Catching Fallen Stars

You wish you had never went to the park yesterday.


There was just that weird feeling in your stomach now. Like something big is about to happen. Waiting.


The sun shined brightly through your open window when you woke up the next morning. The alarm clock blasted out it's deafening beeping sounds. Outside you could hear the birds chirping noisily and the gentle carcass of the wind on the tree leaves. You shuffled to the window to close the shutters.


Weird. It felt as if you had never met Lay at the park yesterday. The sore evidence was the pit of worry in your stomach, engulfing your mind in worry about how this today will come to be. Will it be any different from yesterday?


"Don't worry. I'll help you thoroughly tomorrow," Lay had said yesterday before they left the park.


You sighed as you remembered what happened yesterday. It seemed surreal. Was Lay really going to help you become social? To step out of your fantasy world? He makes it seem like I'm stepping out of the shower, not out of my mind. Look at him being almighty. It's probably not as easy as it looks.


You quickly brushed your hair again this morning. Normally you wouldn't even bother brushing your hair because it would just turn frizzy again but you decided to today because it seemed like something Lay would approve of.


Walking to school, you took more notice of the people in your surroundings. They always seemed to be in small groups, already formed since elementary school. There could be no way for me to talk to these people right now. They see me as the anti-social weird girl.


You shuffled faster a few more steps to get your distance away from the groups of walking students. Moving forward a bit, you realized who was in front of you. His carnigan flowing in the wind and his hair styled nicely off to the side. He looked a bit different from yesterday's khaki shorts and sweatshirt. More dressed up...




Lay turned around "Oh hi. I have something for you." Lay pulled out a small pink obbject from his pocket and handed it to you. You realized it was a cell phone. Lay took out his own cell phone and held it up for you to see. "You don't have a cell phone, right?"


"How did you know?" You said, sarcastically.


"It shows," Lay chuckled as he put his cell phone back in his pocket. "And yeah, we have matching cell phones."


"You would think that this would have so hidden meaning behind it..." You said, hinting couple phones.


"Ha ha. I just wanted you to have a good phone, like my phone. Plus social life equals phone. Life rule number 1."

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Chanjuring #1
Chapter 5: interesting story. :) I love it! update :) I wanna know what happens next. :)
Chapter 5: Uhm author-nim pls make a sequel jebal juseyo~~~ I wanna know what is inside the box!!!
Loved the story but i din't really understand the ending...
What is the silver box? Did i miss something XD
Anyway, nice story :)
Recommend it :)
Chapter 5: Loved it!! Well done! Thanks for the story :)
Chapter 5: Hmmm I didn't really uderstood the ending.... But the fix was really beautiful :))))
Good job! I'm sad it's the ending but it was a great read!
Chapter 5: Whoaa man i teared up wtf so sad but then good and written beautifulyt qhatstsgd
why is the update short ;A;
still i enjoyed it !!!!
YAY You updated this fic! I can't wait to read the rest.
Chapter 3: Whoa mybabykyu whoa that was deep