Chapter 2: Meeting the in-laws

HEY!! Don't disturb what's mine!

*Long chapter~


Kim Jaejoong thought to himself, it’s been a long time since he had enter the meeting room, and nothing had changed, it’s still the same, dark hole-like room. He seated himself on the chair and give a slight wave to his dearest brother who is somewhere in the observation room with the other high committee member.

“It’s been a while big brother since you last come here.” A high-pitch, dolphin like voice said through the speaker, which Jaejoong recognise as his dear brother.

“Yeah, it’s been a while, brother.” Jaejoong said smiling to all direction of the mirror watching him.

“We have been waiting for you, the leader of the 1st Zodiac, the Rat. Has it been seventeen years now that you come here again?” The leader, Jaejoong assume, asked. “Seem like time past faster than we thought. Finally, the times had come for the Rat’s heirs to arise and officially become the Zodiac member.” This time, a female voice is heard, the same voice that rejects his wish the past seventeen year. “We have been waiting for so long.” Another voice continues, Jaejoong never knew who it was up there except for Junsu, no one in the Zodiac knew.

“Yes, I’m aware of my part of the deal, the seventeen years I asked is almost over. However, as I recall, there is also another wish of mine and Dragon’s leader in the line.” Jaejoong said rather smugly much to the liking of the committee.

“You’re confident as always, Rat’s leader. Yes, we remember about the union that you and Dragon’s leader suggest last seven years. This is the first time the union had been suggested, but your reasoning is valid and this will bring advantages for the Zodiac as well.”

“Introducing and engagement will be done on the April, 8th at the Rat base.” Jaejoong stand up and take out the invitation card, leaving it on the table as he dismisses himself out, noting the end of questioning him.

“Jaejoong-ah, are you ready? Can you help me with my tie?” Yunho’s question had Jaejoong out from his thought about the meeting last two months. With a confident smile, he rearranged the mess of Yunho’s tie. “Yes, Yunnie, I’m more than ready.”


“Boys, today we have good news. We are going to have two new students from Seoul. You two may enter now.” Miss Sunny cheerfully announce.

“Jonghyun-ah, it seems that the two new students are entering our class.” Jinki whisper lowly to the space out Jonghyun to which the latter only nod, showing he heard his friend.

“Let me introduce you to Choi Minho and Kim Kibum. They are one year younger than all of you because they skip one year. So class, be nice to them.” Out of the blue, Jonghyun’s heart beats faster and shiver run’s down his spine which he knows is the reaction of his strong sixth sense. A confusing sign he thought, so he looks up to see what may cause it. Unexpectedly, his eyes meet a pair of feline eye that looks directly at him, with a sweet smile on his face but hidden inside is a dark, twisted mind. Definitely the person he should avoid.

“Hello. My name is Kim Kibum, but called me Key. This is my brother, Choi Minho. He doesn’t want to talk right now, so I will be introducing us both. Right now, he is a bit grumpy since he didn’t sleep well last night. If you wonder why our surname is different, yes, we are step-brother. But, nevertheless, still brothers. We come from Seoul, parents decide to moves since we have important things to settle here. Anyway, please take care of us.” Miss Sunny claps her hand and the class follows, welcoming the two new students.

“Thank you, Key and Minho. Both of you seem to have a very interesting character.” Key mouthed ‘You have no idea’ but return back to his innocent, smile look to which only Jonghyun realize since the others are oblivious. “Now, Key you will be seated behind Kim Jonghyun and Minho behind Lee Jinki. Kim Jonghyun and Lee Jinki please stand up so they can see you.” The mention of his name and the small smirk on Key’s face somehow makes Jonghyun sick. He stands up following Jinki but reminding himself to always stay alert, in case the two boys are up to no good.


Jongyeon checks on her phone that keeps on disturbing her the whole time she is doing her full course meal. There are a lot of message from her friends wishing happy birthday but three messages caught her immediate attention.

2 + 2 = 2. Two of each that complete each other, making the perfect combination.

The smart rat, stood before the other, which other will suit them?

The protective ox, the daring tiger, the friendly rabbit, the mysterious dragon, the dangerous snake, the dependent horse, the hard-working goat, the crazy monkey, the intelligent rooster, the faithful dog and the opportunist pig. – From Appa-

Jongyeon is certainly puzzled with the message from his father and try to figure out whether it is another pranks or her appa is hinting about something. Well, she figured it to be a hint especially with the mention of each Zodiac. She push it aside her mind for a while and check the next message.

Jongyeon-shi, can we meet up later? I have something to tell you. – From Mr. President <3-

Choi Siwon is asking me to meet up? But, father said to come home early today.  

I’m sorry, Siwon-shi, I cannot come, family matters, maybe next time? – To Mr, President <3-

I feel a little sad that I cannot see him today. But, family comes first. Oh, Jjong texted me too, that’s rare.

Noona, I don’t feel so good. The new students are in my class and they have a very dark aura. It’s sickening me, I’m going to Asclepius.” –From Jjong-

That’s sound bad; I need to go to him. “Miss, may I take an early leave? My brother is sick.”

Miss Junhee smile warmly at her. “Since you have finished, so you may. I just want to say that I’m very proud of you. You did a splendid job, Jongyeon-ah.” With that Jongyeon politely bow and leave to go to Asclepius which, luckily is not so far from Aphrodite.


Kim Kibum and Choi Minho, the heirs of the Dragons are now face-to-face with the two respectful leader of Rat, who is checking them with his eyes from head to toe with his intimidating gaze. The boys though are ones of the most talented heirs, seat still, anxious as they are facing the Rat’s leaders. They had stayed like that for some time; both are waiting for one of the leaders to speak up first.

“Relax boys; we are not going to eat you. Just want to make sure that our decision is right.” Minho subconsciously released a relieved sigh to which earn him a nudge from Key and a small smile from Jaejoong.

“Anyway, we have checked both of your profile, and I must say, both of you sure live on your leader’s name. However, I really need both of you to fix some of your attitude especially for being too active of your ual needs.” Yunho said giving both of them a knowing look.

“Yeah, I know guys have their own needs but tomorrow night, both of you are going to be bond with our heirs and I need both of you to refrain from taking their ity before marriage. So can you give me your word?” Jaejoong said extending both of his hand for the Dragon’s heir to shake.

“Yes, you have our word.” Jaejoong and Yunho smiles as both the heirs shook Jaejoong’s hand with a determined look.

The same determined look is there in Key’s eyes as he remembers back the encounter with his future in laws early this morning while he is making an imaginary hole on Jonghyun’s back for staring too long. In which the latter is feeling very uncomfortable that he turns so pale plus the dark aura is worsening his condition. Thus, he had asked to go to the Asclepius (the main clinic) to rest. The teacher who sees his condition agrees but had asked someone to help bring him there, and to Jonghyun’s horror, the volunteers are Key and Minho who gives excuse that they need to register for the main clinic. Luckily, Jinki is going too, since both new students may not know the location of Asclepius.

Hey, guys...sorry if this chapter is confusing...I will have Minho talking in the next chapter !!!

Yeayy~ our Jonghyun is back with a hot silver hair, I'm so glad he's back, I miss him so much

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Chapter 4: Or maybe it won't take as much work as I first thought...^^ it really is some nice pairings, no doubt. I still like JongKey better thank JongHo even though they are very sweet. I really should be finishing my homework but I just had to read this!!
Chapter 2: Dark aura, hmmmm, seems like it will take a lot of work to get JongKey together. Welcome back Jonghyun I missed you so much!!!! Happy 5th anniversary SHINee~! This is a great story, please update soon^^
blossom10 #3
Hilarious story please update
Wow...Jonghyun you can never escape!
Chapter 1: i love feminine jjong too~!!!
its so interesting~
looking for ur next update ^^
reitachan #6
Chapter 1: I like feminine jjong, please update, i like when minho and key want to have jjong
Interesting update soon:)))
O.o I like the pic !!