Chapter 3: Meeting the in-laws Part 2

HEY!! Don't disturb what's mine!


Yayy...2 update in one day~ =D

I don’t know if my mind is playing a trick on me or I really am seeing two men in Asclepius, in a really weird outfit. When I heard Jinki’s word then it register to me that they are the replacement doctors for today. If I’m in my normal condition, I will really hit Jinki’s in the head for trusting too easily. But, I’m so sick, noona and appa is not with me, so I just put my trust on them. One of the ‘doctors’ inject me with medicine, I think, and I fall asleep soon after.

“Well, look like student Jonghyun will sleep for a while. I think student Lee Jinki can go back to class and we will settle student Minho and student Key registration.” The taller doctor said calmly as he tucks Jonghyun under the blanket.

“Then, I will leave now. Thank you, doctors. Minho, Key, you know the way back right?” Jinki soon leave hurriedly to his class.

“Isn’t that an abnormal costume for a doctor, dad?” Minho questioned the two men that he and Key know very well. “It’s too eye-catching.”

“Confidence is the key of disguise, always remember that. And we did just fool that kid so, no worries Minho.” G-Dragon sits on the side of the bed opposite to Key who’s watching the beautiful boy sleep. “So I guest, he is really your type, right Key?”

“No doubt of that. And I had fun making him sick just from my presence.” Key gently the side of Jonghyun’s face, admiring the flawless beauty of his future fiancée.

“That’s just sick, Key.” Minho on the other hand is waiting for his to come.

“You’re just jealous that, mine’s is here and yours still haven’t come?” Key and G-Dragon high-fived at that statement as Minho tries his best to wait patiently.

“Relax, Minho. Like Jaejoong said, the other one will come soon after, not directly after. Besides, it gives us time to prepare. He had warned us that he/she is quite tough.” TOP prepare a clean cloth and a bottle of chloroform while waiting on the side of the door, ready to grab the older that they are waiting for.

As expected, soon after, a young, beautiful girl who looks exactly like the sleeping beautiful boy enters. “Excuse me, is student Kim Jonghyun here?”

“Jaejoong is really describing his twin, I suppose precisely as they look, attractiveness that surpass his own.” G-Dragon said in awe. Key looks at her for a while but turn back to Jonghyun while Minho, is in admiration that he forgets to controls his facial expression. TOP on the other hand; start pouring the chloroform on the cloth.

“What are saying, erm…are you the nurse here?” Jongyeon said a bit puzzled by G-Dragon appearance. She hasn’t spot TOP but when Top starts moving towards her, she turns and move back, quickly grasping the whole situation. “Are you from the Zodiac? What do you want from us?”

“We just want to take both of you to finish the mission.” TOP signals Minho who stands behind her, to hold her while he quickly put the cloth of her. It takes a while, she keep on struggling but then she falls asleep as the chemical creeps into her body. Minho holds her firmly for she had fallen asleep and put her on the next bed. He, just like Key cannot hold himself from admiring her beauty.


Moving the light, sleeping twin is quite an easy task for the Dragon’s heirs but keeping their hands to themselves is the problem. Key placed Jonghyun’s head on his lap so he can get better view of the beautiful boy face and his hand is playing with Jonghyun’s hair, then occasionally moving to touch his smooth skin, his kissable lips. “If the Rat’s leader had not given me that warning, I will surely have marked him as mine.” Key’s hand now moves to play with Jonghyun’s hand liking the softness he felt.

Minho nods agreeing to Key’s statement but he is on better control of his hand. He just looks intently on the sleeping figure on the couch, observing how she moves from time to time. “She sleeps like a princess.” Minho said softly.

“So, I guess both the Dragon’s heirs like their fiancée?” The sudden question startled both the heirs from what they are doing, and they meet the Rat’s leader, Kim Jaejoong once again. “Well, my prediction is always true anyway and I love that both of you remember my warning. Yoochun-ah, Junsu-ah, you can take both of them home now.” The two said man came and each of the twins on their hand leaving the Dragon’s mansion, much to the dismay of Minho and Key.

“Don’t be disappointed, both of you will see them soon.” Jaejoong said warmly, waiting for Yunho, TOP and G-Dragon to join him.

“I hope the mansion is to your liking. This is actually Rat’s hidden base in case the mansion is attacked, but mostly is not used, so feel free to stay for the time being.” Yunho takes his seat beside Jaejoong and tap his thigh before whispering something to Jaejoong’s ear.

“Excuse us then, we need to take our leave now. The Zodiacs are coming.” With that, Jaejoong and Yunho leave to their current household (more to mansion though).


Jongyeon woke up to meet the ceiling of her room, still a bit dizzy from the high amount of chloroform she inhaled, she didn’t realize that her twin called her until she feel someone grab her. “Oh, morning Jjong, is it morning again? But, the sky is dark, so maybe it’s already night. Then, night, Jjong.”

“Noona, seems like you’re really dizzy. Here, drink some water.” Jonghyun is actually amused with his twin behaviour that is usually so composed but suddenly become so confuse. “Appa, noona is awake, but she seems to be confused.” Jonghyun yell to call their father.

As soon the twin has calm down and wakes up completely, Jaejoong explain carefully about the whole matter to them. About introducing them to all Zodiacs, officially becoming the member and the engagement. Jaejoong have expected them to be shocked but he knows that his twin know he intention, so they only agrees and follow through it. The night went smoothly as planned, the introducing have been so welcoming by the Zodiac and both have officially known as the Rat’s heir and heiress. The engagement on the other hand was accepted by the Zodiac though some Zodiac had raised their voice for objection. However, Jaejoong’s biggest worry is that the twin is also objecting in silence and makes Jaejoong wonder if he had made the right decision?

I hope you like this chapter~ so Minho and Key surely like the twin, but how about the twin?

Maybe I will introduce some from other zodiac in the future...sorry for the lack of onew, and Taemin will come in soon~ hehehe

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Chapter 4: Or maybe it won't take as much work as I first thought...^^ it really is some nice pairings, no doubt. I still like JongKey better thank JongHo even though they are very sweet. I really should be finishing my homework but I just had to read this!!
Chapter 2: Dark aura, hmmmm, seems like it will take a lot of work to get JongKey together. Welcome back Jonghyun I missed you so much!!!! Happy 5th anniversary SHINee~! This is a great story, please update soon^^
blossom10 #3
Hilarious story please update
Wow...Jonghyun you can never escape!
Chapter 1: i love feminine jjong too~!!!
its so interesting~
looking for ur next update ^^
reitachan #6
Chapter 1: I like feminine jjong, please update, i like when minho and key want to have jjong
Interesting update soon:)))
O.o I like the pic !!