Chapter 4 - Haircut.

Meant To Be Together.

*No One's POV*

The sisters are now in a cab , on the way to their grandparents' house. Hana just stared outside the window , silent. 

"Unnie , get over it. There's still so many other guys for you to pick as biases," Hyorin tried to calm her sister down.

"You think it's that easy? It's easy for you , but not for me. I practically FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM! With Byun Baekhyun. It was love at the first sight . . ." Hana said , tears growing in her eyes.

"Unnie~ You can take Kai oppa right? You said Kai oppa is also hot." Hyorin said , still trying.

"Hmmph. Maybe I should just forget about this bias thing and continue to love EXO eh?" Hana stated , with an upset face.

It's true , she really fell in love , like fell in love with Baekhyun. Because of Baekhyun , she kept her interest for EXO. But , she didn't expect thing to be this bad , at all.

She didn't even know Baekhyun was that cruel , mean , rude. She only knew the Baekhyun who is cute , friendly , has good vocals.

Reached at their destination , Hana had to put on a forced smile. She can't let their grandparents know that she cried for the silliest thing : A FIGHT WITH YOUR BIAS.

LOL , whattaheck? Like their grandparents know EXO , like their grandparents know the industry nowadays. Heck , their grandparents won't even care.

"Hana-yah , are you okay? Your eyes are red." their grandmother strengthened Hana.

"No , it's just that I was too excited that I can't sleep last night." Hana lied , throwing a slight smile.

"Arasso , now you get some rest while I go cook dinner , okay? Hyorin , you help me cook." their grandma said.

"What? How come unnie gets to rest and I have to do the work?" Hyorin protested.

"Hyorin , shut up. Er , thanks , gran. But , I think I'm going to just take a walk at the garden nearby." Hana said , scratching the back of her head.

"Sure , Hana-yah. Hyorin , change , and get to work." Granny said , patting Hana on the back.

"Ouk , Hana , you reached !" their aunt , (from the MAMA Café) shouted out , hugging Hana.

"Chaa~ Since Dara is back , Hyorin , you can follow Hana to the garden , okay?" their grandma said , beaming.

"ASSA ! Unnie , kaja ! Palle !" Hyorin exclaimed , tugging into her sister's sleeve.

"Ara , ara. I'll just take my headband. This hair is too long. I need to cut it soon." Hana sighed , before tying her hair and put on her black headband.

"Hana-yah , why don't you change your outfit too ? I have to do the laundry in a while." Dara stated , and shows her eyesmile.

"Ah , nae , unnie." Hana said , before bowing and walking towards her room.

She quickly changed into a black jumpsuit and carries a small brown purse over her shoulder.

[A/N : Credits to its owners.]

"Well , this maybe gunna be the last day I can adore my long hair. Maybe its better if I just not tie it for a day." Hana smiled , looking at herself through her mirror.

She wore back her black polka dotted headband she removed just now.

She then brush of imaginary dusts off her clothes and left her room.

"Hyo Ahjumma ! You ready ?" she shouted , while putting on her shoes.

"Nae , unnie. WAAAAAH ! Unnie , jinjaa yeppeo !" Hyorin smiled at her sister , knowing that her sister's feelings has not yet calm down.

"Gomawo , Hyorin-ah ! Kaja !" Hana immediately pull Hyorin's wrist , showing a fake smile.


*Byun Baekhyun's POV*

Heiish. Maybe I should have continued my plan on pretending being sick so that I won't need to follow them here. It just makes my life harder. ergh.

"Hyung , do you know that girl there ? She seems kind. And pretty too." I turned around towards Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was looking up the sky while smiling like an idiot. Is he really falling for that Hana girl ? 

"Yah , kind ?! SHE'S A COMPLETE TROUBLESOME ! She even cried on my sleeve just because I took out the battery off her laptop ! And , PRETTY ?! Are you kidding me , Chan ?! MY GRANDMA IS BETTER LOOKING , OKAY !" I shouted , well , exagerrating with my hand gestures.

"Jinjaa ? Poor her. Hyung ! Why are you so mean to her ?! She practically loves you !" Chanyeol frowned while crossing his arms.

"Loves me? Heh. She's just a fan , anyways. Didn't you hear her ? Tch. So rude. I should change my bias. Well , that shows that she only like me because I'm the most popular , right ?" I stated , raising my brows.

"Hyung , tch tch. You know she's your fan , rather than being nice to her and give her good fanservice , you're mean to her. Aish. Who knows , she could spread all this and make BAEKons leave you ?" He said.

"Oh , who cares ! She's really annoy- wait , isn't that her ?" I asked.

It's her. Hana. Lee Hana. Why is she here ? What ? She wants to embarrass me , again ? -.- oh god. Cant this get any worse ? Well , there's no harm in following her , right ?

"Well , Chan. You really like her , right ? Let's do something . . . you would probably like." I said , before smirking.


"Hyung , wae are we stalking strangers ?!" Chanyeol shout-whispered at me.

"Those aren't strangers. They're practically losers." I said , smirking again.

"He just shouted at me. omahgosh. He practically screamed at me like I did something wrong ! Could you even believe that , Hyo ?! In fact , this happened at our café ! Jinjaa nappeun ! UGH ! If I knew he's personality was like that , I would have picked Kai over him !" I heard her say.


"Hyung , that girl in that cute jumpsuit there like's Jongin !" Chanyeol practically beamed , not knowing that the girl in that adorable jumpsuit there is Lee Hana , the girl he had talked about since they left the café.

"But . . . I can't forget him. I just can't. I'm TOO in love with him. Aissh ! Shouldn't have argued with him." 


....Wait. WHAT ?! PRECIOUS ?! pfft ! Did me , Byun Baekhyun , just said that ?! ohgosh. >.<

"Hyung! HYUNG !" Chanyeol nudged me.

"O-ouk , waeeeee ?!" I asked.

"That girl in the jumpsuit was the girl from the café ! The person you argued with ! AH , JINJAA ! NEOMUUU KYEOPTA !" 

Chanyeol practically became excited and jumped up and down like someone just gave him a free ice cream. =="

"W-what's so good about that ? pfft." 

"Hyung ! Let's continue to listen ! We should hide behind that tree there !" Chanyeol said , still smiling.

"Naah , let's go home. I'm too tired." I said , walking away.

"Unnie , did you say that you wanted to cut your hair ?" "Mhmm. I believe , it's long and pretty. But , it just bugs me that it's too long." 

But . . . her hair's pretty though. Very. Should I man up and tell her not to ? I should , shouldn't I ? Hmm. Let's go.

"Hyuuuuung~ She wants to cut her pretty hair !" Chanyeol pouted.

Eish , this kid ! P-pretty ?!

I walked towards the bench where the siblings was sitting and stopped at a few centimetres apart.

"I love it , though. The hair. You shouldn't cut it." I stated , trying to be cool by putting my hands on my jeans' pockets.

"Woaaaaah. UNNIE ! LOOK ! IT'S YOUR BAEKHYUN OPPA !!!" her sister , which I believed is Hyorin , said.

"pfft. HER Baekhyun oppa ? Are you kidding me ?" I smirked.

"wow. Someone just made me more eager to cut my hair." I can see her smirking even though she was looking down.

"If it's because of me you want to cut it , forget it. Your hair's good. No , scratch that. It's GORGEOUS. Even Channie likes it." I said.

"Herh. Byun . . . Baekhyun. You're really good in lying aren't you ? Channie Oppa ! Gomapseumnida !" she smirked again , standing up from her position and walk towards me.

"I said , if it's because of me , don't. Just , don't cut it." I said again , beginning to frown when she got closer.

"What if I still want to ? You know , thanks to you , I'm starting to hate my hair. Hyo , let's go home. Chalgaeyo , Byun Baekhyun. CHANNIE OPPA ! I'll get going first !" She cupped her hands around , and shouted at Chanyeol.

"Nae ! Be safe !" Chanyeol shouted back , from behind the tree.

Hana waved at me , while walking away and smiling. But , I can see there's tears in her eyes.

Am I that cruel ? That she cry even when I complimented her hair ? Hmmph.



A/N ;

Annyeong ! I'm sorry for updating late. I just had no idea during the holidays. :p ^^"

So , how about the 4th chapter ? Please comment & subscribe. ^^


Hana. :B





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Chapter 11: hahahaha ,, update soon ! :b
Chapter 8: what is this ? u said hana suke baekhyun , thn now ' its the best night ever ' maknenye Hana da suke her ex .. ? haha .. confused . xD
Chapter 7: hahahahh .. Hana jeles ? hahaha .. ciaan die . hahha . kk , update soon , again . XD
Chapter 6: hahahahahaha .. dating ?? seriouly ? XD i would love it though .. HAHAAHAHAH .. okay thn , update soon ! (:
Chapter 5: ntah ehh .. sape je laa yg tgh spazzing tuu .. XD anyways .. sweet of baeky hug hana utk calm down .. aish ! date je laa lain kali .. xP
Chapter 3: tak psl2 hyorin kene mrh :P
Chapter 2: Well someone selfish ... Update soon
KHJ123 #8
Chapter 2: Woah awesome 2nd chap seang-ah~~~ update soon~