Chapter 6: First parting

HEY!! Don't disturb what's mine!

Another update...yea~~~ I want to update this yesterday but the connection was so bad~ this chapter quite long and really like the title said, hahaha...anyway, enjoy =D

“Noona, I’m done. You can take your bath now.” Jonghyun knock then unlock the shared bathroom door leading to his twin’s room. He hears his twin answer by ‘Take you so long, Jjong.’ “Sorry.” He reply, feeling apologetic that his twin has to wait almost an hour for him to finish, then goes inside his own room closing the shared bathroom door. He stands, in front of the mirror; half- with the lower part of his body is covered with towel, drying his hair with a hair dryer. Putting the electronic back in the drawer, he then realizes the evident pink, purplish mark on his neck. He touches the mark carefully, blushing remembering how Key gave him the mark.

 “Miss me?” Jonghyun turns around quickly as he hears a familiar voice out of the sudden, completely startled to find Key leaning on his door. “Hi, Jjong, may I come in?” Key doesn’t wait for Jonghyun to answer though and invited himself in, inspecting the room while he walks towards Jonghyun. “You know, Jjong, you’re pretty girly for someone who has a handsome feature. By the way, put some clothes on before I do something to you.” Jonghyun is about to deny Key’s statement about being girly but the mention of clothes make him remembers he has only towel covering him and he is standing in front of a his ert, harasser fiancée. Key laugh whole-heartedly, entertained scaring his fiancée who run full speed to the changing room.

After a good ten minutes passed, Jonghyun comes in wearing a white wife-beater and long pants, finding Key already asleep on his bed. He sits on the side of the bed, softly not to wake the sleeping boy. He watches his sleeping form, no sneaky grin or sharp glare instead he looks so peaceful. Jonghyun is about to stand, when he is pull back and end up with his head on Key’s chest. “Be my pillow, for a while.” Key smile contently, having his fiancée on his embrace and they stay in that position for a while in a calming silent. The steady rhythm of Key’s heartbeat feels like lullaby, singing Jonghyun to sleep.

“I come to say goodbye.” The sudden statement brought Jonghyun back to reality, completely puzzled. He looks up to see Key is looking at him too. “I’m going on a mission for five days, at the most. But, don’t worry baby, I will come back next Monday.” [The present day is Tuesday] Both of them move to a sitting position to be more comfortable speaking to each other. “Mission? Is it from Zodiac?” Jonghyun ask, quite curios since he still doesn’t know quite well about the whole mission or any zodiac related thing.

“Right, you don’t know anything about the zodiac, I forget. Alright, since I’m your fiancée, it’s my duty to teach you about the Zodiac.” Key lay down again, but this time he use Jonghyun’s lap as his pillow. “Basically, each zodiac has its own specialty and cases to handle. But, Zodiac high committee will gives mission from time to time, and usually, the group to settle the mission will either be a mix of 2 or 3 different Zodiac or just one Zodiac, but the mission I’m doing is for Dragon’s, so me, Minho and some of our guys will go.” Jonghyun nods understanding the brief explanation. “Kibum-ah, what kind of mission is it? Do you? Umh..” Jonghyun hesitate to ask the question but he asks anyway. “Do you need to kill people?”

Key opens his eyes to see a worried looking Jonghyun. “The mission is rank S, a top secret and dangerous mission, the highest rank. If I tell you, then I may need to kill you too. About your question, to kill or not, it all depend on the target, if they cooperate then killing might be avoided. But, they always end up dead anyway, killed by they own group to prevent from spilling information.” Key brings his hand to caress Jonghyun face, those eyes looking at him with fear. “Don’t worry, baby. You don’t have to kill anyone. If the time comes when you have no other choice than to kill, I will do it for you. I won’t let your pure heart be tainted like mine.”


Jongyeon is enjoying her warm milk, resting on her round, egg-like chair while reading the letter she found being slip under the door, earlier.

To: My dear fiancée                                                           

I’m sorry for how I act today; I was being selfish with my anger and let it out on you. You must wonder what my connection with him is and why I act the way I act. But I have my reason and I promise, I will tell you about it in the future. If you accept my apology, will you go out to your veranda? I will be waiting.

From: Your stupid, selfish but handsome fiancée

A small giggle comes out as she read the last sentence. Putting the cup of milk and letter on the table, she goes to open the veranda door. She found Minho standing on the outer edge of the veranda, greeting her with a relieved smile. Then, he crosses to the inner side, goes to Jongyeon with fast step and takes her in his arms. To Jongyeon surprise, Minho feels so cold and it connected in her mind that Minho must have waited so long since she just decided to read the letter. They stand like that for a while, feeling each other warmth until Minho speaks up. “May I come in?”

Jongyeon didn’t answer but she takes Minho into her room. Minho seated himself on her study chair where she left him, going somewhere. Minho was busy observing the simple room who gives the feels like the owner; bright, calm and warm. Opposite to his room, with things scattered all around, and mostly all black in colour, just like his heart. Will it match the pure heart of his fiancée? Busy in his thought, Minho didn’t notice that Jongyeon has come back bringing a basin until he hears, for the first time, she said his name. “Minho?”

Jongyeon put the basin down, in front of Minho. “Let your feet in, it will make you warm soon.” Minho realize that he just enter her room with his shoe on and leave smug on the floor. “Don’t worry about it, I will clean it later. Now, open your shoes and soak your feet in the hot water.” Jongyeon said warmly, knowing what disturbing her fiancée and cover a blanket over him. Minho, feeling his heart beat rapidly at the close contact, the sweet calming scent and being taken care of. His eyes never leave her, following every movement she does. “Here, drink some hot milk, it will help too.”

Minho stay silent, doing everything she say, eyes meeting with Jongyeon’s who now seating on her bed. “You must have waited so long. I’m sorry.” Minho finishes the milk and shakes his head. “I deserve that. But, I’m happy that you accept my apology. I know now I must have given you a bad impression but please hear me out.” Jongyeon slight nods cue Minho to continue. “Me and that guy, Choi Siwon are cousin, but with doesn’t have a close relationship instead we are always competing. After our engagement, I have searched every detail about you and found there are rumours about you having a crush on him. During lunch, I was waiting for you then I saw the two of you.”

“You are jealous?” Jongyeon ask, shock evident in her voice. “Yes, I think I am. Jealous that even when you’re tied with me in an official, somehow your heart yearns for someone else, the worse thing is that someone is my enemy.” Minho, despite his confident word and looks, his heart feel like breaking into pieces. “I know, it must be ridiculous or even absurd to say this, when we just met two days ago, but I think I’m falling in love with you.” Jongyeon cannot hide her sudden blush hearing Minho’s confession. Yes, she is damn shock but Minho look so sincere that she cannot look at him in the eyes thus she lower her head. Minho, on the other hand, took Jongyeon action as rejection and readily himself to leave. “I understand. We can talk this out of our dads and ask them to cancel the engagement.”

Before Minho can stand up, Jongyeon stop him, holding his hand firmly. “I had a crush on him before and yes, I was very sad about this engagement, I even reject it at first. But, I trust my father. I know he loves me and Jonghyun so much, so I think he must have arranged this for the best. That’s why I decide to let go of him and gives us a chance.” Jongyeon turn her gaze avoiding Minho’s. “Right now, I still don’t love you but, please give me some time and mayb….be.” Jongyeon is utterly surprised when she feels Minho’s lips, softly pressing against her temple.

“I will wait, until the time come for us to feel the same about each other.”

Actually, I thought to remove this chapter, but then I think if Minho and Key just left, then I don't know what to make for the twin chapter, will take a while....or not...but, for the next chapter, I will introduce another main character and some other~~ hehehe, I wonder who?

I just finish watching shinee some wonderful days, at last...YEAHHHH!!!....if I were given a chance to have a vacation with one of the members, I will choose our bling, bling Jonghyun...because he is my bias...and I think his adventure is really something I love to do, eating and playing...sure an enjoyable vacation...esp the haunted house & 2nd choice will be maknae Taemin, my reason, I always want to try extreme sport, but all of the vacation look so enjoyable...I'm happy that they got their vacation =D

I'm also curious, about the things that, Jonghyun, Onew & Key hide, did someone found it already?

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Chapter 4: Or maybe it won't take as much work as I first thought...^^ it really is some nice pairings, no doubt. I still like JongKey better thank JongHo even though they are very sweet. I really should be finishing my homework but I just had to read this!!
Chapter 2: Dark aura, hmmmm, seems like it will take a lot of work to get JongKey together. Welcome back Jonghyun I missed you so much!!!! Happy 5th anniversary SHINee~! This is a great story, please update soon^^
blossom10 #3
Hilarious story please update
Wow...Jonghyun you can never escape!
Chapter 1: i love feminine jjong too~!!!
its so interesting~
looking for ur next update ^^
reitachan #6
Chapter 1: I like feminine jjong, please update, i like when minho and key want to have jjong
Interesting update soon:)))
O.o I like the pic !!