The forest of Blood

◊Give me your Heart◊





I was wrapped in Taemin’s arms as we fell into the dark abyss. It was like traveling true a black void, a never-ending pit of darkness. Even the black had its own beautiful radiance. I felt pressure in my chest, like I was about to shatter into a million pieces. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down, when suddenly we crashed into something.

“Alice…” Taemin mumbled.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying over his body. I quickly rolled off and took a look around us. We were in the middle of a lane surrounded by a forest, bathing in sunlight.

Taemin didn’t move. His face had a painful expression as if thousands of needles were going his body. Resting my hand on his chest, I kneeled next to him and made sure if he was alright. I ed a few of his upper buttons trying to make him breathe easier, but when taking off his school uniform’s jacket I found something in his inner pocket. It was a gun. My hands started shaking. I got up dropping the weapon and took a few steps away from him.

“Alice…” He whispered in his attempt of getting up, but failed to do so. “Wait.”

“No.”I said with a shaking voice as my eyes got all watery.

I turned around and ran deep into the forest, away from him. In the beginning I could hear him calling my name and asking me to return, but as I went further into the wilderness, it eventually stopped.

Walking alone in the woods, I discovered many unseen creatures before- a lizard-headed-bird, a wolf-looking-bunny and beautiful phoenix like birds. Everything was so extraordinary. There was at least an hour left until the sun was about to set. Eventually I got tired and found a log on which I sat down to rest for a while. I tried to think over how I was going to return home. How would I explain this to my parents? Why did Taemin have that gun? Did he plan on shooting me and why? I didn’t even know my own location, yet I had many questions. I wasn’t lost in my thought for too long. There was something in the shadows, something that was moving around quietly. When I tried to get up slowly my skirt got caught on the log’s branches and I fell pushing the log with me down the hill.

There was blood dripping from me. My legs got scratched and my clothes ripped. I couldn’t help, but cry not only from the pain but from my current situation as well.

“What were you thinking?”

As I looked up and wiped away the tears, smudging my view, I saw a tall young man with black hair and pale white skin. He kneeled in front of me and gently placed his arm onto my leg. His eyes were carefully studying my bruises and cut, which I received while rolling down here.

“You know, you are the clumsiest thing I have ever seen.” He patted me on the shoulder and smiled. “Can you walk?”

“Of course.” I answered without hesitating, but as soon as I tried to get up pain overtook my body.

The stranger didn’t say anything and quickly lifted me from the ground even though I protested.

“If you don’t want to be eaten or killed, shut up.” He roared.

“Please just let me go. I have had too much bad experience with strangers for one day.”I pleaded.

“Well I’m not a stranger to anyone, so you are probably the first who hasn’t heard of me. I’m Himchan, the forest cat.”

“The forest cat?” I tried not to laugh. “You do realize how silly that sounds don’t you?”

“Careful with the words missy! Don’t forget I’m the one holding you.”

“I have a name, Alice.”

“Well that’s really cute of you, but I don’t really care about your personal drama.”

My eyes winded. He was a true jerk. Yet again I was fooled by people’s kindness. As he kept on carrying me over his shoulder, I noticed the tattoos on his arms, there were also a few scars. He was wearing a green shirt with tore up sleeves and silver chains around his neck, also a few piercings on his ears. It was almost dark when we suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with a shaking voice.

“I think we may be surrounded…” He said in a low tone.

Somehow that didn’t worry me as much as the slight tone of delight in his words. Oh god…into who’s hands have I fallen now…





♠ ~Thank you for reading ! Expect new chapter tomorrow ;) ♠ 



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OMOOO~~ KAII OPPA *Q*;; This is gonna be good :DD
BUT why isnt TAO HERE? jkjkjkjk ;pp
AT LEAST 1 EXO member ^o^/ <333333333
M4C4BRE #2
Chapter 7: :o omgg asfghklj;
i am on the edge of my bed at all the build-up in the last 2 chapters!
my thoughts are all over the place, i mean i have soooo many questions
i feel like i'm going to explode from curiosity or something, idk
on a side note i'm all giddy because she's gonna meet the Hatter soon, right?
OMG G-DRAGONNNNN fvjskfjh <3 <3

Thank you for the updates, author-nim! :3
I hope you update soon sdfjfjhl hwaiting!
Chapter 5: Woman, y u no update?? WAE? :DDD
M4C4BRE #4
Chapter 5: oh wowwww. :o i am so amused at the storyline.
you got me hooked right away, author-nim! ^u^
And I must say, your choice of characters are absolutely perfect.
No kidding, I love each and every one [*coughespeciallygdragoncough*] 8D

I hope you update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Ahhhh what a cliffhanger! Please update soon! ^-^
Chapter 2: waaah~ Taemin <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: This is an interesting plot! But I'm still quite confused as of chapter 2, so please update more! ^-^