Afterwards....Before the Flight

My entire life is fantastic baby xD

He wrapped his arms around Hana's waist and led her out. 

"Everything for our honeymoon is ready, and CL finished packing your suitcase," he told her. Charin decided it was better if she and Bom packed Hana suitcase for whatever reason.

"So what're we going to do until tomorrows flight?" Hana askdd getting in the car carefully.

"Well, you are staying at my house and we have it all to ourselves tonight." he winked. 

Hana rolled her eyes, " I mean what are we doing now? I have to change!" 

"You look so beautiful, I hope I told you that."

"You have....almost a million times..." Hana blushed.

"Good," he turned into Chaerin's driveway.

"What are we doing here?" Hana asked.

"I have specific instructions to take you here and stay in the car while you go inside," Seunghyun said. Shd could tell he was confused too.

"Okay," Hana walked into the house and found a note:

“Go into Rinny's room.”

She went upstairs and walked into Chaerin's room. On her bed was a silky red dress. There was a note:

“Change into this and leave the wedding dress here. Wear the jewelery with this dress too. Its on the bedside table.”

Hana did as instructed and found the matching shoes and other accessories. She fixed her hair and eent back outside. Seunghyun got out of the car, "You look amazing."

Hana giggled, “Thanks."

They drove to a restaurant and had dinner even though it was 5:30pm. After dinner, they headed to Seunghyun's home. There, she saw a pair of shorts and a shirt, she changed and put her hair in a bun.

They cuddled and watched a movie but then got bored and started talking.

"Do you know what your mother said to me when we were walking to their car?"

Hana groaned, "Oh no, what?"

"She told me she wanted grand babies real soon," Seunghyun laughed as Hana hid her face in his chest embarrassed. 

He tilted her face up to him. "Do you know what I said?" he whispered, bringing his face closer, "I told her thats what honeymoons are for." he went to kiss her but she squirmed away and ran to his bedroom, embarrassed.

He stood up and laughed. He followed her and saw her looking out the window. He wrapped his arms around her and together they swayed.

"Baby, don't you want children?" he asked gently.

"Yes, but -"

"But you don't want me." He let go of her and began walking away. 

Hana grabbed his arm and turned him around, "Dont you ever, EVER, say that again. I've wanted you the day I met you. Hell, I wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you."  She pulled him as close as humanly possible.

"Then lets do it baby. Its just you and me tonight and its the happiest day of my life. Lets do it, baby," Seunghyun cooed eagerly. He start tugging at the bottom of her shirt. Hana put her hand on his to stop him. She leaned into him so closely, not even air separated them.

"Tch tch. That's what honeymoons are for," she whispered in his ear, slowly kissing his neck. Seunghyun groaned with desire. 

She smirked and danced away from him, out the door.

He stood there dazed, and started to smile. His sweet and innocent wife just got a little naughty. And he liked it. A lot.

He followed her out and wrapped his arms around her waist.

He spoke in his deep y voice, "So you've wanted me since high school?"

She shivered, "Don't do that Tabi," her voice quivered as she melted into him. 

He laughed, "Do what? I haven't done anything yet."


They fell on the couch. Hana squealed as Seunghyun nipped at her ear. She was giggling uncontrollable, Hana struggled against him.

"I'm not letting you go just yet," he growled.

Then the doorbell rang.

Hana and Seunghyun looked at each other and got off the couch laughing.
"I didn't know we we're going to have company," Hana said, straightening her shirt.
Seunghyun grinned, "Neither did I." He answered the door and let the visitors in.
They were met with a bunch of "Hey guys!" as Bigbang and 2ne1 walked in.
"We got you go-away--your-honeymoon-presents !!" Charting said excitedly.
Their jaws dropped, Seunghyun said, "What was the need for that? You already got us wedding gifts!"
Data rolled her eyes, “They’re not for you Oppa, they're for Hana."
"Oh. Then presents are welcome," Seunghyun grinned as Hana tried to protest.
They all gathered in the kitchen as Hana and Seunghyun took out snacks for everyone.
"Open mine first !" Rinny said, Hana smiled and took the package.
She gasped, "This is such a pretty locket! Oh!" She admired the intricate work on the heart locket.
"Can I see?" Hana just shook her head playfully at Seunghyun.
"Open it up dummy," Chaerin rolled her eyes. Hana stuck her tongue out and did as told. 
She kissed the picture inside, "I love it Rinny. Thank you."
Chaerin grinned and Seunghyun grabbed the locket, "That's us! what ? I can't get a kiss in real life?"
Hana smiled and kissed his cheek. 
He placed the locket around her neck, "Look Baby Rin, it looks perfect."
Minji gave hers next, "I hope they're useful." It was sunglasses, a designer summer bag, and other cute summer accessories. Hana gave her a hug.
Dara and Bom told her their presents were outdoors that were already in her suitcase and Hana gave them all hugs.
"I love you guys. You know you didn't have to do all this,"Hana said biting into and oreo and dipping it in Seunghyun's milk.
"Oh, WE did," Bom and Dara exchanging looks.
"That's what I said Hana. I told them you weren't that special," Oreo pieces fell out of Daesung's mouth.
"Gee, thanks," she said sarcastically.
Seunghyun hit him hard. Daesung spit everything out of his mouth.
"Aw you okay?" Hana rubbed his back and threatened to smack Seunghyun.
When Daesung nodded, Hana said, "Good. Cause you're gonna have to clean all that up."
Everyone laughed.
They stayed a while talking and laughing. Then Hana and Seunghyun had to go to sleep so they could rest before catching the flight, so their friends left.

Hana snuggled against Seunghyun under the covers. She laid her head on his chest as he held her close. Tonight was the first night they we're together as a married couple. From now on all their nights would be spent together, forever.


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Chapter 4: Hope you guys are enjoying this....ideas? I'll take suggestions(: n work them into my story(: thanks for reading!<3