Chapter 4

Be Mine

“Don’t bother looking, she’s not over there.”

Donghae jumped at suddenly hearing Jessica’s voice right beside him. “Ah! What’s wrong with you woman, why do you like sneaking up on me??”

“Oh did I scare you?” a sly grin crossed her face and Donghae thought about how she seemed to enjoy herself too much at his expense.

“Yeah nice to see you too,” sarcasm filled his voice.

It was already an hour into the gathering and after sitting with s for a better part of the evening, Donghae had finally convinced himself to go searching for Hyoyeon. Since most of the guests, had already eaten and were currently mingling he saw this as his opportunity.

He’d caught glimpses of Hyoyeon here and there, happily chatting away with old friends, but it seemed every time he was almost within reach someone would stop him to chat and by the time he turned around she’d be gone. Though now that he’d wandered close to SNSD’s table, Jessica appeared to have taken an interest in him and now it seemed like she was interrogating him on his intentions.

He tried shrugging her off again, “Is there something you need?”

Jessica turned to fully face him as she gave him a calculating look filled with suspicion. “I should be asking you that question. My table’s right there, what’s your excuse?”

“Geez woman, so many questions.. I’m only walking around admiring the pretty table ornaments of course.”

“Like anyone’s gonna believe that. But like I said she’s not over there, so when you stop with the denial I can tell you where she’s at if you want.”


“Don’t play dumb,” she punched his arm, ignoring the yelp of pain that escaped him, “I see how you’ve been staring at her all night. Either that, or the tray of food behind her… but that’s more something I’d expect from Sooyoung.”

As secretive as Donghae tried to be, he hadn’t been able to hide the fact that he’d been constantly gazing in the direction of SNSD’s table on the far end of the dining hall, and apparently Jessica had noticed.

Donghae kept his lips shut, not sure he wanted to acknowledge who he was looking for, especially to Jessica. She’d probably tell everybody. “Actually.. I was looking for Eunhyuk, have you seen him?”

Jessica eyed him for a moment before laughing out loud, “I never realized it, but you’re just like her— both bad liars when you’re put on the spot.”


“Eunhyuk oppa is sitting at your table.. Where you just came from.” She nodded in the opposite direction, clearly amused at Donghae’s terrible lying skils. “You were looking for Hyoyeonnie weren’t you? Hmm.. but who would’ve guessed huh, you having the hots for Hyo.”

Mortified at his ridiculous blunder plus Jessica’s over simplistic rendition of the whole situation, Donghae lifted a hand to hide his reddened face and immediately felt the urge to hide under the nearest shelter he could find.

“So it’s true!” she exclaimed.

He fidgeted as he felt the situation quickly becoming awkward while Jessica was clearly having the time of her life toying with him. He let out an exaggerated sigh as he realized his only option of escaping her, “If I tell you yes, will you please stop being so loud??”

Giving him the phoniest sweet smile she could muster, she anwered, “Of course.”

“Fine.. Have you seen Hyoyeon?”

“I knew it!”

“Aish, forget it woman,” throwing his hands in the air, he walked back towards his table annoyed. Jessica smiled mischievously as she watched him go— Donghae oppa was seriously too easy to mess with.

She turned around and her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of her own table. Where was Hyoyeon anyway? Minding her short dress, Jessica took her seat and realized several of the girls were actually missing. She shrugged. They were bound to come back.


-Later in the night-

“What’re you doing unnie?!” Snsd’s straight-laced maknae all but shrieked as Hyoyeon nearly tackled the passing waiter for his bottle of champagne.

“Seohyun-ah please just let unnie have this one thing,” Hyoyeon pouted.

“But isn’t it too early? It’s only 8.”

“But I’m tireeeedddddd… I need it.” Watching as Hyoyeon sat back down in her seat, Seohyun shook her head in response while the other girls laughed and Sooyoung loudly exclaimed, “Unnie you know what they say, sharing is caring!”

Seohyun sighed—this couldn’t possibly end well.

Half an hour later, her prediction had come true. The majority of the girls were on their way to being tipsy, while Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were long past it. Sooyoung was currently hopping around on the dance floor having the time of her life and Hyoyeon lay half sprawled on the table, ready to doze off.

One could wonder whether or not those two had an image to uphold.

Seohyun was beginning to worry her favorite unnie might’ve had a little too much to drink so she leaned over and gently touched her back, “Unnie.. are you ok?” The brunnette twitched slightly and then proceeded to mumble incoherent words as the maknae tried her best to comprehend.

“At least she’s still conscious,” Jessica drawled out from where she was seated.

Hyoyeon lazily peeled herself off the table top, “I think I drank too much..”

“Maybe you should go to the bathroom.”

Hyoyeon squinted her eyes. The lights were bright and she was having a hard time processing what was being said, “I think I should go to the bathroom..”

Taeyeon, who was sitting next to Jessica, burst into laughter causing the other girls to join her, “You sure you can make it there?”

Nodding her head, Hyoyeon shakily stood up from her seat as Seohyun worriedly added, “Hurry unnie, before someone sees you like that.”

She wobbled towards the bathroom but only made it a few meters before leaning on the first unsuspecting guy she saw in order to take off her heels. The girls started cackling from their seats at the comical sight.

“Oh, this will be a night to remember,” Jessica remarked.

“Should we help her?”

“Nah, don’t worry. I’ll go get someone to look after her,” Jessica airily dismissed Seohyun’s worries before standing and walking coolly away.




Happy New Year!

Finally an update! I know I had said hyohae next ch

but after writing it out, I realized it was better if I cut it off here.

Please don't hurt me D:

PS. Am I the only one that finds haesica hilarious?

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Hey guys! Here's my first story. I hope you all enjoy it!


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Chapter 7: Will patiently wait for your update :)
Chapter 7: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease I need more
Chapter 4: I'm in love with this so far. Keep the good work up!
Kim_MinYeon #4
Chapter 7: Started reading, love it and yes please continue.
KimHyeJoo #5
Chapter 7: Hey, new reader here☺️☺️
Wait for your update!! Fighting!
Chapter 7: I wasn't one before ..
But heck ya m in now ........ .... hope you make time for this story and complete it coz m waiting for this one
......update soon .......
Chapter 7: still waiting... hehehehe
Chapter 7: We still here~
Please~ Update more soon!!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 7: yesh yesh im still here : )
Chapter 6: you abandoning this story too long ~~ :( can you update please....
and i think hyoyeon not taken woman again .. >.<