Wedding Time

My entire life is fantastic baby xD

It was such a beautiful day, the sky was bright and the sun warm on their skin


Bom stood back after finishing Hana's hair and makeup. "There. Now look in the full size mirror."




Hana gasped, "I look beautiful!"

Chaerin touched her arm, "You ARE beautiful."

Hana blushed.

"Come on everyone, lets go!"



Hana stood nervously with her father, praying she wouldnt trip. The music played.

oh gawd. Time to go. Her father held out his arm for her and she quickly grasped it. He smiled at her. "Relax, child. It will go perfectly."

She smiled confidentally, assured. Hana smelled the beautiful watermelon pink bouquet of rosesThey began walking down the aisle. Hana felt everyone watching her.

Then she saw him.

Everything around her disappered. His eyes were locked on hers. He was beautiful. His suit was good for words. And his hair...

Was watermelon pink. Oh. 

He saw realization flash in her eyes and he smirked ever so slightly. 

They reached the podium and her father handed her off to Seughyun.

The preacher began to talk but Hana tuned him out, staring at Seunghyun.

"Do you take Chi Seunghyun for your lawfully wedded husband?" The words jolted her out of her daze.

"I do."

"And do you take Lee Hana for your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Rings were exchanged...Hana felt butterflies in her tummy.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

Seungyun's eager hands grasped her face and their lips melted together. Hana could hear the roar of cheering and happiness. They pulled apart and Seunghyun wrspped his arm around Hana's waist.

Hana turned around and threw the bouquet behind her, at all the waiting girls.

She turned around to see who got it and saw Chaerin holding the flowers, all the other girls gushing over her, looking at Jiyong as he blushed.

Seunghyun and Hana laughed at them, then waved and smiled for pictures.

Hana felt giddy with happiness. She couldn't help but grin at Seunghyun and snuggle against him. He looked back at her feeling just as happy and excited.

He winked at her.

Suddenly, Seunghyun grasped her by the waist and spun her around , shouting with joy. Hana laughed and kissed him when he put her down.

Hana saw her parents, her little sister, and all of her friends. They looked proud and excited. Suddenly tears welled up in her eyes. Would she see them as much as she wanted in her new life? They saw her begin to tear up and gathered around her. 

"Congradulations!" They all cheered. Hana couldnt help but laugh and wipe her tears away. She hugged all of them.

Bigbang strode up to the stage too and gave their congrats. Soon everyone was up talking to the newlyweds.

They all went towards the reception hall. Seunghyun wouldnt let Hana's feet touch the ground and he carried her wedding style to the hall. The guys teased Seungyun but he just grinned and stared into Hana's big brown eyes.

Once they all settled down Seunghyun whispered in her ear, "What do you think of my hair?"

Hana smiled, "Its beautiful. I love how it matches my nails, my flowers and this tablecloth," she pointed to the silky cover.

Seunghyun laughed.

After they all ate,it was time for speeches.

First up was Bigbang.

"Hana, Im glad youre part of Hyun's life..But i would really appreciate it if you could get Hyun to be nicer to his dongsaes." Jiyong laughed as his hyun made threatening motions at him.

"Ok. My turn," Yongbae stole the mic from Jiyong, "Hana I would really appreciate it-" he burst out laughing at his imitation of Jiyong, "But Hana, Hyun is areally good guy and he cares a lot about you. Im sure he'll take really good care of you n give you everything you want. Sorry hyun, I just kinda promised your wife that she could have a unicorn  you'd give her one."

"I'll draw her one," Seunghyun shouted back, getting laughs from people.

Yongbae shook his head, "Bless your soul, you think you can draw."

The crowd roared with laughter and Seunghyun hid in Hana's shoulder, embarressed. She tried not to smile too much as she murmured comforting words.

When they calmed down, Seungri took up his part, "No offense Hana, but im kinda sick of hearing about you." Hana mocked looking hurt "What im saying is, Hyun talks none stop about you and loves you so much its...icky" he grinned, "Have fun you two, congrats."

He passed the mic to Daesung, "Hi. So Hyun, I gotta say, your wife is REALLY pretty and im jelly," Hana blew him a kiss. "Ah. Thank you Hana, that flew to my heart, " he laughed, " You guys go great together so have a FANTASTIC life."

"WOW FANTASTIC BABY!!" almost all people said this together.

Then its was time for 2ne1

"Heyy Hana! Congrsts girl!" Chaerin said grinnig, "And way to go Oppa! Put a ring on it! ok. But what i wanted to say was oppa if you ever end up hurting my Hana,you'll have to face the wrath of the baddest female in Seuol City!! Not that you will but if by chance uou do...." She left the threat hanging. Her tone was light but we knew she was serious. Seunghyun protectively put an arm around Hana.

"Hi guys!"Minji went next, " I want so say that Oppa, youre really lucky to have Hana. She loves you so much and will keep you as happy as I know you'll keep her. K, bye." She handed the mic to Bom.

"Hey darlings. Hana, when I first met you, I felt like you made everything brighter and more beautiful. I still feel that way. Remember when I told you that I would love you more than your husband? That was before Seunghyun. And now, I dont think I can love you more than he does. Best wishes, love ya," At the end, her voice broke.

Hana wiped away a tear.

Then it was Dara's turn, "Hey girly. Hana, when I first saw you I was so jealous. You are so beautiful and you such a thief. You steal everyones hearts before they even know it. But I learned really quick you had eyes for no one but Oppa. You guys are wonderful and I hope you fully enjoy your married life."She was about to hand the mic to Hana's family members but she stopped, "Ooh, if Oppa starts to bore you, just call me and I'll make your life bearable." Everyone laughed.

Then everyone took their turns talking to the newlyweds. Remembering fun times and wishing them happiness.

Before they knew it, the reception was over. Hana hugged her family tight, she knew they wouldnt see each other until after the honeymoon, which they had to leave for tomorrow.

Seunghyun talked with her brother and cousins, being the sweet gentlemen he is, and walked her family out since Hana was suppose to stay and talk to the other leaving guests.

Finally, it was just Bigbang and 2ne1,  Hana sighed and smiled.

It was a magical day.

They talked until Seunghyun came back. And it was time to go.


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Chapter 4: Hope you guys are enjoying this....ideas? I'll take suggestions(: n work them into my story(: thanks for reading!<3