Start of the competition

I fell in love...with five guys

"Lalalala"I started humming "Nanana" I'm bored let's see can't be with BigBang cause they're at photo shoot, I wonder hwere the other oppa's are. I walked around the back and saw them playing basketball. I'm not in the mood to play basketball though I kept walking around. "Rararara hum di dooo I'm so bored ladida" Then I remembered the instrument room here!! I ran torwards a random hallway.... Huh where was that room again...........poo now I have to go find it. But it didnt take long the door was labeled INSTRUMENTS. i went into the room and looked around. I saw drums and drumsticks and tthat means theres gonna be a lot of banging hehehehe. I started to randomly hit things but soon got the hang of it and played a beat.....that lasted for about ten minutes until I got bored again. I ran over to the piano and started playing canon in d. "Hmmm such a pretty song" Then I thought about the music project at school. "I guess I'll work on that" I started playing random chords and notes until they fit together.

"Oooooh you resemble everything to an angel...could it be possible that you came from heaven to save me....cause you're pretty much all I need to life" I paused at moments to think of some more lyrics...ummmmmm

"Cause I can't seem to do anything without yooouuu........and my knees they get all wobboly then mmy heart sems to beat beat beat three times faster......and when you're around me I feel like I can fly across the world I feel like ssoar through anything and anywhere......I feel like I can do anything I feel ten times better than I ever have ever have......buut I don't know what this feeling is I don't know what to call it.....buut it only happens when you're around meee........I feel my heart go thump thump thump everytime I think of you or anytime you talk to this the feeling people call this the feeling people feels so great yet painful....but if its true then I guess I love you" I sang and started writing down

~~~~~~~~JONGHYUN'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Uhhh this way to the kitchen I wait this way wait didn't Youngji say this hallway no wait it could be this hallway.....GRRAAAAHHH I just want water. "Oooooh you resemble everything to an angel...." was that "could it be possible you came from heaven to save me..." Byul.....she's singing. I immediately started search for the room she was in.....not thiss hall. I kept running. "Cause I can't seem to do anything without yooouuu..." Wait i backtracked it's definitely this hall but which door. I think she paused cause there was no singing but I heard piano....can she play piano? I followed the sound of the piano and found her by herself in a room filled with intruments. Jeez this place has everything sports to music what else a chef's kitchen..... I kept staring at her. She looks so pretty in every single way her soft looking hair, to her beautiful flawless face, to her delicate hands, even to the way she sits. I kept staring at moving everytime she sings....GRAAHH why don't I have the guts to just ask her it because of the other guys, or her brother, or grandparents, or parents....who I never met now that I think of it she's never talked about them or she has and I forgot...but that's unlikely I don't forget anything Byul says. I stared at her fingers moving delicately across the piano. Okay I have the guts to talk to her right now..I have the guts..I have guts..okay here goes nothing.

"H-hey B-Byul-ah" I stuttered nervously. She stopped everything and turned around to face me with a shocked face.

"U-um Hey Jong-oppa! Uh just wondering how long have you been standing there" She asked nervously

"Don't worry not long I got lost looking for the kitchen and somehow ended up here"

"Oh okay the kitchen is down this allway near the end" She said

"Okay but I think I'm gonna stay here with my Byul-ieeee" I came and gave her a hug

"EEEck stop you smell hehehe" She teased

"Awww now you smell to" I poked her cheek

"bleh" She frowned and ran over to the drums

"Where you going?"

"Catch me if you can" She said sitting on the drums twirling the drumsticks in her hands

"Fine then" I stood up and ran over to the drumset "I'm almost here" I caught up to her until she bang on one of the toms super hard and loudly and I stumbled back.

"Mehrong" She sticked her tongue and started playing a beat that sounded complicated.

I froze on the floor watching her play the drums with a complicated beat. Even I can't play the drums but then again I don't have to cause I play the amazing Jonghyun voice. But still I stared at her. Until something hit my head.

"OW what the....."

"Yo hyung you just gonna ditch us like that" Minho shouted at me.

Great here comes the embarassing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BYUL'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Byul-ieeeee" Taemin shouted and wrapped hiis arms around me.

"Heyy Tae-oppa"

"Where were you I couldn't find you"He whined

"Well you found me didn't you so I think you can let go"

"Oops sorry bout that"He rubbed his neck

"not a prob" I smiled and started playing anotherr beat for fun. Then Taemin started to randomly dance.....but it was like amazing. "Omo oppa you dance really well" I said and stopped playing.

"You think?" He smirkked


"Then play me a beat so I can amaze you with my superior dancing skills" He said.

"Okay then" I started playing a fast beat.

"HEY BYUL-AH" Baekho shouted. But I kept playing a fast beat


"Stop being such an over achiever"He said with a straight face

"what? Jealous much?" I said making the drum beat faster. I glanced at Taemin who was still dancing without a drop of sweat.

"Yeah I am kinda jealous" He said

"Then dance like Tae-oppa" I beamed and watched Taemin as he swiftly danced.

"over achievers......HEY WAIT JR can dance too" He said excitedly

"Psch not like Tae-oppa can"

"I bet I CAN" JR scoffed. "Wait Baekho how can your LITTLE sister do anything and you can't"

"H-h-h-ow can you say that?!" Baekho asked

"I mean can't about the truth?"JR simply replied. I looked over to Baekho who looks angry and embarassed....this is too funny.....

"Well theres a r-reason you see" Baekho said

"And what's that?"I asked

"Uhh cause I'm the oldest I have athletic skills and Youngji is the youngest so she is musical and you're the middle kid so you have both skills" He said somewhat confident

"Wait she has athletic skills too" Key, Jonghyun, Onew, Taemin, JR, Minhyun, Aron, and Ren all asked

"Hooo yeah she has some maadd skills" Minho said with a smile

"Ohh yeah she has this perfect shot thing in baketball it's like she never misses" Baekho said

"T-t-that's imp-possible" JR stuttered

"Well I missed once when  I was eight I think" I said

"Tcsh liar" JR said

"No no no she just doesn't misses" Baekho and Minho said at the same time

"What else can you do?"Ren suddenly asked

"Did you know she can sing super well" Jonghyun said

"Oh yeah that's true"Taemin and Onew said

Yeah right" JR scoffed. Jeez what's his problem always telling me off......idiot.

"You know now that you mention it I have never heard her sing before even though we live in the same house" Baekho said

"Unnie has this voice that sounds like an angel jeez Baekho oppa you should pay attention to your sisters more often" Youngji said

"W-w-well~~~~" He lost his words

"Yeah oppa you don't even know what to say" I poker faced him

"Fine but let's here you sing then" He said

"Psch no" I said I really don't feel like singing in front's nerve-wrecking......

"Did you know Minhyun oppa can sing really well too" Youngji beamed

"Really" I looked at him

"Yeah I never heard you sing either" Baekho, Ren, JR, and Aron said 

"Gee thanks youngji..."He muttered

"Sing for us oppa" I beamed

"Fine I'll sing if you sing" He said

"I'll sing if you sing" I said back

"Then I guess no one is singing" Minhyun smirked

"Then sing duet"Key blurted

"Yeah a duet sounds good" Onew beamed

"HEy onew oppa I've never heard you sing.....and you're in our music class!" I smiled

"Haha uhh did you know that Jonghyun can sing really well" Onew pointed at Jonghyun

"W-w-well Taemin can sing really well too" Jonghyun pointed at Taemin

"Key sings too!!" He pointed at Key

"Minho raps" Key pointed to him

"Well Key wraps too" Minho said

"Wow i was not expecting that......"I said

"Then how bout we do a competition or something" Youngji said

"That sounds good" Everyone agreed

"But we need team names" I said

"Oh we called ourselves SHINee in our old school" Onew said

"Okay SHINee and....."

"NU'EST is our name" JR said

"Okay but we take Byul" Minho said

"But she's my sister I think we should have her" Baek ho said

"Yeah but Youngji is also your sister" Taemin said

"We'll take Youngji...Baekho said Youngji has more musical talent then Byul" JR said

"Ooh can we do athletics too?" Minho said

"Yeah! We can see if Byul truly never misses a shot" JR siad and glanced at me

"But then should'nt Byul be on our team" Aron asked

"No remember Baekho oppa is the oldest and he has the athletic skills of the family" I said

"Yeah we don't need Byul-ie" Baekho said nervously.

"Wait what does the loser do?"I asked

"Buy everyone dinner" Ren said "So I hope you have money cause we're gonna win" He said

"Yup. Theres the cruel Ren I know" I nodded

"mihh I'm not cruel...." He pouted

"Yeah you are" NU'EST said

"Whatever best of luck to both teams" I said "Let's get it started!"

"Alright!"Everyone cheered

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I'm sorry for asking this late but is there any chance someone can make a poster? I mean I don't need one but it would be nice :)


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Chapter 18: wuhu update I love it =)
Chapter 15: haha I can´t wait to see what will happen once they see how awesome she is
Chapter 14: omo this update was sooo great. I really loved it and I hope you will update more soon.
Chapter 9: I love your story! Please update soon ^^