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Because Kazuya was ‘gone,’ and no one was sharing the room with Ryosuke since they were roommates, Momoka was transferred from sleeping within Haruma’s hindsight—which was in the corner of the living room in a blood barrier conjured by Mirai—to sleeping with him. At first, Ryosuke protested, but when Haruma told him it was for a chance to get as much information as he could from Momoka regarding his ‘relationship’ with Mirai by using his status as a Royal Demon Slayer, he was immediately persuaded.

So that was how Momoka and Ryosuke were in a room full of tension. Or at least that was how Ryosuke was feeling. He was beginning to regret his decision.

“Yamada-san,” said Momoka. “Do you prefer a lit candle during your sleep?”

“I prefer the dark. What about you, Momoka-san?” Ryosuke expressed his irritation and dislike as he said the name with sarcasm.

Momoka sighed and looked at Ryosuke, whose back faced him. “Yamada-san, I sense you do not like me.”

“I don’t swing that way,” Ryosuke said coldly.

“Oh, no, Yamada-san. I know you don’t, but what I meant is that you don’t seem to be friendly around me when we’ve never seen each other before.”

Exactly. You’ve seen none of us before either, ‘Momoka’. “Do I have to like anyone I see for the first time?”

Momoka shook his head and chuckled. “Why, of course not.”

“That solves it.” He purposely yawned in his warn futon to express his tiredness.

Momoka understood the intention of the yawning and said, “Good night, sir.”

Ryosuke didn’t bother to say it back. Although the room was dark after Momoka blew the candle, he knew neither of them was sleepy. “What’s your actual relationship with Mirai?”


“Your relationship with Mirai. What is it?”

“A lost childhood friend.”

“What are you after?”

“What do you mean, Yamada-san?”

Ryosuke paused his questioning. He already knew that Momoka wouldn’t give in easily about his real identity or motive, but at least he tried. Shutting his eyes, he gave up and forced himself to sleep. It was no use to answer Momoka’s fake curious questions.


“Gener—” A returning-back-to-Heisan Kazuya was knocked unconscious from behind by someone after clearly catching sight of a familiar person he knew.

“He knows you?” one minion asked the man in charge.

The eldest smirked as he laid eyes on Kazuya. “We’ve passed by a few times.”

“Shall we dispose of him before he gets to his people?”



The elder man inhaled and raised his eyebrows. Hikaru had mention betraying the princess. But is this another prank from that tengu again like before? “Bring him with us. He may be useful.”


Staring off at the ceiling, Haruma’s attention caught a flickered orange-red light at the side of his eyes. He sat up, prepared to attack if it was someone who had barged into the cottage.

“Don’t worry. It’s me.”

He raised a brow and relaxed. “Maya-sama.”

“I don’t think it’s safe for you and your people to stay here any longer.”

“We haven’t set on what we need to do.”

“I already have an idea of how to deal with my granddaughter.”

Haruma perked up frantically. “You’re really going to kill her?”

“No.” Maya had to pause before answering. “Her death might be needed after this.”

“After what?”

“After we find Shirobane’s other half.”

Haruma knew what Shirobane was. He had heard that name many times when Mirai was still a kid and the three of them were still traveling around, trying to confuse the people and demons that were trying to find Mirai. “Have you found it?”

Maya nodded. “Just in time too because they have seemed to make their move.”

“How do you know?”

“For years, I’ve built a magical membrane around this village to detect any potential danger. A few days after you guys have arrived, I’ve felt a presence. I ignored it because I thought whoever or whatever it is would leave since this is just a small village in the Middle Lands, but it hasn’t. It’s still here.”

“Jaa, I can take care of it tomorrow.”

“It won’t be easy. About four of them came. That’s not a lot, but it is. In all the years I’ve spent my time here in hiding and protecting, there have always been two visitors—no more, no less—and they also usually leave within a day or so.”

“Are you saying…they’ve found our whereabouts?”


“But she’s not ready,” said someone not from Haruma or Maya.

Haruma and Maya looked around and saw Ryosuke.

“Brat, what are you listening for?” Haruma stood up.

“I was going to meet up with you to tell you about how Mirai could have remembered her memories since I couldn’t do that before, so this is only a coincidence.” He bowed apologetically to Maya. “Gomenasai.”

Maya smiled, accepting his apology. “Come here, boy.”

Ryosuke lifted his head and walked over with modest as he followed the elder’s order.

“What did you mean when you said that? From before.”

Ryosuke confidently explained. “Although she seems like a strong woman, that’s only because her grandmother disallowed her to express how she feels so that no one can read her. I understand now that it is for her safety, but that doesn’t mean she’s strong to handle these tiresome and worrisome things at once. And…I am worried about her.”

“More in particular, her death, right?” Maya nailed the spot as Ryosuke froze in response.

“When…she was betrayed…she was in a state I don’t want to see her experience again. At the same time, it was during her grandmother’s funeral. She didn’t know how to deal with it because she has always had others doing it for her—crying for her, loving for her, hating for her, killing for her. When I look at it from a different view without my personal feelings and thoughts, she’s less than a human…or a demon. She’s just a plain body, used and controlled, whose sole existence is to be trashed after its use.”

Haruma instantly extended his hand to grab Ryosuke’s throat as he fumed with anger because of the offensive way Ryosuke had explained the situation. “Don’t you dare underestimate her value!”

Maya easily separated Haruma from Ryosuke with the use of her magic as she didn’t want the violence to escalate or else it’d wake up everyone else. “Calm down, you two.”

Ryosuke wheezed, “You know…it’s true too.”

Provoked even further, Haruma transformed into his tengu form and was about to nab his sharp talons into the brat. “Damare!”

Ryosuke budged to his right, closely refraining from death as Haruma’s hand jabbed into the wall, and flicked the fallen crumbs of the wall on his shoulders away and glared straight into Haruma’s eyes. “Even if I have to fight alone, I’m definitely against sacrificing her…or killing her.”


Before Maya and Haruma left without informing where they’d be, they ordered everyone to stay inside the cottage until their return, which would be in two to three days. Or worse, a week. This hinted to everyone that a serious matter had received Maya’s and Haruma’s attention, and they weren’t telling them anything about it, but no one said a word.

Until someone dropped by.

“Kappa-san!” Mirai exclaimed when she opened the door, and everyone witnessed a severely bleeding and brutally wounded Kappa at the door, who immediately fell to its knees. She crouched down and held him, supporting his weight from falling to the ground. “Wh-what happened? Who did this to you?”

“Ka…” Kappa grabbed tightly onto Mirai’s arm and gasped his last breath. “…zuya…”


Half an hour later, the kids woke up and bumped into Mirai, who was heading to her room to change into new clothes because of the bloodstains after burying Kappa, and they demanded to know who was hurt. Mirai feared how to answer them. If she answered that Kappa died, it’d imply a natural death, but she also didn’t want to reveal that Kazuya had murdered Kappa. The kids wouldn’t be able to process such a betrayal.

Maki joined them and said, “Someone killed Kappa.”

Seishiro rolled up his sleeves and headed to the living room—which was where everyone was present as the Demon Slayers sat at a table across Jin-sama and Ueda-san’s table—and the girls followed him. “That’s it. No one’s going to mess with my family anymore. First was Baba, and now, it’s Kappa-san.”

Everyone watched with curiosity what Seishiro was doing.

He put on his shoes, grabbed his bag, and then looked around. “Maki-nee, where’s Haruma-nii and Kazuya-nii?”

“What do you think you’re doing?” asked Maki, putting her hands on her hips.

“Haruma-nii’s busy with Maya-baba, and Kazuya-nii hasn’t come home yet, so I’m going to do what they would do.”

“And that is?”

“I’m going to hunt down the one who killed Kappa-san.”

“And you think you can do that?”

Seishiro’s eyes become filled with water, and he lowered his head as the balled fists at his sides shook with anger. “I know…” he said with a trembling voice, “I know…I’m not strong like Haruma-nii or Kazuya-nii…but someone has to do something.” He looked at Maki, and his tears slid down like rain. “Meisa-baba always told us that families are supposed to protect each other. Kappa-san never stayed long when he visited with Haruma-nii, but he was funny, and he played with us a lot too, so he was a part of my family.” He bawled and put a hand over his eyes. “I’m still a kid, but-but I have to do something for Kappa-san!”

No one moved. Seishiro’s crying was too much of an emotional scene for anyone to disrupt. Besides, his words tugged their heartstrings, and everyone quietly commended his thoughtfulness.

Once Seishiro calmed down and wasn’t bawling but sniffling, Mirai crouched to his eye level and said, “Thank you, Seishiro, and you’re right.”

He locked his red, teary eyes with her soft eyes.

“Families are supposed to protect each other, but your responsibility right now is to protect yourself, Mana, and Kanon. Can you do that for us?”

He nodded as his eyes glistened with confidence.

“Leave Kappa-san’s matter to us, okay?”

He nodded again.

Maki came to them and playfully pulled Seishiro by the ear. “Enough of you and your bravado. Y’all just woke up now, so go wash up and eat breakfast. I’ll put it out for y’all.”

The kids gathered together and crowded up the stairs to the washroom.

Once the kids disappeared, Maki made her way to the kitchen, but Mirai stopped her.

“Maki,” said Mirai.

Maki turned around.

“Stay here with everyone, and I’m going to find Haruma and Maya-san. I… I’m going to send them news about Kappa-san since…K-Kazuya killed him.”

Maki didn’t respond. Or react.


“No one’s to leave. That’s what we were told, so you can’t go.”


“No, Mi-chan.” Maki turned around, but Mirai quickly rushed over to her. “No matter what you say, I won’t allow it.”

The girls stood still, with Maki avoiding eye contact and Mirai looking at her.

Moments later, Mirai firmly said, “I’m going no matter what.” She headed up the stairs.

“You’re my family, Mi-chan!” shouted Maki, which made Mirai stop. “As much as I agree with you and Seishiro, I won’t let you face any danger that will take you away from me. And right now…I can’t protect you. Because I’m…a standing.”

Mirai walked back to Maki and held her hand. “You’ve protected me long enough. It’s time I protect myself, Maki.”

“I’ll go with her,” volunteered Ryosuke, who stood up and took a step forward, and everyone eyed him. “I’m sure Haruma would be okay with this decision.”

“No can do,” said Yuri, still sitting. “Haruma had explicitly ordered us to stay here until their return. Besides, Jin-sama is here, and we absolutely cannot welcome unforeseen matters in a place we have no information about.”

Mirai had forgotten that Jin-sama was here, but as much as she respected and cared for him, he was the last of her worries, for he had four people who could protect him. She walked to him. “Jin-sama, I ask for your permission to let me find Haruma.”

All eyes shifted to Jin-sama, who slightly became uncomfortable with the attention. The long pause told him they were waiting for a response, and that they would wait for as long as needed until he gave word—that it was useless for him to act as if he didn’t hear, something he occasionally did to avoid taking matters in his hands.

“I…” Jin-sama began slowly. Haruma would kill me if I let them go, and Meisa would roll in her grave.

“Onegai shimasu!” Mirai bowed, hoping her plea of desperation would reach Jin-sama.

“Jin-sama, do not worry.” Momoka included himself. “As a friend, I will ensure her safety.”

Maki irritably arched a brow. “Oh, you will take care of Mi-chan? And how are you going to do that?”

“Maa, maa,” Jin-sama finally said. He looked at Mirai. “Raise your head, Mirai.”

Mirai shook her head. “Not until you allow me.”

Maki came over and stood in front of Mirai, blocking Jin-sama’s view. “Mi-chan, I forbid you to go anywhere, even if Momoka goes with you.”

Mirai didn’t respond.

“You can go.” Jin’s final words echoed in the air.

Mirai finally leaned straight in appreciation while Maki looked back around with shock and denial in response to Jin-sama’s permission.

“Gomen ne, Maki,” Mirai apologized before walking away to her room to pack.


Mirai was about to open her bedroom door but paused. She had never hesitated to do something before, but today, she was. However, she wasn’t trembling. Or scared. Oddly enough, she was unsure of whether this was the right decision. Why was she hesitating, though, when she had never had to worry about it before? What pulled her back? Sure enough, Kazuya’s walk away from the family was a good enough reason to persuade her to go after her friend, yet why was she doubting her actions and her choice of going after him?

Unknown to her, her other hand reached up to grasp onto the locket she had put on—and she was even wearing the hairpin. These two accessories were the same accessories Haruma had told her to bring along as if it’d be of use for her, but how? For some reason, she felt these two were of importance more so than her katana, since she was never allowed to sheathe it and use it.

She tossed her worries away and decided to not linger any longer. She opened the door and was startled when she saw Ryosuke standing idly in front of her as if he had been waiting all along. She ignored his existence and headed toward the stairs with a small bag strapped to her side. At the top of the stairs, she stopped and asked, “You’re coming along?”

“Of course,” he answered as if that was obvious. If he’s going, I’m going.

“You don’t need to follow me. It’s best if you stay here and watch over Jin-sama.”

“You said that the person who will have to kill you when the time comes is me.” He gritted his teeth and forced himself to say the next line. “So, I’m only going to make sure you come back alive so that I can carry out my role...since that’s the only way you see me.”

She didn’t say anything back and headed to the living room and stopped when she saw Umika, Yuto, and Momoka with bags with them. “Where are you guys going?”

“With you,” the two men said while Umika kept quiet.

“So, only one demon slayer is staying to protect Jin-sama?” said Mirai, almost in disbelief, as she referred to Yuri.

Yuri appeared from the side and said, “I’m enough. Besides, there’s no point in persuading them when they’ve made their minds.” He touched the tilt of his katana and asserted, “I will protect Jin-sama and everyone here, so you guys just do your best.”

This time, Ryosuke protested. He came to where Jin-sama was and said, “Jin-sama, why are you letting Umika-sama attend with us? It’s not safe out there. This is not Heisan but the Middle Lands.”

Jin-sama sipped his tea at his seat. “You know that when she wants to go, she will go.” He glanced at his daughter and added, “As much as I would love to discipline her for disobeying her father, she is a Royal Demon Slayer and can well enough fend for herself.”

“I-I won’t get in the way,” Umika butted in. “I-I just want to make sure…you come back, Ryosuke.”

Mirai didn’t like how she had followers, but she wouldn’t trip about it since it what Yuri said was true—no one could change their minds, and she wouldn’t waste her time to do so. “Let’s leave now.” Passing Maki, she didn’t look at her. She couldn’t. She was both ashamed and afraid.

Opening the door, she heard Maki said, “Please… Please come back.”

At the door, smiling, she said, “I will.”


“I’ve kept her body around here,” said Maya to Haruma as she led him to a deserted part of the Middle Lands where there was no sign of life. She stopped in her tracks, closed her eye

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I cannot update until I get a few of my chapters back first. I'm sorry that this happened after we're back on schedule. Thanks for understanding!


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Chapter 54: I can feel you... When I started out writing in Mandarin in Taiwan (coz my mandarin big time then), I had also earned myself a reputation for killing my leads to the extent that many readers were asking me not to write sad story. I was almost banned from writing them for a while. And I caved in to their wishing in one story by creating a double ending, one happy and one sad... Strangely enough, when I asked for a feedback vote later, 80% preferred the sad ending instead. As a writer, it's not that we can't write funny, or happy ending, but rather how the character grew in the story and led us on their own to that fate, a fate that is not welcomed but guided by a strong gut feeling. Sometimes, we don't see it at first, but a sad ending is also a closure for new beginning. So I learned, the best is to go with your heart when writing... Epspecially if I am a non planning writer who writing whatever come to mind myself haha! Thank you for the great story, I loved it!
shininja08 #2
Chapter 27: Finally an update! Thanks for updating! :)
themisberry #3
Chapter 54: I miss this story. Please update..
svang11 #4
.............................................I MISS THIS STORY! I saw on your other story that you'd be finishing up on this way right after, so I'll be expecting it!
lynn88mr #5
Hi. Please update this story. Or can you update this story after finishing the Yuna Inspired? Thank you...
How I miss this story and your stories! Hope you're doing well nee-chan! Ganbatte ne!
Chapter 25: Hello, Author san!!!

I just wanted to say what an incredible story this is, I've been subscribed to it for a while and just recently had the chance to finally read and I can honestly say that I'm mind blowned by your amazing writing skills and the story's plot <3

I'm truly inspired by your writing and can not wait to see what awaits Ryosuke and Mirai, I love the slow romance in this and I love that you've used so many great characters!

This is simply one of the best stories among a few others I've had the pleasure to read, I'm obsessed with it <3
sandyyclassixx #8
Chapter 51: Please continue the story! I am so eager to know the ending ...
hazel_duhds #9
please author-san continue these
hazel_duhds #10