Chapter 5

Be Mine

Donghae tapped his fingers impatiently and sighed.  Now what?

It’d been a long night and he was exhausted. So looking around the room once more, he noticed it was practically empty and started walking away.

A while earlier, Jessica had gone searching for him. He didn’t know why but she really seemed to have it out for him that particular night. She’d somehow managed to trick him into thinking Hyoyeon had had an accident and needed help. But when he’d noticed the devious smile on her face, amidst his freaking out, he’d felt like smacking himself.

She went on to say that actually, Hyoyeon was missing—and quickly added that he should go looking for her, much to his confusion. She could’ve easily gotten Eunhyuk, or even Sungmin who’d been right next to him, but she didn’t and that’s how he’d ended up in his current predicament.

-Searching for the ever missing Hyoyeon. Again.

And now he’d been wandering around trying to locate said choding for the past fifteen minutes without any success.

He frowned—that girl had an uncanny ability of being able to disappear right from under people’s noses..

He wondered if it was literally due to her small stature.

Whatever the reason, Donghae was tired of walking around in circles. He whirled around, intent on throwing in the towel and marching straight to Jessica to tell her he was not her maid!

He didn’t get far when something caught his eye. He squinted, “Oh my god..” There was a slumped over figure located on top of the couch he’d almost passed, “Hyo!”

Donghae darted over, gently shaking her in order to wake her but she wouldn’t budge. He checked her over—she didn’t look hurt.. yet her eyes were shut and her cheeks slightly reddened.

What happened..?

“Hyo? Hyo can you hear me?” his fingers removed stray strands of hair from her face and he felt his heart pace quicken when she still didn’t respond. The situation was quickly becoming alarming for Donghae and he tried not to panic while he fumbled with his phone.

Already dialing for help, he suddenly stopped and noticed something.

Her chest—it was slowly rising and falling without a care in the world.

His jaw dropped.


Was she asleep?!

He couldn’t believe it.. leave it to Hyoyeon to scare him like that!

He was usually very good at keeping his image intact, but apparently not so much lately, especially when it involved her. He took in her flushed face again—it’s like he was slowly beginning to experience an emotional rollercoaster with her—one he wasn’t all too thrilled of being on.

Sighing, he let his connect with the hard floor. Funny thing was, Hyoyeon was probably totally oblivious to any sort of emotional turmoil she ever put him through.

Although, what could he honestly do to stop it? He wasn’t even sure of that himself. Sitting there, staring at her sleeping form, he began wondering why he’d even been searching for her. He was going to find her and do what exactly?

Well now that he was there, he was stuck. The plan had been to apologize about his cowardly exit on last week’s rehearsal but he’s not even sure where he was going to go after that, because despite his revelation while watching her dance he was still skeptical his feelings were real.

In the back of his mind, he was secretly hoping them to prove nothing more than a passing whim. Just like all those other pretty girls—they come and go—he thought to himself.

But that’s where it got complicated… Kim Hyoyeon wasn’t just another girl.

He’d known her for years and had never, until now, experienced sweaty palms and absent-minded smiles when hearing her name. There was also a sense of longing and attraction more often than not, and he couldn’t deny he’d thought about what it’d be like to hold her small warm hand in his; he imagined it’d fit perfectly against his.

But at the same time, thinking about the possible and likely repercussions that would occur if he decided to pursue Hyoyeon left him with an unsettling notion in the pit of his stomach. If it ever got to that point.. things would not be easy in the least.

Anti-fans, paparazzi, the media—even loyal fans of both parties would become involved by voicing their opinions. And to top it off, Hyoyeon would probably receive the brunt of most harsh criticism.

He sighed, opting for leaving things be as they are for now. It was too early to be thinking so far ahead anyway, he thought, as he made himself comfortable on the wooden floor.

The night had turned out much differently than he had anticipated it would. He’d actually prepared himself for silence and awkwardness and maybe a cheesy confession on his part, but in a way he was glad it wouldn’t happen. He needed time to figure a few things out.

For now though, he was happy just watching her rest.

He looked over and couldn’t help the small smile on his face—she looked so peaceful.

“Kim Hyoyeon,” he mumbled to himself, “you’re a lot more trouble than you realize.”


Several minutes passed and Hyoyeon’s quiet, dark world began stirring to life as she slowly registered a voice.

A guy’s voice—drawn out and soothing.

She opened her eyes but immediately hated herself for it because of the glaring lights.

-Lights that her lethargic mind was randomly associating with things like spaceships and aliens. She snorted. She always found those movies ridiculous.


Nodding slightly, she tried picking herself off the seat but soon realized her arms felt like jelly. Donghae took notice of her struggling and helped her sit up, his eyebrow rising in slight amusement. Her hair was a piece of work, sloppily falling out of its earlier braid and sticking out in all sorts of directions.

“You must’ve been extremely tired to have knocked out on a random couch in the middle of nowhere,” he tried suppressing a chuckle.

She held onto her head, the bright lights were doing little to help her oncoming migraine. “…Donghae ..why are you in my room..?” she mumbled out.

This time he laughed, “You’re joking right?”

Her brows scrunched together in confusion and he stared at her curiously. So she wasn’t kidding.

“Hyoyeon, what time is it?” he asked.

“..I-I dunno…”

A sort of inkling was beginning to form in his mind as to what was really occurring. He cleared his throat, “Well.. it’s eight thirty and you’re running late for your morning schedule. Your manager sent me to come get you. You need to hurry, he’s been waiting for you for a long time.”

Seconds later, her eyes widened in response, “Ommo..!” She stood, full intent on running to her manager oppa in order to apologize but she didn’t get very far. As soon as she stood, her sleep deprived and now slightly hung-over brain made its displeasure known with a painful throbbing.

“Oww..” She slumped over holding her head.

Donghae caught hold of her before she could fall, suddenly worried, “Whoa, you ok?”

He sat her back down and then she heard his voice again. He was next to her now, “Hyoyeon, do you know where we’re at?”

She shook her head, finally opening her eyes to look at him. Not missing a beat, he shifted closer to her and sniffed. Realization dawned on him—he’d been right. He could definitely make out the faint scent of alcohol on her.

His eyes traveled to hers, “Hyo are you drunk?”

She’d been gaping at him and upon hearing his question, she stiffened.

“Are you?”

Emphatically shaking her head, she practically yelled, “I’m not allowed to drink!” But as soon as the words left her lips, Donghae moved his face closer to hers, their noses almost touching. He heard her breath hitch and she began turning redder at his closeness but didn’t move away.

Then just as suddenly as he had moved in, Donghae backed away, a smile on his face, “Yup, you’re drunk. The sober you would’ve hurt me for that.”

Her shoulders dropped, finally giving in, “Fine, I had a few drinks! Please don’t tell! Manager oppa will kill me, we’re not allowed to drink during the week!”

“Why were you drinking?”

Lightly scrunching up her nose, she attempted to recall the night and how she’d even ended up in the lounge by herself, “Hmm..”

Donghae laughed again, “Never mind, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

She turned her attention to him and began wagging her finger in his face suspiciously, “Donghae oppa, you’re lucky I’m not completely sober... I have a feeling that wasn’t meant to be a compliment.” Her words were spoken slowly but clearly—if Donghae didn’t know better, he’d still believe her to be sober.

Not that she seemed completely drunk, just tipsy.

“Hey Hyo?”

She squinted in his direction and he motioned towards her legs.

He couldn’t help but be amused as she cried out when she discovered her pantyhose were ripped, mumbling something along the lines of ‘when did this happen.’ But just as quickly as she noticed, she moved on. There were other things apparently catching her short-attention span.

She gazed around, marveling at their lavish surroundings as if it was the first time she’d seen them. Her hazel eyes landed on the fountain that served as the center-piece of the lounge and she her dry lips, “Water..”

“Whoa there. Where are you going?” Donghae grabbed her by the arms as she attempted to sneak away.

“But I’m thirsty..” she pouted.

“Sit,” he pulled her back onto the couch. She was in no condition to attempt walking around by herself and he knew that.

“But oppa…” she whined.

“Ugh you’re being unbearably cutesy right now… but I’m going to blame it on the alcohol.. I’ll go fetch some water for you. You stay put.” He put emphasis on the last three words hoping they would get through to her.

Hyoyeon on the other hand, stopped struggling once she heard his words. She was just pleased he’d offered to get her water. So flashing him a saucy grin and making an exaggerated saluting motion, she made to get comfortable on the cushion.

Donghae walked away shaking his head— she really was something.

When he came back with the water, he almost had a panic attack for the second time that night. Approaching the couch from behind, he hadn’t been able to spot the familiar brunette and thought he’d have to go off running after her again. But when he reached it, he found she had once again fallen asleep.

She was facing up in what appeared to be an uncomfortable position, arms and legs dangling off the seat.

His eyes softened in sympathy. He knew first-hand how it felt to be so sleep-deprived you could only function on automode.

Hyoyeon must’ve felt it today too. She must be beat, especially after her performance earlier that day. Solo activities especially—although great for their career—always seemed harder and more demanding to fulfill than others.

Picking her head up as gently as he could, he slid onto the couch and let her head rest on his lap. She stirred, “..You’re back..?”

“Yeah, and I brought you a little bit of chocolate too. I’ve heard it’s good if you have a hangover. Helps keep your blood sugar from dropping.”

Hyoyeon smiled to herself, “.. so smart..”

“Yeah,” he smiled along, “this would be common knowledge if you had as many drunkard hyungs as I do.”

She giggled softly, “..You’re funny oppa..” her eyes were closing again, “.. I like you..”

His heart skipped a beat at her words. He knew she was more asleep than awake, and not to mention drunk, but he couldn’t help the elation those three words seemed to cause. And here he was trying to convince himself he didn’t feel that way about her..

These were words he knew she would never explicitly direct at him during her more rational hours. By tomorrow, she probably wouldn’t even remember what had happened.

He looked down at her now peacefully sleeping figure and, despite himself, whispered, “I like you too..”




Omg an update. Enjoy it guys, it's longer than most! :)

Oh yes, and a heads-up; some of you may have noticed already but

I'll be doing little revisions here and there throughout the story, so

don't be alarmed. It's a work in progress.

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Hey guys! Here's my first story. I hope you all enjoy it!


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Chapter 7: Will patiently wait for your update :)
Chapter 7: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease I need more
Chapter 4: I'm in love with this so far. Keep the good work up!
Kim_MinYeon #4
Chapter 7: Started reading, love it and yes please continue.
KimHyeJoo #5
Chapter 7: Hey, new reader here☺️☺️
Wait for your update!! Fighting!
Chapter 7: I wasn't one before ..
But heck ya m in now ........ .... hope you make time for this story and complete it coz m waiting for this one
......update soon .......
Chapter 7: still waiting... hehehehe
Chapter 7: We still here~
Please~ Update more soon!!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 7: yesh yesh im still here : )
Chapter 6: you abandoning this story too long ~~ :( can you update please....
and i think hyoyeon not taken woman again .. >.<