Chapter 3 - Cafe' Argument.

Meant To Be Together.

*No One's POV*

Hana and her 'lovingly' sister, Hyorin, went to catch a taxi. Its been about 4 years since they met, and the siblings missed their grandparents too much. Since they didn't really know how to speak in Thai, they would have some difficulties in searching their way to their grandparents'. Suddenly, Hana got a text from her bestie, Taenie.

From > ChibiChibiTae.

   < Yah, did you say you're going to Thailand to meet your grandparents? Why aren't they at America? I thought you're American? >

"Puahahahahaha." Hana showed the text to Hyorin and they both laughed like there's no tomorrow.

Their dad was American, while their mom was Korean. Their grandparents were living in their Thailand house for about 15 years by now. They decided to move to Thailand, because they thought that Korea and America was too stuffy. And well, they have cousins, living in Thailand. 

From > ChibiChibiHana.

 < Hahahaha. My family is around the world. They moved to Thailand because they thought Korea and America was too stuffy for them. I'm American, yes I am. I have the same nationality with Kris oppa. Hahahaha. >

Hana tried to make Taenie jealous, since Kris is Taenie's EXO-M bias. 

From > ChibiChibiTae.

< Grr. MY Kris oppa, you mean? Anyways, when are you coming back? I'm going to get ready my weapon to kill ya. >

Even though its all about weapons, killing, violence between them, they were still the best of friends. They were besties since they're 5, when they met in Shinhwa Kindergarten School. They would always bring snacks and sneakily eat them during their classes, which of course will get a scolding by their strict teacher, Mdm Tao. Its a coincidence that their Kindergarten School teacher's name was the same as one of the EXO-M members. Huang Zi Tao.


"Hyung, gwaenchana? You've been quiet since we left the airport." Kyungsoo asked his bus-seat partner, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun would always play his guitar, practice his vocals, plays with Chanyeol or even sleep when they're in the bus. But not that day. He, with his eyes wide open, would always look out the window, as if there was something fascinating out there. 

Hana. Hana. Hana. That was what he have been thinking of, since the moment he stepped into the hotel. He can't get that crazy fangirl out of his head, as if he was some sort cursed. He wondered if anything happens to Hana, it's going to be all because of Minri. Im Minri. His ex-girlfriend, his enemy, his betrayer.

"Hyung! You're going to share a hotel room with me! Yay! This is going to be fun!" Chanyeol said, nudging the pensive Baekhyun.

"HYUNG!" Chanyeol then shouted, crossing his arms and making a pout.

"Huh? Huh? Oh, okay. Let's go to our room and unpack some stuffs. And, later, could you follow me out for awhile? Hehe. You can, right?" Baekhyun said, smiling.

"Ara, ara. Stop thinking already. This is getting serious." Chanyeol said, still pouting.

"Hm. Kaja~" Baekhyun said cheerfully, and intertwining his fingers with Chanyeol's.

But, in his head, most probably also in the heart, there was still thoughts about Hana.

-Reached in their hotel room-

"This room is quite big. Hm. Chan-ah, let's get ready. I'm craving for coffee. I saw a Cafe' on the way here. Not really far. Just 5 minutes of walking." Baekhyun said, starting to unpack his stuffs.

"Uh, nae, hyung."

-Out of hotel-

"Waaaah~Mashta! Finally, we're out!" Chanyeol exclaimed, stretching his hands out.

While Baekhyun, whose the one who invited Chanyeol to go have a cup of coffee with him stayed silent.

Chanyeol , who became suspicious of his hyung's behaviour , just looked at him attentively.

"B-bwoh? why you look at me like that? Yah! Is there something on my face?! YAAH!" Baekhyun started panicking, hitting Chanyeol's arms , as he thought there was something strange on his face that made Chanyeol looked at him like that.

"Ngehehe. It's good to see you smiling, hyung. You've been all gloomy in the bus." Chanyeol said, with a worried face, before beaming,

"You really care about your hyung here, don't you? I'll tell you everything in the café. Kaja~" Baekhyun said, throwing Chanyeol a slight smile.

They carefully cross the road, leading them to a café which called 'MAMA's Café' .

"Hyung, the café name is like our song!" Chanyeol exclaimed, pointing at the café , grinning like an idiot.

"Hahaha, right. Let's go in." Baekhyun dragged Chanyeol to the entrance of the café.

As they enter, Baekhyun looks around the café.

No sign of that crazy fangirl. Good, finally, I can forget about her.. Baekhyun thought, scanning around the room.

Suddenly, the sound of the bell which gives off a sign that someone just came in rang.

That made Baekhyun stunned. As if he knew who it was , he sighed.

Shouldn't have mentioned it. He thought.

"Sawadeekap~Sawadeekap~" the girl passed by him, not even turning back.

He was expecting Minri. Im Minri. The evil kid.

But, the one who came was Hana.

Lee Hana, the girl who sat in the plane with Byun Baekhyun.

Lee Hana, the girl who cried over her laptop dying.

Lee Hana, who fell asleep on Byun Baekhyun's shoulders.

Lee Hana, the girl that Byun Baekhyun didn't expected at all.

It's her. The girl. Lee . . . Hana? Lee Hana? Baekhyun said, to himself, furrowing on his own.

"Waaah~ Hana-yah! What are you doing here?" the voice of a middle-aged lady ruled the room.

"Oh, unnie! I'm visiting granny, but I don't know how to get there, and your shop is the only place I remembered!"

Hana exclaimed in delight.

"Everyone~ Dear customers, this is my niece, the one who made my café alive! The one, who named this café 'MAMA's Café' !" the customers' applauds boomed the whole room, which left Baekhyun dumbfounded.

The niece? Who named the café? MAMA? EXO? ME? WHATTA.. Baekhyun thought, he's eyes getting wider, as he got the idea already.

"Unnie, I'll be helping you. Hyorin and I are currently staying in a hotel nearby. Hyorin said she was tired and she had bruises from falling. So, she needed some rest." Hana said, collecting the workers uniform.

"Aww, that baby of mine. Now, get ready at the barista. Alot of customers are queuing up." 

Hana just nodded and went to the changing room to change into her uniform.

When it was Baekhyun's turn to order, he just kept silent, staring at Hana's aunt for like 5 minutes.

"Excuse me, sir. May I help you?" the lady asked.

"Errr. Umm...uh..." Baekhyun just stared into the lady's eyes, as if he would be eaten if he says anything.

"Ouk, Baekhyun oppa? Er, unnie, I'll handle this, you can be in charge in the barista." Hana said, as she saw Baekhyun.

"Oppa, may I help you?" Hana said, smiling brightly.

"Oh, urm, Chan-ah what should I pick?" Baekhyun suddenly became manly and asked Chanyeol what to buy.

"Ouk, ChanChan oppa also came? Annyeonghasaeyo, oppa. Er, Baeky oppa, I guess you should just drink espresso, your favourite~" Hana bowed to Chanyeol, before showing her eyesmile towards them.

"Uh, sure. Make it two, please. Kamsamnida." Baekhyun said, while looking through his wallet, not wanting to make eye contacts with Hana.

"Tch, so rude. I should change my bias." Hana whispered to herself , not knowing that it was loud enough for Baekhyun to hear.

"Yeah, you should! Just change your bias into anyone you want!" Baekhyun suddenly shouted , made Hana winced at the loudness.

"Why are we even in the same place? You've been stalking me, haven't you?!" Baekhyun continued.


"Unnie , I think I may have to go. Can you give me the address to granny's house? Oh, and I'll be going home two days later. I'll see first if I have time to visit the café, nae?" Hana whispered to her aunt , her eye's filled with tears.

"Mmm, be careful, nae? And, tell Hyorin to get well soon. I may be coming to Korea next month. I'll live with you, since I sold my house." her aunt said, writing down the address.

"Here you go. Palle, before this jerk shouts more." the lady continued, throwing a smile at Hana, while Hana then ran to the changing room.

"Hyung~ look what you've done." Chanyeol frowned. 

"My coffee?" Baekhyun asked the lady.

"Ara. Wait." the lady said, glaring at Baekhyun.

Hana ran out of the café , to the hotel nearby. She didn't care if she bumped into anyone without apologizing. She just needs space. She can't believe her own bias, who she had been spazzing for months now, just shouted at her. And, worst, accused her that she's been stalking. She cried her heart out , running as fast as she could.

Reached at the hotel room, she quickly packed her stuffs. Hyorin was surprised to see her unnie crying, tears fell onto the floor. [A/N : Hana was kneeling down on the floor, packing her stuffs.]

"Unnie, wae are you-" Hyorin wanted to ask, her face in worry, but Hana interrupted her.

"Just shut the hell up and pack! We're going to granny's house.." Hana exclaimed, just throwing clothes into her suitcase.

"Hmm, let's call Baeky oppa, naeee?" Hyorin asked, with delight, as she thought that would make her unnie happy.


On the other hand , Baekhyun , was still thinking about her. But , not regretting what he have done earlier , though.

gosh , that . . . girl. she really is annoying. what? shouting at me? is she trying to embarrass a celebrity, here? Baekhyun though, frowning while sipping his espresso.

that jerk. nappeun namja. he made me cried like hell. maybe he's the one who ruined my lappy. yeah, he's the one. nappeun nappeun nappeun namja. babo. babo. babo. jerk. jerk. jerk. never gunna like him again. Hana thought , busy wiping away her tears.


[A/N : ohoh , looks like there's a fight between this two, eh? actually, the main characters in this stories are Hana and Baekhyun ONLY. There will be more of Chanyeol, though, in the future, since I'm a BaekYeol shipper. ^^ Ngeheh. Anyways, please look forward to my chapters in the future. (: I'm trying to entertain here. hehe. Please comment and subscribe. ^^ xx.]




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Chapter 11: hahahaha ,, update soon ! :b
Chapter 8: what is this ? u said hana suke baekhyun , thn now ' its the best night ever ' maknenye Hana da suke her ex .. ? haha .. confused . xD
Chapter 7: hahahahh .. Hana jeles ? hahaha .. ciaan die . hahha . kk , update soon , again . XD
Chapter 6: hahahahahaha .. dating ?? seriouly ? XD i would love it though .. HAHAAHAHAH .. okay thn , update soon ! (:
Chapter 5: ntah ehh .. sape je laa yg tgh spazzing tuu .. XD anyways .. sweet of baeky hug hana utk calm down .. aish ! date je laa lain kali .. xP
Chapter 3: tak psl2 hyorin kene mrh :P
Chapter 2: Well someone selfish ... Update soon
KHJ123 #8
Chapter 2: Woah awesome 2nd chap seang-ah~~~ update soon~