Meeting you.. (Part 1 (well Part 2.. Ish))

Bottle Pop~ Ready to strut into the k-pop industry!
Lin's POV

It's such a nice day~ not a fan of the birds waking me though though.. Stupid birds. The smell of muffins wafts up the stairs. I roll over in bed trying to get some motivation to get up. 

Eventually I wake up after 20 minutes of rolling around and stretching. I always walk around in mens shirts, everyone says I should atleast put on some shorts but eh, effort. I skip down the stairs and go meet everyone in the kitchen.

"Mmm.. Who's made these?" I say as I dive in to a double chocolate muffin. "Haneul of course~" Yongie replies with her mouthful. "And that's why you're my favourite" I say ruffling her hair making her waste no time to fix it again. "So, who's going out today?" Orchid asks. "I am" everyone says apart from me. "The weather's too nice to ignore~" Songki says happily all dressed up with a smile on her face. "Not going out Lin?" Yongie asks me. "Nah I'm happy just lounging around and if the weather stays like this I might take a dip in the pool later." 
"That's a good idea actually.. But a new coffee shop's just opened so I want to check it out." Orchid says. "Is that the one with over 100 types of coffee and 200 different shots you can add in?" 
"Yes, in fact I might get off now before it gets packed." She says grabbing her bag off the counter. "Bye guys"
"Byee" We all reply.
"In fact I might leave too" In a matter of minutes everyone gobbles up the muffins and leaves. Ahh home alone...

Aeyong's POV

I walk out of the building and a small puddle of water glistens in the sun. I still can't get over yesterday. Obviously I'm so happy we met but in a way it's kinda strange to think we can never meet like that again, we'll be debuting soon and even being seen together could result in a scandal.. Ahh wells, one day at a time. 

I'm not even sure we're I'm going I'm just walking aimlessly. Something catches my eye.. 'Fun fair, only 7 days left!' I see on the poster. I am so taking everyone with me. I yawn as I continue walking. I love preparing for our album and things but I have a habit of waking up early and I'm so tired. When we debut it'll all pay off hopefully. I wonder what our fans will be like.. I hope they won't be crazy like beliebers. I definitely don't want any stalkers either.. I wonder if any of us will get a boyfriend.. An idol boyfriend.. I remember when I was a fangirl and I used to dream (and write) about meeting these people and now it's actually coming true.. 

I continue walking down the road, even though we've lived here for a while now I still don't know the area. Maybe I should do something for the girls tonight.. I'll cook!

I walk happily into the supermarket.. Okay what shall I make.. I was watching that cookig program yesterday I'll make that, so it was a chocolate pudding and.. I can't remember.. I'll just buy lots of things and check what I need at home, no problem!

"That'll be 106006 won please" crap.

Songki's POV

Listening to my iPod, I sit down on the grass and tuck into my sandwich. It's just a perfect day, there's a faint rainbow over the trees as well. 

I guess we're all trying to make the most of the time we have before we debut. I mean, just being able to take a walk without being stalked or having the media stalking you 24/7. I think a good thing is, we live in an area where fans won't be able to come and plus we live in a penthouse so there's no way they could ever get up there.

I see a faint figure walking towards me. It's quite tall and definitely a man. He keeps walking towards me briskly, all dressed in black with his hood up. I feel myself getting tense as he continues to walk straight in my direction, I can't see his face either because he's looking at the floor. I look away for one second and I feel a heavy weight roll off my legs and as I look forward I see this mysterious figure tripped over my legs. "Ohmygosh are you okay??" I say worried as I sit him up. "Sorry about that Kiwi, wasn't looking where I was looking" I feel myself freeze as he mentions my name. He turns to me and pulls down to reveal IT'S MINHO. 

"It's fine it's fine, are you sure you're okay?" I ask as he sits down next to me. "I'm fine~ there's just a lot of people out today so it wasn't a smart move to go out" He laughs. "Can I join you? I felt really bad about being so shy when we met, I'm sorry, I was trying to be rude, I was just nervous about meeting you." 
"You were nervous about meeting me?! You should've seen how long we were preparing to do outside your door!"

Haneul's POV

I decide to book myself in at the nearest spa for a pampering session. It'd be nice to have some me time. I flick through the magazines, all there is is rumours about celebrities. In a month we'll be in these.. Well, hopefully not but knowing what we're like.. We will.

I finally get called into my room. I love this salon because for the day you sit in a chair and you can get everything done. Usually I come with Lin for our weekly massages but I thought I'd treat myself and plus, with all the hot (and famous) guys living around here, doesn't hurt to look a little better than usual.

"Hi, if you can just put your feet in here please." A good looking masseuse too, life is good. The best thing is we're already kind of living the life of an idol without all the hassle and anti's. But I guess that adds to the fun of it. The danger, going out wether you're going to be on the front page of the newspaper the next day with a picture of you buying some bras. We're lucky with our company as well, they're so laid back and don't worry too much about 'image'. At the end of the day, we all should be able to do what we want because we are just people.

I play angry birds on my phone for a while whilst having my massage then accidentally tap on the weather app. 'Sunday evening: Predicting a sunny morning and afternoon with a light breeze. Then in the evening, heavy showers.' Oh great, so I'm going to step foot outside of here and get soaked.. Fun.

I receive a text saying there might be a switch up with WGM.. I wonder who it'll be with.. Or maybe it's just with the first dates and things. I wonder how the public will take to us being with their biases, ph lord.

Faeri's POV

"I'll have a two scoop mint choc cup please" I say as I happily order from the cute new ice cream parlour. "I'll get that" I hear from the side of me. I turn to look, surely he couldn't of just paid for mine. "Yoseob?!" I exclaim as the person revealed ends up to be the talented Beast member. "Haha yes, I've heard a lot about you Fae." I feel myself blush. "Here you go" he says as he passes me my ice cream and leads me to a table. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come to your night out, Woon managed to whine his way into going" He laughs. "Yeah I'm not surprised, it was really good fun though, we should organise again with you included ofc." I look up to see him beaming with the perfect eye smile. I've never really found him attract but I have to admit, he does look cute. "Aww thanks, the next day Kikwang and Woon wouldn't shut up." I laugh. "I have to admit, we werent all exactly silent too haha. But half the girls were still drunk." I shake my head hopefully not bringing any suspicion to myself that I was also one of the girls.

"You should definitely visit the dorm one day. It's small but nice. Well it's nothing compared to yours! You live in the penthouse right?"
"Yup~ you should come over! Maybe later actually.."

Orchid's POV

Slightly hyper, I try my sixth cup of coffee, cappuccino with a double shot of caramel with a topping of marshmallows and chocolate curls. Mmm... "Don't you think you've had enough, before you start jumping around like a panda haha" Who's this random talking to me? And what kind of pandas has he been seeing. I ignore him and carry on enjoying my coffee. "So are you new around here?" Eugh please leave me. "No." 
"Oh I haven't seen you around here."
"Look, this conversation is going to go no where as I'm not going to respond as I'm just here for a quiet coffee, if I wanted to have an awkward, pointless chat with someone I would bring someone myself." I take another sip of my coffee without a care in the world. That'll teach him not to harass me whilst I'm having a drink. 

Maybe I should lighten up since I'm going to debut... Nahh.


Hi! Sorry I have updated in a bit, I've been so tired *yawn* The next chapter will be a straight carry on from this one so anticipate! Thanks<3
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Hoping to get an application for the last position today!


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I never thought I'd say this, but "UPDATE SOON!"
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 21: I re-read all the chapters and dang! I still get the excited feeling ^^

hope you'll update soon!! Hwaiting!! :D
Chapter 21: I hope you're going to update this soon ^^

Hwaiting! ^^
sugarcandy- #4
Chapter 21: this really made my day today and i swear i've been grinning all the way when i read this.. I think i'm going crazy xD

did you say WGM?! gosh~ can't wait for it.. It's okay, i'm busy with schools too nowadays ^^
Chapter 21: I don't mind swearing also XD

OMFG FAE AND JUNHYUNG ~WEGPJWE]PÇADDDFF Seven Minutes in Heaven is like... From hell XDDDD

WGM <3 <3 <3

Update soon omg <3
Chapter 21: I loved this chapter, so much! Also, I don't mind swearing. :P Gahh, I can't wait for the next update!~
Chapter 21: Ahhahaa the Girly screams
But omfg Fae and Jun whaaaaaat :O I'm liking it ;) ahhaha
Chapter 21: Yay you updated! Take your time~
sugarcandy- #9
Chapter 20: Taemin's gone home early, wonder what'll happen if he stay during the Black Tag game XD

Spin the bottle again *smirk* interesting~ hehehe :P
Chapter 20: Looking forward to spin the bottle~