifle their laughter.

“You couldn’t even make it through the first night,” Yoseob chuckled. Kikwang blushed sinking down into the couch. He lost his chance to choose the next day’s activity but he didn’t want to look like a wimp in front of his hyungs and dongsaeng. He decided to stay and finish the movie.

Several more minutes of footage went by and Hyunseung found himself losing focus. Just before the thirteenth night was shown on the screen, the 4-D prince drifted off into dreamland. Yoseob and Dongwoon, on the other hand, were becoming more and more anxious.

Dongwoon found himself shoveling more and more popcorn into his mouth. He watched the screen, unblinkingly, as the female lead was awoken by movement in the hallway. More and more popcorn went into the boy's mouth and he tried to keep himself from screaming out. The moment a demonic screech was heard on the screen, Dongwoon screamed out, gripping onto the scared dancer next to him. Kikwang was also screaming as Dongwoon buried his head into his hyung’s chest.

Junhyung smirked at the frightened maknaes and Doojoon couldn’t help but chuckle, taking the popcorn bowl away from his dongsaeng. Yoseob on the other hand, barely heard the two boys. He was holding onto a pillow, staring at the film. He was scared by the film as well, but was able to suppress his screams by biting onto the pillow.

Yoseob managed to make it through the next few minutes of the film but he could feel his heart racing as he stared at the screen. He pulled his knees up to his chest and Doojoon took notice of the vocalist’s fear. He got up from his spot on the couch and walked to the kitchen. After grabbing a cold soda from the fridge, he quietly crept up behind Yoseob. With a touch, still cold from the soda can, he placed his finger on the back of Yoseob’s neck.

“AHHHH!!” The vocalist screamed nearly falling off the couch. “DOOJOON!! That’s not fair.”

The leader simply laughed as he hopped back over the couch and sat in his original seat next to Junhyung. “Hey. There’s no rules against sabotage.”  

Yoseob glared and Doojoon couldn’t stop smiling, returning his gaze to the screen. Junhyung sat up on the armrest next to Doojoon, snatching the red can out of his hand.

“Hey! That’s mine.”

“Shh. Movie.” He sipped down the cold beverage before turning to Doojoon. “Wouldn’t want you wasting coke when you start screaming.”

The leader simply glared at the young rapper. We’ll see who screams first.

The movie progressed and the two boys were becoming slightly paranoid but neither were showing signs of weakness. Doojoon tried various scare tactics but Junhyung was unaffected. Junhyung tried placing his cold can of coke on Doojoon neck, and the leader had to bite down hard on his lip just to keep from screaming. The rainstorm outside quickly became a thunderstorm and the paranoid screams of the 3 youngest weren’t helping to calm the boys nerves.

The was fast approaching and both Doojoon and Junhyung were on edge. As the lead character’s screams echoed through the dorm, the front door swung open and lightning flashed outside. All five boys screamed in unison, and Peniel flipped on the light.

“What are you doing?”

The boys calmed down before looking up at the two oldest, hugging each other in fear. The three youngest couldn’t help but snicker as the two boys pushed each other off. They looked at each other before yelling in unison, “You screamed first! I won!”

“No! I did!” Doojoon argued.

“Are you kidding! You screamed way before I did!”

“Doesn’t matter,” Kikwang smirked. “You both screamed so you both lost.”

“What!” Junhyung responded.“I won, Kikwang! I was the last to scream!”

“Nah ah! I think you’re forgetting someone.” The dancer ushered over the 4D red-head who was slowly awakening from his nap.

“Hyunseung!!” The two boys chimed in unison.

“That’s not fair! He fell asleep.” Doojoon argued.

“No rules.” Yoseob replied, wide smile on his face.

Junhyung and Doojoon both sighed. The younger boys had them. They had to acknowledge the winner of the challenge, Jang Hyunseung.


Peniel served each of the boys their dinner and they ate quietly, glancing up at the caretaker.

“So Hyunseung,” Kikwang whispered. “How do we get him tomorrow?”

Hyunseung looked at Peniel, while putting a piece of beef into his mouth. A sly smirk appeared on the dancer’s face as he swallowed. “ You’ll know soon enough.”




A/N: OMO. This chapter turned out long. Anyway. If Beast disappeared for a long time, would you still remember them?




Congrats to b2utifulyoebo on guessing the Normal songs for chapter 11 and earning you 5th honorable mention. I'm a little sad that no one even attempted the bold songs. Come on guys! I give hints!!


Songs for Chapter 11: 


Mr Simple- Super Junior
Lollipop 2- Bigbang


Beautiful Night- Beast


Living without You- Yong Junhyung

My Way- Usher




Yes Cubies!  I'm hyperlinking the songs now!! Listen to each chapter's songs. I'll be linking all the other chapters as well. Yey!! 


One song for this chapter. First to guess it gets the mention! Be sure to comment and subscribe.

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Thank you!
This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^