Meet my beautiful Nightmare

◊Give me your Heart◊





There wasn’t a single soul around me, just tons of grey sand and a fog that went further on into the distance. It was like I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. It didn’t feel safe to look away from the ground, as I was expecting the ground to open underneath and swallow me whole. Was I crazy thinking this, even dreaming it? I could even hear whispers calling my name, yet I was alone. But sometimes I would hear those whispers in reality as well. That’s what worries me the most…Have I gone mad?

“Silly girl.” An echo came across my ears.

I looked up, but there wasn’t anyone there. It was just the same old view.

“Look harder Alice. Concentrate.” The echoed words emerged from the silence again.

I felt something floating in the air above me. I turned left, but the feeling of a presence disappeared within a second. Then a black figure, hiding itself in the fog, tried to run away in my opposite direction.

“Stop!” As I yelled it not move, it froze in the air.

As you wish.”

The fog loosened up a bit, but the black figure was gone. It felt colder than before. I crossed my arms, trying to keep warm, since I was dressed in a red night gown, which had no sleeves. As I turned around, he emerged right in front of me.

A tall and handsome young boy was standing before me. His black hair sided to one part of his head, slightly covering his beautiful black eyes. He was wearing only black, except the white blouse that was almost unnoticeable under his black coat.

“Welcome to our world, my fair lady.” He said kissing my arm just like a gentlemen, but there was something in the way he spoke those words that made me feel like I was in captivity.

Our world?” I questioned. “But this is a dream, my dream.”

He let out a hard warming chuckle.

“Of course, it’s your dream, but I as well live in your dreams, in your head…and heart.”
 His left arm went around me pulling me a bit closer to him. I gasped at how warm he was, his skin and presence felt so real and comfortable, that I didn’t want him to let go. He took of his coat in a blink of an eye and placed it on my shoulders.

“Thank you…”

“Jong Jin. But I am well known around here with other names as well.”

I looked around us and it was the same scene as every night -empty with not a single soul around just tons of grey sand and fog. I couldn’t help, but laugh at his statement. When I looked up at his I expected Jong Jin to be offended, but instead he was looking at me and smiling.

“You can just call me Jin, or Nightmare. Whatever your heart desires.” He said.

“Thank you, Jin.” I said to him, when he suddenly gave me a hug.

“No, I should thank you, for finally calling me. I shall wait for you every night.”

His face was buried in my long hair. Even though he was holding me in his arms I started feeling weak.

“I guess it’s time for you to go back to your world.” Nightmare took a step away from me taking his coat with him.

“You are one beautiful Nightmare.” I said to him, as I disappeared from “our world”.

“You too…”

                                                                                                       * * *

 The sunlight blinded me as I woke up. That forever repeating nightmare, now included a beautiful fallen angel, even though our meeting was short, it was still enjoyable. As I got ready and headed towards the door I heard an echo calling my name. I stopped and looked around the corridor. A smile appeared on my face as i thought that even if it wasn't just my imagination and I was actually mad at least I would have his company. I laughed again and headed towards school, where I would await the night. 





♠ ~Thank you for reading ! Later today I will update the 2nd chapter ;) ♠ 



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OMOOO~~ KAII OPPA *Q*;; This is gonna be good :DD
BUT why isnt TAO HERE? jkjkjkjk ;pp
AT LEAST 1 EXO member ^o^/ <333333333
M4C4BRE #2
Chapter 7: :o omgg asfghklj;
i am on the edge of my bed at all the build-up in the last 2 chapters!
my thoughts are all over the place, i mean i have soooo many questions
i feel like i'm going to explode from curiosity or something, idk
on a side note i'm all giddy because she's gonna meet the Hatter soon, right?
OMG G-DRAGONNNNN fvjskfjh <3 <3

Thank you for the updates, author-nim! :3
I hope you update soon sdfjfjhl hwaiting!
Chapter 5: Woman, y u no update?? WAE? :DDD
M4C4BRE #4
Chapter 5: oh wowwww. :o i am so amused at the storyline.
you got me hooked right away, author-nim! ^u^
And I must say, your choice of characters are absolutely perfect.
No kidding, I love each and every one [*coughespeciallygdragoncough*] 8D

I hope you update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Ahhhh what a cliffhanger! Please update soon! ^-^
Chapter 2: waaah~ Taemin <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: This is an interesting plot! But I'm still quite confused as of chapter 2, so please update more! ^-^