
I fell in love...with five guys


RRRRIIIINNGGGG your alarm clock went off.

"Arrrggghhhhh" You groaned and stood up. You did the regular morning routine and got dressed because you had to follow Baek Ho oppa to tae kwon do thingy. Honestly you didn't want to go it was too early in morning. 

"Morning lil'sista! Ready good lets okay? Okay!" He answered his own questions and dragged you out of your room and shoved you in his car.

"Yah!! OPPA why couldn't you take Youngji too and no I wasn't ready but it's  too late now isn't it" 

"Oh shush yes it is too late to get ready and I'm ALREADY LATE and Youngji had to go to an appointment remember?"

"Oh right I forgot oops hehehe""

You drove for about fifteen minutes talking about random things until you finally arrived.

"The manager's son is going to be there so please nothing stupid Byul-ah okay?" Baek ho said

"Fine fine whatever" you mumbled and walked into the dojo which looks really nice. 

"I'm gonna go change just find a seat kay sis" He said

"Okie Dokes" Yiu said and went to find a seat but ended up bumping someone wh was holding a cup of water.

"Oh My Gosh I'm so sor...wait Jonghyun?"You asked

"Byul-ie I see your still as clumsy as ever. He scoffed

"And you're still Mr.Arrogant"You mumbled

"Whatever what are you doin here anyways"He raised an eyebrow

"Oh my brot------"

"YO Jonghyun hyung you made it!" a guy said

"Yo wassup Minho!" Jonghyun said

"my dad owns the place DUH" He scoffed

"Shut up kid" Jonghyun said

"Who's your cute friend" Minho said as he looked torwards you. You blushed a little.

"Anny--" You were interupted again 'how many times will I be interupted today jeez'you thought

"This is Kang Byul"Jonghyun said

"Annyeong I'm Choi Minho the owner's son nice to meet you" He smiled and shook your hand.

"Nice to meet you" You gave him an angelic smile which made him blush.

"WOAH I never seen you blush before" Jonghyun blurted

"Shut up hyung" Minho said

"Yah Byul-ah where are you?" You heard Baek Ho say looking for you

"I'm coming! See you later Minho-sshi and Jong oppa" You hurredly said and ran off.

'Is that her boyfriend?"Jonghyun and Minho both thought. They saw you smiling at him and playfully hit him. They also him put an arm around you. Minho pouted at what he saw and Jonghyun saw him.

"Think that's her boufriend" Jonghyun asked

"It looks like it" Minho tried to replay sounding like he doesn't care but Jonghyun could hear a hint of sadness.

"Jealous" Jonghyun teased

"Ha! I just met her if anything you're the jealous one"He teased back

"So I am jealous" Jonghyun replied

"No way really you usually shrug and let go" Minho said in shock

"When Byul is around it feels like....there's a different aura and it feels...relaxing" He replied

"I know what you mean she already has that feel and I just met her"He replied

They continued watching you and Baek Ho.

"Yah! Oppa why are you still here shouldn't you be 'teaching'?" You asked Baek Ho

"Oh Yeah thanks for reminding me" He ruufled your hair and walked away

While Minho and Jonghyun were still watching you from afar. They made a plan to keep you as far away from each other. But they still didn't know you two were family.

"Yah Byul-ie thanks for ditching us" Jonghyun said a little angrily

"Well sorry for going to Baek  Ho oppa" You said and sat down while Jonghyun sat next to you.

Just then Baek Ho started walking your way because you were holding his bag with a water bottle. Jonghyun saw him walk this way and thought of an excuse.

"Err I think Minho wants to see us about something come on let's go"Jonghyun said grabbing your wrist

"Um okay then" you got up taking Baek Ho's bag with you.

"who's Byul with and where is she going and I want water'Baek ho thought

"Yo Minhoyou called us?" Jonghyun said winking indicating it was an excuse.

"Umm Oh yeah I wanted to ask which one I should where Black or White" Minho asked holding up two Tae kwon do robes.

"uhhh I think black would look better" You said. 

"Yah! Byul-ah why'd you run off when I needed water" Baek Ho said catching up to you

Minho and Jonghyun were staring at each other trying to find an excuse but was too late since Baek Ho already caught up.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo Minho-sshi" Baek Ho formally greeted and bowed

"oh yeah annyeong" Minho said kind of pissed

'What's his problem' Baek Ho thought

"Aren't you suppose to be teaching" Minho asked sounding really arrogant.

"Yeah but sunbaenim told me to wait" Baek Ho replied

"Then you should be standing by the dojo" Minho raised his voice a little

"Well I wanted to get some water" Baek ho raised his voice

"There's a vending machine over there" Minho pointed

"Why would I buy water when I have some and even if I didn't bring any then I still need money which is in my bag"He relied pointing at his bag which was in your hands.

"And why would she be holding your bag" Minho asked

"Because I asked her too" Baek Ho replied "Can you give me my water bottle" Baek Ho then asked you

"of course" You smiled and was abou to give him the bottle until....

"Don't give him the bottle Byul-ah why would you stay with this guy when he treats you like an " Minho scoffed

"Uhhh because i have to" You answered

"No you don't" Jonghyun said 

"Umm yeah I do" You told them "Here oppa" You smiled and gave Baek Ho the bottle

"Thanks Byul-iee" Baek ho smiled at you and ruffled your hair then glared at the others.

"Don't touch her"Jonghyun hissed

"Okay Enough" You finally said

"Enough what?" Minho rasied a brow

"Stop being so mean to Baek Ho oppa, I don't even know how or why this started you don't even knnow each other" You said as you looked at Jonghyun and Minho.

"And how long have you known the guy hmm or how do  you know Baek Ho?" Minho asked again raising his voice a little

"I've known him since Iwas born and he's------"

"I'm her BROTHER!"Baek ho interupted you "Why would you think I gave her my bag or how do you think she got here if she never even knew about the palce?" Baek Ho said while raising a brow.

"Well I actual-----" You were interupted again

"Wait you two are like brother--" Minho started

"And sister like family" Jonghyun finished

"Uhh DUUH what did you think we were boyfriend and girlfriend" Baek ho said and laughed while you joined him

Both Jonghyun and Minho scratched the back of their necks and sheepishly smiled

"Ha sorry about that thenn...."Minho awkwardly said

"It's fine bro" Baek Ho cooly said "Wait but who gave you the rights to be overprotective about my lil'sis and hwen did you geys get so  closse and who are you?"

Baek Ho said and pointed at Jonghyun.

"I'm Kim Jonghyun and I'm really sorry about that" 

"It's cool dude but how do you and Byul know each other exactly?" Baek Ho asked

"I ran into him while doing the daily jog..... which I forgot to do today" You said and groaned

"Well then get jogging lil'sis before grandma makes you jog ten miles" He told you

"Yeah yeah whatever I'll be back after a mile jog" You waved and ran off.

"Umm wait Byul do you mind if I get your number?" Minho asked

"Uh sure why not Minho-sshi I mean you know my brother so sure"  You said while putting youre number in his phone

"No need for formalities I think we're close enough and thanks again" Minho said and walked off while ran out for your jog.

"Ooooh someone has a crush on Byul-ie" Jonghyun said and smirked at Minho

"Maybe you know I feel like I can be myself around her and tell her everything and she'll understand it's hard to find a irl llike that you know" Minho said

"I know what you mean and one more thing" Jonghyun said


"Good luck getting her before I do" Jonghyun smirked

"No hyung you can't make Byul another one of your 'toys'"

Jonghyun gasped "How dare you think I would turn my Byul-ie into a toy I mean you saw how protective I was on her brother....which we proobably don't have a good impression on"

"Yeah you're right"

"I'm always right" Joghyun yelled at Minho

"Fine since we both like Byul it's war and by the way what school does she go to?" Minho asked

"I don't know and you're on!!!" 

"Good may the best man win" Minho smirked

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I'm sorry for asking this late but is there any chance someone can make a poster? I mean I don't need one but it would be nice :)


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Chapter 18: wuhu update I love it =)
Chapter 15: haha I can´t wait to see what will happen once they see how awesome she is
Chapter 14: omo this update was sooo great. I really loved it and I hope you will update more soon.
Chapter 9: I love your story! Please update soon ^^