
I fell in love...with five guys


"YAH!!!! WAKE UP ALREADY!!!" you heard Baek Ho yell at you

"SHUT UP! IT's SATURDAY!!" you shouted back at him

It was quiet for a while so you decided to go back to sleep. Then you heard Baek Ho bang on the door.

"UGGGHHHHH I'm up I'm up jeezz" you said

You got out of bed,did your morning routine, and went down to get breakfast. You saw your grandparents cleaning up the table.

"Good morning" you said tiredly

"Good Morning? More like good afternoon"Grandpa said as he gave you a look

"You already missed breakfast and lunch. So as a punishment go outside and run three miles"He said calmly

"B-B-But---"you started to say but was cut off by your grandma

"Your brother and sister already ran so" She said

"......fine...." You said as you got up 


You ran for a mile then got bored and started walking. Suddenly you heard a voice singing it was one of the most beautiful voices you have ever heard. Unconsciously you started following the voice. You were walking and suddenly bumped into someone and fell. You looked up seeing a the who was singing.  He looked so much more handsomer than you thought..

"YAH!!! Can you hear me?are you deaf?" He started shouting

You snapped out of your daze while he was yelling.

"Oh I'm so---" you started sayng but was interrupted

"Blah blah your gonna say your sorry and blah blah! Well I don't want your stupid apology and watch where you're going next time!!!" He yelled again

'Jeez what's his problem. He's the one that bumped into me' You thought

"YAH Why are you yelling at me maybe you should watch where your going next time!!!!" You shouted back

He suddenly started laughing 

'Why the hell is he laughing' you thought

"hahahaha you should've seen your face hahaha I'm Jonghyun by the way" he said as he wiped a tear

"....whatever..." You said and started to jog away 

"WAIT!!" he said and grabbed your wrist

"You never told me your name"he said

"Why do you care?" You asked

"umm well you see umm" He had no idea how to answer your question

"hahahaha" you bursted out laughing

"You should have seen your face hahaha my name is Byul" You beamed

".....never talk about this again..." He muttered loud enough so you can hear him

Jonghyun took out a pen and grabbed your hand so he can write his number on it. As he finished he saw Byul staring at him with a 'WTF' look.

"What the hell are you doing?!?!?!" you questioned

"Writing my number down" He said in a matter-of-fact-tone.

"On my hand?" You asked again raising your eyebrow

"Well DUH I don't see a phone on you so YEAH on your hand" He said again

You took your phone out and waved it in his face. Just as you were about to put it back Jonghyun grabbed it and started to run away.

"HEY COME BACK HERE!!!!" You shouted chasing after him

"Catch me if you can" He said as he smirked and stuck his tongue out

You being one of the fasted runners at school simply smirked and chased after him. You saw him sitting on a bench playing with your phone.

'AISH this guy' you thought and started cursing

"YAH"You called him.

He simply just stared at you and gave you your phone back.

"Here now you have my number and I have yours" He said cooly and walked off

You stared at him walking off and just shrugged. You smiled at the thought of you having a hot guys number and jogged off.


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I'm sorry for asking this late but is there any chance someone can make a poster? I mean I don't need one but it would be nice :)


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Chapter 18: wuhu update I love it =)
Chapter 15: haha I can´t wait to see what will happen once they see how awesome she is
Chapter 14: omo this update was sooo great. I really loved it and I hope you will update more soon.
Chapter 9: I love your story! Please update soon ^^