Chapter 3

MS. FANBOY (미스 팬뽀이)

The day ended with EXO exhausted and the coordinators a bit tired from rushing about, getting the artists anything they needed. It was 9pm, still 2 hours until Insu needed to go home. He waved goodbye to everyone, blushing when Kai waved, and headed to David's practice room. He knocked twice before a tall, 6ft 4in teen showed up at the door. Insu forced his mouth to stay shut, feeling puny.

" David there?" He asked.

"David!" The guy shouted.

"What is it, Jasper?!" David shouted in English.

"There is a small girl here to see you!" Jasper shouted back in English.

Insu kind of wished he hadn't flunked English class. He got As all except for that evil English class-wasn't his fortei.

In a split second, David popped up at the door with a big smile. "Come to pick me up?"

Insu let out a chuckle. "Guess so."

David disappeared real quick before reappearing with his bag slung over his shoulder. Waving goodbye, they shut the door.

"I thought you forgot about me!" David joked with a pouty face.

Insu flicked his forehead. "Shouldn't YOU pick ME up? I'M the girl!"

David rolled his eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself, buddy." He snorted.

They were waiting for the elevator when they heard a loud group coming down the hall. They turned to see EXO and the other 3 coordinators coming their way. Chungae spotted Insu and skipped over to him with bright eyes.

"Insu ah! Hana offered to take us all out to dinner! You've got to come!" She said excitedly, grabbing Insu's hand.

Insu looked to David. "I already have plans."

Chungae cocked her head. "You have a boyfriend? But you said you liked K-" Insu's eyes widened, covering with his hand.

"He's not my boyfriend. We've been friends since birth." He told her, removing his hand.

" are you in?"

"I told you, I'm busy."

Chungae looked to David with puppy eyes. "You can come too!"

David sighed, looking at Insu. "Okay, I'm in."

"YAY!" Chungae jumped in excitement.

"So is Insu in?" A voice asked.

Chungae's eyes almost popped out of her head. She composed herself, smoothing her hair before turning around to face her crush/bias, Tao.

"Yep!" She told him.

20 minutes later, after escaping the hordes of SM fans outside the building, they sat at this American bar & grill.

Their burgers came fast, being placed in front of each of them. Insu and David split one since Insu never ate that much. David grabbed a knife, splitting the huge burger down the middle.

"Thanks!" Insu smiled, grabbing his half and putting it on his miniature plate.

Kai sat across from them, putting Ketchup on his own burger. He eyed them.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Insu." He said, suddenly.

Insu jumped at being addressed. "Oh-he's not my-" He stopped, being interupted by a thumb on the side of his mouth.

Kai pulled his thumb into his mouth, tasting the Ketchup. Insu sat there, gaping. He couldn't move. KAI OF EXO. Y KAI OF EXO. Why do you do this to me?! Aish...trying to give me a heart attack every chance you get! He frowned. I never knew he was a player....He thought disappointedly.

David, on the other hand, sat there quiet and fuming. He couldn't believe a guy would ever touch a 'girl' like that! After just meeting them that day! How dare he! David didn't even realize he was glaring hard at Kai.

Kai saw him fuming, stifling a laugh. David must like Insu. But the feelings aren't returned. He thought, interestingly.

"David!" Insu said, excitedly.

David broke out of his angry state. "Huh?"

Insu had found the dessert menu to get his mind off of Kai. y Kai. He pointed to a big lava brownie sundae.

"OMG! Let's get this for dessert!" He urged, enthusiastically.

"Insu, you probably aren't going to even be able to finish your half of the burger and you want THIS monster?" David scolded.

Insu pouted. "Come on! You know I fall to sweets!"

"I'll get it with you." Kai said.

Insu's face turned red.

"No. It's fine. I'LL get it." David said fiercly.

"Nah, it's fine. You don't seem to be very big on sweets." Kai told him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! You don't like sweets that's fine! I won't force you!" Insu smiled at David.

However, David sat there boiling in anger. He couldn't believe the nerve of this guy whos name was Kai. He liked Insu first. He liked him ever since 7th grade!

Insu emerged from the bathroom. "How do I look?"

His big bulky and geeky glasses were gone and his hair was dyed red. His skin had cleared over the summer, leaving his skin smooth.

David couldn't feel his body. The only thing he could feel was his heart beating in his chest like a bomb ticking near its end. It was fast and loud, threatening to jump from his chest. He never viewed his friend as good looking before. But now Insu was the best looking person in the world. He was superior.

He gulped. "Good."

Insu punched the air. "Yes! This year we MUST get popular! WE WILL RISE FROM THE ASHES!" He declared dramatically.

David cracked a smile. He knew that he was in love with his best friend. He wouldn't try to deny.

David could remember that day more clearly than any other day. Through those times, he was worried that Insu would never like him if he told him. But when their sophomore year rolled around-he remembered that day clearly too.

Insu sat on the park bench, his head in his lap. He looked so sad, so lonely, so vulnerable. David sat next to him, resting his head on his lap to become eye level with him. He was so close he could feel Insu's breath.

"David..." He mumbled.


"I've been a bad friend...." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"What's wrong?" David's eyebrows creased, becoming worried.

"I'm...I haven't been completely honest." He said.

"You can tell me, it's fine."

Insu swallowed hard, another tear leaking out. "I'm gay."

David's eyes widened, his heart beat fast. He couldn't hide his smile. His happiness. He had a chance. He finally had a chance!

These past 2 years, he'd been working to become even closer to Insu. They knew every single thing about each other. When Insu was upset, it wasn't Shin he went to first anymore, it was David. He had been planning to tell him during winter break. He had planned for them to hang out all break and he'd confess then...but that plan was becoming dimmer after today.

His friend that he'd been in love with for 5 years wasn't into him. He was into his dream crush, Kai. And he was sure, even if Insu didn't see it yet, that Kai liked him back.

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Chapter 5: I need moooore
Chapter 5: insu and kai new otp ? kekekeke~ kyuteeee
Chapter 5: Well hello this is a nice fic and i can't wait fo thext chapters good job authornim
nAJOnHyun #4
Chapter 5: :') hope insu is ok tho ><
Mystaeria #5
Aww that's sad...
My comment from almost a year ago is still at the top :( I'm sorry.
This story deserves so much more.
I really want this to continue because I have a friend who is a major fanboy, who is always adorable to watch, and I feel like I could potentially see him pulling this kind of a stunt. And then I'd ask him to get a lock of hair from...
That was getting creepy really fast.
Better not to follow the rabbit I suppose.
So come back quickly please!
Mystaeria #6
OMG please update!!!!!! You has toooooooo! I is dying with lovels for this story.
Atiram0094 #7
New reader here ^^ I just read your foreword and just wanted to mention a little something about the lacking of dramas with boys posing as girls - I have actually seen one.. :D though really short.. (like 3 ep) I think it's called Ma boy... ^^
Chapter 1: Question? Who is the guy you used as insu for the pic. I have seen him somewhere but I can't remenber. Thanks ;D love the fic
madoudou #9
This is a great debut! I really like, please update soon! can't wait for the next chapter^^
Snoewflake #10
Chapter 4: Haha DaeBak fan xD