Chapter 1: It’s time

HEY!! Don't disturb what's mine!


The walk to the school had never been so quiet for the Kim’s twin. The words spoken by their beloved father still lingers in the mind and they cannot help not to think deeply as the matter was suddenly brought up. The matter that never been spoken casually, the Zodiac.

‘It’s time for me to introduce you to the Zodiac. I will show them, proudly, my heirs that will lead the Rat’s, the 1st and most powerful Zodiac.’  They had known about the Zodiac, the dark world of mafia, all along but their father had secluded then from that world up until now. However, both twin still didn’t know, who is going to lead the Zodiac in the end.

Kim Jonghyun, the younger twin bites his lips, indication how anxious he felt, thinking hard about the issue, of how he feel weak, for he is known for being not so skilful in fights unlike his twin. His twin is the capable one, the one can learn all the skill perfectly and thus, she is trusted to have the Rat’s family sword. He is definitely not jealous of his twin; it’s just he felt useless as he is not the one doing the protecting, when his twin is a girl.

“Jjong-ah, what’s wrong?” The question came, waking Jonghyun from his thought as he feel a finger poking his cheek repeatedly. “What’s with the serious face? Come on, smile a little.”

“It’s nothing, noona.” Jonghyun lips curve a small smile while he holds the finger that keep poking him and entwine it with his.

“Don’t think too much of what father said, everything will be alright. I will be there for you, and I hope you will too.” Jongyeon said, calming the nervousness of her twin. But, back in her mind is also filled with the same issue and worries for their unknown future.

Even though is not so poetry, Jonghyun understood what his twin trying to said and he instantly regain his cheerful self and start humming ‘noona neomu yeappo’ like he always did. Jongyeon also join him and both twins walk hand by hand to their school, humming and singing various songs. The sign ‘Olympus CO-ED Prestige High School’ is soon visible and the twin takes out their student card and swaps it on the screen for identification. [The school have a very tight security.]

“Noona, is there anything special held in Aphrodite (the name for the girl’s department)?” Jonghyun ask after a while as he had observed the female students who seem so excited along their walks on the school big garden walkway.

Jongyeon didn’t answer immediately; instead she closed her eyes to think. “Today, we have all day cooking class because we are going to make a full course meal. That’s why I ask appa, yun-appa and you yesterday, and you guys suggest for French. So, maybe the girls are excited about it.”

“Noona, can I have some then.” Lee Jinki suddenly pops out of nowhere, clearly shocking both twins as they both release a small squeak.

 “Yah, Jinki. You really have to stop sneaking on us. It’s creepy, dude.” Jonghyun headlock Jinki playfully, ruffling his hair in the process. “You cannot have any of my noona cooking.

“Jonghyun-ah, don’t ruin my hair. I had a hard time doing it this morning.” Jinki quickly escape Jonghyun hold and arrange his hair back. “Sorry if I scare you, it has become a habit since my butler’s practice.” Jonghyun murmurs quietly ‘I’m not scared’ to which Jinki pretends not to hear. Jongyeon chuckled lightly as she watches the two boys act.

Jinki smile shyly as he averted his sight to Jongyeon who is standing just in front of him. “Good morning, noona. Please, please, give me some, Jonghyun always told me how heavenly your food taste but he wouldn’t let me taste it whenever he brings his homemade lunchbox. He is so mean” Jinki said, sounding a bit too desperate for his own liking.

“How am I the mean one? How about you? You say ‘good morning’ only to my noona. Gosh, you are so biased.” Jonghyun pout, pretending he is upset.

“Good morning, Jinki-ah.” Jongyeon reply after a Jonghyun finishes. “But, I’m sorry, today meals are prepared for the teachers and VIPs that will come for lunch. Next time okay.”

“Okay, noona.” Jinki smile happily like a child who had been given his favourite toys as the promise for the heavenly taste is given. “So the rumours are true after all. About a big number of VIPs will come to check-up the school and the soon-to-be four new students.”

“What’s about the four students? Wasn’t it a false alarm?” Jonghyun question Jinki while standing in between Jongyeon and Jinki, not giving Jinki chances to be close to his noona. In which Jinki just follows through, not in the mood having his best friend lecturing him, about how he must protect his noona.

“I also thought the same since this school is very strict but it is confirmed that two of the four are finally going to enter the school, today. However, we still don’t know whether they are male or female, or what’s their grade. That’s why they are the hottest topic now.”  Jinki explains on their way until they reach in front of the administer office that separate the school into all-boys and all-girls own facility.

“Well, I will be going to Aphrodite now.” Jongyeon pecks Jonghyun cheeks while Jonghyun did the same and smiles teasingly at Jinki. “Sorry Jinki-ah, only for Jjong. See you later, Jjong, Jinki.”  Jinki only smiles back, accustomed with the twin affections and Jongyeon teases. Both boys watch her goes as she heads to the west wing of the school where the girls studies.

“Stop looking at my noona, you ert. And wipes you drool, it’s dirty.” Jonghyun smacks Jinki on the head, hard when he realizes that Jinki is staring too long.

“Ow! Jonghyun-ah, it hurts.” The two boys’ keep on bickering and lightly punches each other, while heading their way to Ares, the east wing of the school, the boys’ area.


“Here your student identification card student Choi Minho and student Kim Kibum. Welcome to Olympus CO-ED Prestige High School.”

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Chapter 4: Or maybe it won't take as much work as I first thought...^^ it really is some nice pairings, no doubt. I still like JongKey better thank JongHo even though they are very sweet. I really should be finishing my homework but I just had to read this!!
Chapter 2: Dark aura, hmmmm, seems like it will take a lot of work to get JongKey together. Welcome back Jonghyun I missed you so much!!!! Happy 5th anniversary SHINee~! This is a great story, please update soon^^
blossom10 #3
Hilarious story please update
Wow...Jonghyun you can never escape!
Chapter 1: i love feminine jjong too~!!!
its so interesting~
looking for ur next update ^^
reitachan #6
Chapter 1: I like feminine jjong, please update, i like when minho and key want to have jjong
Interesting update soon:)))
O.o I like the pic !!