
Catching Fallen Stars

The thunder roared. You awoke so suddenly. How long was I asleep?


Taking in your surroundings, you realized you were in class. Rain was pouring outside and the classroom lights were blinding your eyes. After a while, your eyes adjusted. You found yourself staring right at the back of Lay's head that was in front of you.


Your chair squeaked as you shifted in your seat. Your English teacher was in the front of the classroom at her test doing paperwork. You rested your head on your hand that was propped up. Still dazed from your sleep, you tapped on Lay's shoulder. "Hey, Lay. Did I miss anything in class?" you asked him.


Lay turned around to face you. He shook his head awkwardly. "Uh...no."


Rain poured harder. The windows sounded like it would break.


You glanced up at the clock. Only 5 minutes left of class.


"If something wrong?" you asked, resting your hand on his shoulder. You know something was wrong as his face changed...


Lay shrugged your hand off his shoulder harshly. His face told it all.

"Do I know you?"




Silence. Even the rain stopped. Even the thunder stopped. Even the class stopped. Even the whole school stopped. Even the whole world stopped.


It was as if there was nothing between you and Lay. "What had happened to his promise? To make me a better person. Of confidence, of natural beauty? Was that a joke? Helping a lonely girl for just a few days and then throwing her away like trash?" you thought.


The bell rang and Lay quickly rushed to get away from you. Could it be? What is what happened between you and Lay was all just a lovely daydream. A typical daydream you had in English class. A dream that seemed so real. A dream that you never wanted to awake from. A dream to make yourself perfect.


Waking up was painful. It was as if you had the whole world in your hands one second, then losing the whole world in the next. Because, in the course of just a few days, Lay had been your world. And now you lost him. There couldn't been anything more painful.


You were the only one in the English classroom now. Every single student had left. You decided to pack up and leave. Before you left the school, you knew exactly where to go: THAT park.


You arrived at that park. That park you, just a few days ago, had thought was nothing was filled with memories now. Nostalgic, you lay down on the cool grass with you hands behind your head. It was as if you were back to square one. Except this time you were waiting for him. Lay.


You coughed as the late night came across the park. The misty air left fresh as you inhaled it. You were still waiting for him.




and waiting...


Until all the stars in the sky came out one by one.


They shone brightly, each emitting a beautiful light. Each unique, each wonderful in its own way.


That when you realized that Lay never need to catch a fallen star. You were never a fallen star to begin with.


You were a luminous star. Your own star. You. And you didn't need Lay to change who you were.


Upon realizing this, Lay came into view. He held a small, white box.


Tears glistened in your eyes. When you saw Lay, your whole world came crashing back in a whole you way. You didn't care if you two was just a dream. You didn't care. No. You. Didn't. Care.


Lay smirked. His smirked told you everything. "You were never a fallen star," Lay whispered in your ear quietly. The wind whisled. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind you ears.


"You were always the brightest star in the sky to me."


And he handed you the silver box.


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Chanjuring #1
Chapter 5: interesting story. :) I love it! update :) I wanna know what happens next. :)
Chapter 5: Uhm author-nim pls make a sequel jebal juseyo~~~ I wanna know what is inside the box!!!
Loved the story but i din't really understand the ending...
What is the silver box? Did i miss something XD
Anyway, nice story :)
Recommend it :)
Chapter 5: Loved it!! Well done! Thanks for the story :)
Chapter 5: Hmmm I didn't really uderstood the ending.... But the fix was really beautiful :))))
Good job! I'm sad it's the ending but it was a great read!
Chapter 5: Whoaa man i teared up wtf so sad but then good and written beautifulyt qhatstsgd
why is the update short ;A;
still i enjoyed it !!!!
YAY You updated this fic! I can't wait to read the rest.
Chapter 3: Whoa mybabykyu whoa that was deep