Chapter 6

Be Mine

It was a new day, and Hyoyeon was startled awake by muffled giggles and the clanging of pots and pans resonating from the dorm’s kitchen. She groaned, thinking it was too early to abandon her lovely bed sheets just yet.

‘Kim Hyoyeon, you’re a lot more trouble than you realize..’

Her eyes popped open. Donghae..?

Gazing around the room in confusion, she noticed the empty mattress beside her and sighed. Hmm, so last night with him really had been a dream.. what a relief, she thought.


Her head whipped back to the empty bed and she almost gasped. Suddenly feeling like she should’ve been up hours ago, she jumped out of bed and began throwing garments around, searching for something to put on. How late must it be if even lazy chick Jessica was out of bed already?

There was a light knock on the door before it creaked opened and said roommate peered in, “So the sleepy head is finally up?”

Even with the current brain lag she was experiencing, Hyoyeon snorted at the blatant irony in Jessica’s statement, “Well isn’t that the pan calling the kettle.”

Jessica entered giggling at her roommate, “I think you mean pot.”

She could see Hyoyeon was in a hurry to get dressed and spoke again, “Hyoyeonnie calm down, it’s only 8.”

“Yeah I know it’s late!”

Jessica quirked an eyebrow in confusion, “Actually it’s early.. most of the girls are still in bed. I got up early because I have my magazine shoot to go to today. Did you forget? You girls don’t have anything until Musicbank at 6 this afternoon.”

Hyoyeon paused at her friend’s words. Really..? Aish how could I forget!

She shrugged, “In that case, I should just go for a run..”

Jessica gasped in disbelief, “Ommo.. but why would you do that when you can sleep in?”

Hyoyeon didn’t bother responding—explaining to Jessica the benefits of waking up early to go jogging was like telling the sun to stop being so hot. Utterly pointless.

But it’s not like Jessica had been waiting for an answer, there were other things on her mind she wanted to ask her roommate about. “By the way hyoyeon-ah, I didn’t know you and Donghae had a thing going.”

Hyoyeon froze, mortified, “What, but last night was a dream!”

“Last night was no dream silly. Even if it was, why in the world would you be dreaming about fishy Hae like that? Just proves my point. Since when have you liked him and how come you hadn’t told me about it?” she pouted cutely while pulling at her arm.

The petite dancer in question momentarily wondered about the manipulative power of her friend’s rare aegyo and her motives behind it but decided to let it slide. She huffed out, turning away, “I don’t like him.”

Quickly noticing something amiss, Jessica cleared , “You know there’s nothing wrong if you do.. because I think he likes you. Plus, you’re going to turn 20 soon. I think-”

She cut off midsentence when Tiffany’s ringing voice was heard from elsewhere in the dorm, “Sica it’s time to gooo!”

Taeyeon’s laugh was heard soon after, “Manager Hwang is at it again.”

Hyoyeon’s eyes landed back on Jessica, who shot her an apologetic look, “Mianhe~ Gotta go.. but don’t think you’re off the hook. You and I have some serious talking to do later.”

Shaking her head slightly Hyoyeon murmured, “Can’t wait.”


The rest of the morning was spent performing menial jobs around the dorm, and preparing to leave for the SM Building. Once there, they had a few hours to kill before their actual onset televised recording.

Their schedules were becoming increasingly packed and the more they got done, the more it seemed they had to do. There were always pros and cons to rising into stardom; and with their mega-hit song ‘Gee’ that had recently been released, the girls were only now beginning to see—life would no longer be the same for them.


“You should start having new experiences,” Jessica offhandedly remarked.

Hyoyeon nearly choked on the coke she was sipping from, “Are you saying I should sleep with him?!!”

“No you babo. I mean unless you want to..” Jessica waggled her eyebrows suggestively before laughing and Hyoyeon lightly pushed her, “Come on aren’t you the least bit curious about what it would be like if you gave it a shot?”

Hyoyeon paused in thought. Speaking about Donghae for a second time in a day was something new— she honestly didn’t want to keep thinking about him but Jessica was making it hard with her endless array of questions.

Her voice was quiet when she answered, “Sica I’m scared.. Whether he likes me or not, I don’t know if I’d be willing to risk our friendship for something like that..”

Tiffany strolled over when she overheard them, a smile on her face. “Aww, am I hearing correctly—our Hyoyeonnie likes someone? Who’s the lucky guy?”

Hyoyeon immediately yelled ‘no one!’ while Jessica proclaimed ‘Donghae!’ much to Tiffany’s surprise.
Hazel eyes glared in Jessica’s direction but she shrugged it off.

“What.. So you like Donghae oppa? Guess Sooyoung really was telling the truth..” Tiffany tapped her chin thoughtfully. “How long has this been going on?”

“What in the world does Sooyoung have to do with this?” Hyoyeon exclaimed in confusion only to receive a toothy grin from the self-proclaimed mushroom.

She shrugged, “I don’t know maybe you should ask her,” then leaned closer to Hyoyeon anxious to hear the new gossip, “So since when?”

Warmth rapidly began creeping up Hyoyeon’s neck from embarrassment, “I don’t like him!”

“Yes she does,” Jessica asserted. “She’s just scared since she’s never had a real boyfriend to hug and cuddle with.”


The two friends giggled at her outburst and Tiffany then asked, “Hyoyeonnie, how is it that the girl with her own fanboy club in school has never had a boyfriend?”

The brunette shrugged, “Guess I wasn’t too focused on that kind of stuff… I was too busy dancing.”

“Donghae’s a dancer.”

Hyoyeon scrutinized the girl opposite her incredulously, “Sica, remind me why we’re friends again.”

Both girls laughed again and then Jessica yanked Hyoyeon by the neck to plant a big wet one on her cheek, “The guys are supposed to stop by for a bit before they go to their show recording.. maybe you should talk to Donghae then.”

Hyoyeon was about to open when Seohyun walked into the dressing room and up to them to inconspicuously whisper, “Hyoyeon unnie, Donghae oppa is out in the hallway. He was asking for you.”

The two girls already there began to coo and giggle like little school girls, telling her to hurry and go talk to him.

Go talk to him about what exactly?

Sauntering towards the door, she turned back to spot the older girls shooing her away while throwing winks and kisses in the process. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. Why did she have such weird friends?




It's a miracle! Another update! :)

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Also.. how can you not love these girls?

HyoSica, HyoFany, HyoHyun ftw! <3

PS Have you guys heard? Hyobaby's a taken woman.
Her bf better love her and treat her like the queen she really is! :D

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Hey guys! Here's my first story. I hope you all enjoy it!


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Chapter 7: Will patiently wait for your update :)
Chapter 7: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease I need more
Chapter 4: I'm in love with this so far. Keep the good work up!
Kim_MinYeon #4
Chapter 7: Started reading, love it and yes please continue.
KimHyeJoo #5
Chapter 7: Hey, new reader here☺️☺️
Wait for your update!! Fighting!
Chapter 7: I wasn't one before ..
But heck ya m in now ........ .... hope you make time for this story and complete it coz m waiting for this one
......update soon .......
Chapter 7: still waiting... hehehehe
Chapter 7: We still here~
Please~ Update more soon!!
shea_shariff #9
Chapter 7: yesh yesh im still here : )
Chapter 6: you abandoning this story too long ~~ :( can you update please....
and i think hyoyeon not taken woman again .. >.<