
I fell in love...with five guys



"Let's go to the spa hurry dear!"a woman's voice said

"Coming umma"a little girl said

"Have fun my two beautiful ladies" a man's voice said before he walked off.

The woman and child walked off to the spa together. They were laughing and playing together on their short little walk. As they entered the spa door the lady who workd their started to speak.

"I'm sorry miss children under 10 may not enter" the employee said

"Oh is that so then"The woman asked and looked at her child.

"Don't worry umma I'll play with appa or at the pool you can stay at the spa"The little girl beamedShe walked off and waved at her mother "Have fun!" she said and walked out.

"Thank You Byul-ah make sure you find appa first okay!"The woman shouted and enjoyed her spa day.

"Appa where are you!" The little cried out but heard no answer. She saw a pool and decided to play in it. She ran torwards the pool until 


"Umma Appa !!!" The little girl cried "Where are you"

Suddenly everything came toppling down in front of thee girl. The ship tilted and she fell into the water. She saw the ship on fire, things falling, people falling off the boat, you heard screams, and shrieks you saw the ship starting to sink. The child was always a great swimmer she began lessons while she was three and became top in her swimming class at five, but she never sawm in an ocean before. 

"Help Me somebody please!!!" she cried but started to go underwater until a boy grabbed her and swam her to shore.

"Are you okay?" The little boy asked nicely

She nodded your head but started to cry.

"Aww don't cry" He said

She looked up at him and realized he was no more than six years old.

"Why are you crying?" He softly asked

"My umma and appa were on the ship" You sniffled before starting to cry

"Oh my aunt and uncle were in their too" He said  "What's your name" He asked faking a smile

She stayed quiet for a few minutes  "Kang Byul" she softly spoke

He looked at Byul. She stared back at him. He continued to look at her pretty eyes. 

"What's wrong?"She asked

The little boy suddenly kissed her and ran off. She only looked at him and touched her lips but then ran after him.

"Hey get back here!!" Byul laughed. She stooped and looked around.

"BOO!" He shouted 

"EEK" She screamed

"Hehe your funny" He said and  gave her a back hug. They sat down and he sang Byul a song. That left them both quiet

" I never got your name now that I think of it" Byul said softly breaking the silence

"Hehe I'm gonna be your boyfriend Lee Tae--------


RRIIIINNNNNGGGGG your alarm clocked shrieked. You sat up on your bed thinking about your nightmare dream thing. 'Why did I have dream? Wait tthe girl's name was......Kang Byul......that's my name was that....me......no it must be coincidence wait but then why would I have that dream.. it can't be me my parents died in a car accident that's what grannie and grandpa said' you were confused. 

"Aiiish molla" You cursd and did your morning routine then realizing you had school today. "Ugghh" you groaned again but realized school doesn't start till another half hour. You ran downstairs and saw everyone at the table eating breakfast. You sat down and started eating breakfast.

"Good Morning Deary ready for school" Your grandma asked.

You nodded unconsciencley but you couldn't forget about that dream so you decded to ask.

"Um grandma how did you say umma and appa died again?" You asked. Then everyone turned their heads torwards you.

"In a car accident Why are you asking" She asked

"Uh because I think..."You started but stopped

"Because..." Your grandma started again

"Because I think they died in shipwreck" You said and looked up. Grandpa spit some water and everyone else froze shocked at what you said. The rest of your family knows the real cause but never told you.

"What are you talking about Byul" Baek Ho said trying to act like he knew nothing

"I Had this dream yesterday and it had a girl with my eyes named Kang Byul and there was a shipwreck and her parents died from it and there was also this boy their too" You said

"I knew you were going to find out sometime" Your grandpa sighed

"Wh-What are you t-talking about?" You stuttered

"That dream of yours it's correct that's really how you parents died" He said quietly

You were stunned and looked at everyone. They all had their head down.

"Is that really true" You asked softly

"Yeah it is really true" Youngji said

"Why didn't you---

"We didn't want to tell you because the doctor says a branch or something hit your head and you lost your memory of that whole shipwreck and it could hurt you to remember that so we made up and an excuse" Baek Ho said

"Please don't be mad at us unnie" Youngji said

"I'm not mad at you guys I mean I'm glad I finally knew the real truth" You smiled

'Oh thank goodness" Your grandma said

"But wait I still have one more question"You said

"what's that hon?" grandpa said 

"Who was the boy?" You asked

"Boy?" Grandpa asked

"Yeah he saved me from drowning after the shipwreck and cheered me up afterwards his aunt and uncle also died and he.." You stopped talking because you didn't want to tell him he stole your first kiss.

"and he?"grandpa asked

"uhmm I forget" You lied

"That's okay but I'm not sure I guess he's your lifesaver because when the helicopters found only you and a....boy"Your grandpa said "do you have a name?" He asked again

"Only half it's like Lee Tae then my alarm rang for school"You said

"OH MY GOD SCHOOL WE"RE GONNA BE LATE!" Youngji shouted and everyone got up and ran to the cars.


You, Youngji and Baek Ho  entered the school gates and saw NU'EST coming torwards you.

"Heyy byul and younji" Aron said

"Heyy Aron oppa" You and Yougji said together

"Youngji-ah did you get your schedule yet?" jr asked

"Oh Yeah here it is" Youngji said and took out her schedule. Soon all of them took out their schedule and compared them.

"Great I have five classes with Youngji"You sighed

"You say that like it's a bad thing" youngji said

"It is" you laughed

"Hey!"She punched you in the arm "Oh look I have class with with all the oppas except Aron" Youngji said.

"Oh great that means I have class with five of you too" You sighed again

"Hey!" Everyone shouted

"Wait then I have classes with no one" Aron pouted

"Cause your old hyung" Minhyun coldly stated and everyone started laughing.

"Good One hyung"Ren Said laughing

"Yah! you guys are so dead" Aron shouted.

"Well me and Byul are leaving you guys" Youngji said and started walking away linking arms with you.

"Byul-ah!!" Someone called

You turned back but didn't see anyone so you shrugged and continued to walk with youngji.

"Yah Byul-ah!"Someone shouted again

This time you turned around and saw Key.

"Oh hey oppa" You waved 

"Oppa?"Youngji asked

"I'll introduce you come on"You dragged her and went to Key.

"Oh Hey Byul-ie" Jonghyun said

Someone back hugged you "I didn't know you went here" Minho said. Jonghyun glared at him ' I should've done that grr' Jonghyun thought.

"I didn't know you went here either" You said and looked at everyone

"Who's your friend" Key asked

"Oh this is my little sister Youngji" You said

"Hi" Youngi waved and smiled

"Well I'm Key I think we met before but you fell asleep" Key said Youngji blushed from embaressment.

"I'm Minho" He cooly said

"I'm Jonghyun" He beamed

"Where's that Onew?" Minho asked

"Onew oppa goes here too?"You asked

"Yup wait you met him already?" Minho asked

"Yeah we met----

"Let me guess at his Dad's chicken place and he spilled food all over you?"Jonghyun said

"Uhh how'd you know that?" You asked

"That's how I met him" Key stated "He's so clumsy we call it the Onew condition be careful not to catch it" He said again

"Wait where's Taemin"Jonghyun asked again

'Taemin?!?! The one from my dream? No it can't be what's the likelyhood of that grandpa said he might have survived' You thought

"You okay?" Youngji asked

"Hm yeah I'm-----

"Byul-ahhh" Onew shouted and hugged you

"Oh heyy" You said but saw another boy talking to Key

"Who is she?"Onew asked looking at Youngji

"I'm Youngji Byul's little sister" She said

"Oh HII" Onew beamed

"Yah! Lee Taemin get over here" Onew said and the guy walked over to Onew. He looked at you but stopped at your eyes. 'Her eyes are like Byul's eyes but there's no way that can be her right? Well find you my first love again' taemin thought and stared at your eyes again.

"Hi I'm Kang Byul" You took out your hand for him to shake

"I'm Lee T-T-Taemin" He stutterd and shook your hand 'Kang Byul is that really you...it has to be right I mean there eyes are the same and there hand feels the same and the voice...' taemin stared at you again 'and that smile....it is you I found you again....my love'

"Oppas do we have any classes together?"You asked

"Oh let's checked"Jonghyun said in a sing songy tone

"Taemin-sshi let's see your schedule too" You beamed

"Oh you can call me oppa I mean you know my hyungs pretty well right?" Taemin said

"Okay then"You beamed 'Lee Taemin can that really be you I mean the voice sonds the same just a little lower, you have the same eyes, but can he sing too.....I wonder if I will ever see my ''boyfriend' ever again' you thought and lookedd at Taemin and smiled

"Hey look we have every class together Byul-ah....wait I can call you that right?"Taemin asked

"Well I can call you oppa right? so why not" You beamed 

"I have science with you byul-ah" key said

"I Have music" Jonghyun and Onew said

"I have gym with you Byul-ah" Minho said

"Oh I have math with you too!"Onew said and mehronged everyone

"Well I have every class with her" Taemin mehronged at his hyungs who just glared at him.

"Wanna switch schedules?"Jonghyun said

"In your dreams" Taemin stated

"That means I have classes with you guys too!!" Youngji beamed 

"Yaaayyy" everyone shouted.

RING RING RING the bell rung 

"Let's go Byul-ie" Taemin dragged youwith him

"Let's go!" Byul said

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I'm sorry for asking this late but is there any chance someone can make a poster? I mean I don't need one but it would be nice :)


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Chapter 18: wuhu update I love it =)
Chapter 15: haha I can´t wait to see what will happen once they see how awesome she is
Chapter 14: omo this update was sooo great. I really loved it and I hope you will update more soon.
Chapter 9: I love your story! Please update soon ^^