It all started on a Friday~ TGIF! (NOW EDITED due to new rule)


Choi Minjoo wakes up in the morning on a school day.  She slowly stretches and yawns, a smile on her face as she begins to scan the room around her.

.....where am I?  Minjoo spots a calendar on the wall, all written in Korean.  Ah, yeah, that's right.  In Korea.  ....wait, who's house is this again?

As a transfer student from America, Minjoo agreed as part of the scholarship she earned to stay with a host family on her last year of high school.  Unfortunately for her, when she arrived by an airplane and a taxi cab over to the apartment where her host supposedly lives, she was never informed as to who would be taking care of her and what the person's background is.

Minjoo ended up walking into the house that night because she had been sent a key along with an address to the place before arriving to Korea.  And now, here she is, in someone's room in the dark, wondering what time it is.

She glanced at the calendar again, and surprisingly understood the characters spelling "Daylight Savings - ahead 1 hour" on today - Friday.

Her eyes widened as she glanced at the digital alarm clock beside her.  S***!  It's 7:06 a.m.!  School is 80 minutes away by foot and it starts at 7:55 a.m.!  F***!

She hopped out of bed and cursed in her native language as she hurried to the bathroom and took a shower.  After 10 minutes, she hopped out and wrapped a towel around her small body frame as she busily dried her hair with another towel hung on the long rack on the bathroom wall.  After brushing her teeth, Minjoo realized one thing.

"F***, forgot my clothes..."  she muttered under her breath.

The girl rolled her eyes as she opened the door and headed towards the bedroom, where she was in for the shock of her life.

A young man was standing there in the middle of the room, opening her luggage and searching through her clothes for something.  His back was facing her, and she assumed he was a burglar.  Minjoo started to scream.

"YAH!  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"  she demanded.  Thank God I studied enough Korean before coming here!

Upon hearing her voice, the young man's head shot up and turned towards her direction, now standing and blushing at the site.  Minjoo clearly was too angry to care that she's only wearing a towel around her body, still a bit wet from the shower, standing in front of a man she barely even knows.

Minjoo took one glance at the man and just stared at him in awe.  He had the perfect jawline and his face looked too adorable and handsome all at once.  Immediately she was reminded of a dinosaur and a puppy mixed together, judging from his eyes.  She laughed on the inside, but she wasn't entirely amused that he in fact went through her stuff just now.

The young man's ears finally heard her loud question and blinked numerous times before answering, "I live here... are you the student I have to take care of?"  Because it'd be illegal for me to take you here right now if you are...

Minjoo gaped at him.  THIS GUY is the host?!  He's too hot!

They both shook their head of their own thoughts.  The young man smiled and stepped forward to shake her hand.  "The name is Kim Jonghyun.  I just graduated from music school and I'm working at a cafe at the moment.  21 years old.  You?"

Minjoo smiled a bit and shook his hand back.  "Nikka, but you'd have to call me Choi Minjoo, based on the name they gave me to use here in Korea.  I'm 17 in America, but 18 here, since we're supposed to be 1 year older in Korea."

Jonghyun nodded and they separate hands.  He glanced at the towel again and widened his eyes.  "Oh yeah, I totally forgot!"  he exclaimed and ran into his closet.  He came back out with a male uniform.  "I used to attend in S.M. Academy of Fine Arts for a few of my high school years before transferring to a music school, so I still kept a uniform.  Sorry if it's not to your liking, but your official uniform hasn't been delivered here yet." he explained.

Minjoo happily took the uniform.  "It's okay, I hate skirts.  This is mildly better."  she stated as she turned to leave.  Just then Jonghyun placed a bare hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn around.

He was blushing and slowly handed her what he pulled out from her luggage.  It was a patterned bra and matching underwear.  Minjoo slightly blushed and accepted the items, walking back to her suitcase and now pulling a white wifebeater and Snoopy green boxers. 

Jonghyun looked at her curiously, then back at the boxers.  It was the male kind with an open access on the front.  He raised an eyebrow at her.  She caught his look.  "What?  It's nice to feel comfortable."  was all she said before running back in the bathroom to change.

Jonghyun glanced at the student's luggage and can't help but get erted thoughts already of someone she barely met.  Gahh~!  I can't think like this!  This violates regulations, right?  He eyed the outfits carefully in the luggage. she a tomboy?  o_O


Kim Jonghyun hopped out of the driver's seat in the car and over it to go to the passenger side.  He quickly opened the door and pulled Choi Minjoo out in Jonghyun's old uniform.  He locked his car quickly and dragged Minjoo towards the school while glancing at his watch.

"F***, it's 7:53 a.m.!  Hurry!"  he shouted as he ran with her up the stairs and turned around a corner inside the school.  Minjoo noticed he kept holding her hand.

"Jonghyun, why didn't the guard prevent you outside from entering the school?"  Minjoo asked.  Jonghyun smirked at her in reply as they continued to run.

"First off, call me oppa.  Second of all, they know that I always visit this school whenever I get the time, and they just let me hang out here.  I'm pretty talented, you know."  he winked at her, causing her to blush.

Just then they bump into someone.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'R GOING, IDIOT!" that person yelled at them as they fell to the floor.

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