Chapter 2 - Im Minri.

Meant To Be Together.

*No One's POV*

Baekhyun looked all over the plane for the past 2 hours of flight. When his eyes lands on Hana's twitter, then he remembered, he could also inform his fans that he is going Thailand. Even though they knew already.He then took out his IPAD. He logs on to his Twitter. 

"Oukk, oppa, you're turning on your Twitter too? Did you follow me?" Hana suddenly asked.

"What? Ouh, whats your Twitter name?" Baekhyun asked her, in pretence of curiosity.

"@fishinpeas.hehe." Hana said proudly.

Who the hell name their Twitter account FISHINPEAS?! That's so lame. Baekhyun thought.

"Ohfish. Oppa, I need to go to the washroom. Would you mind handling my things for me?" Hana asked.

"S-sure. Go ahead." Baekhyun said, gesturing his hands for Hana to walk towards the washroom.

Hahaks.This is my chance to make her shut and just sit there crying. Baekhyun thought again.

As he watched Hana walk past him, he quickly snatch Hana's laptop and took out its battery.

"Puahaha. Now, you'll just sit there, dead." Baekhyun laughed to himself. 

He then place the laptop as it was, as Hana came back.

"W-woah. That's s-so fast." Baekhyun stuttered.

"Haha. I was just brushing my teeth. I have sensitive teeth care." Hana explained, and place her laptop on her laps.

"Y-yah! Yah! Why can't it turn on?! YAH! MY BABY! Why are you dead?!" Hana kept hitting the keyboards.

"Err, Hana-yah, I think you should keep your voice volume low. People are watching." Baekhyun said, since he's a celebrity.

"O-oppa,*sniffsniff* what happened to my Baby?" Hana asked Baekhyun, sobbing.

Oh. She's crying. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! , BAEKHYUN, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! MAKING A FANGIRL OF YOURS CRY?! Aigoo.... Baekhyun said to himself, and mentally facepalmed.

" p-problem. Or, its just p-problem." Baekhyun said, as he patted Hana's back. Hana, sobbing on Baekhyun's sleeve.

Then, Hana fell asleep. -.- "Atlast, peace." Baekhyun whispered. He then his IPAD again. He decided to write a Tweet.


"Pfft. Puahahahaha." Suddenly a HUGE laughter was heard from Baekhyun's front.

"What's so funny?!" "Dude, Pls. EVERYONE knows you're going to Taegu."

It was Kai.

"Watever, man." "Heyy, whaaat? You got new lady?" "NO! Just shut the fish up!"

-skipskipskipskip time-

*Reached at Thailand*


Squealings can be heard from the Thailand fans who came to the airport just to see the SMTOWNs.

"Sawadeekap, sawadeekap." The SMTOWNs bowed to their fans.


*Im Minri's POV*


I came to Thailand, just to see MY Baekhyun oppa. Even literally, we broke up, but, I still love him. OMG. Is that Kai? Kai the hottie?! OMG. SO HOTTTTTTTTTTTT. 

"Yaaaah! Isn't that Hana and Hyorin?!" Ailey said while pointing towards the direction of the airport exit. [A/N : WHAAAAAAAAAT?!]

"Huh? Where?" "There!" "Why the frog are they here?!?!?!" "Wait, no, you're the frog."

I smacked Ailey's head. HARD. 

"Just shut the frog up!" "Oh, there you go again..."

I just rolled my eyes. She can be annoying sometimes. But, why are the siblings here?!

I ran towards their way. "YAH! LEE HANA!"

"Hurh? BWOYAH?! Wae are you here?!" "Yaah, do nappeun yeoja. I should be asking that to you!"

"I came to meet my grandparents. You, wae?"

"Baeky oppa." I said, and pushed her away.


*No one's POV*

While the girls are arguing, little do they know, Baekhyun was watching on Hana from afar. Even though he knows that he hates Hana, he had promised to himself that he really hated Minri since they broke up. He still had concern for his personal fan. He had seen her crying, which is because of him, and he discovered that it hurts seeing Hana crying like that. Especially, when his ex-gf, Minri, is taking advantage of Hana. Really burns him up.

"Hyung, I need to go to the toilet for awhile." Baekhyun said to his manager, but his view was locked to the girls' argument.

When he saw Minri pushing Hana till she fell on her , he thought he couldn't just stand there anymore, watching. He quickly ran to the girls', and pushed Minri off.

"O-oppa." Minri's eyes was as large as saucerpans.

"Back off. She's my fan. If you keep hurting any of my fans, you're finished." Baekhyun said, glaring. Might as well say, he was making holes on Minri's forehead. Baekhyun then helped Hana up.

"Be careful. That yeoja there, is dangerous." Baekhyun warned Hana.

"Arayo, oppa. She's my enemy is school. Queenka. Queenka, my ." Hana said, while looking on the floor.

"Haha. You do have sense of humour. Anyways, I helped you not because I like you or anything. You just look pitiful." Baekhyun said, then ran to the bus, not to be missed.

"Omo. He held me. My shoulders. Imma have to be careful, washing this dress." Hana said, lost in her dreams.

"Yaah. He's doing that just because you're his dying fan. Not because he likes you. Stop dreaming, he's mine." Minri said, before putting on her shades.


[A/N : Sorry guys. I had no time to update. So here's the latest. I know it . But as you know, I'm always lack of ideas. :/ Hwaiting for me. Hehe.  I watched TTBY and cried at the ending. Tae Joon(Minho) was so sweet, going all the way to America just to meet Jae Hee(Sulli). But, I still pity Eun Gyeol, though. He had no one. I thought he might end up being with Han Na, but Han Na then was with the dorm leader, Seungri. Hahaha. Sorry, I was too immersed. Anyways, comment and subscribe, dear readers! ^^ xx.]





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Chapter 11: hahahaha ,, update soon ! :b
Chapter 8: what is this ? u said hana suke baekhyun , thn now ' its the best night ever ' maknenye Hana da suke her ex .. ? haha .. confused . xD
Chapter 7: hahahahh .. Hana jeles ? hahaha .. ciaan die . hahha . kk , update soon , again . XD
Chapter 6: hahahahahaha .. dating ?? seriouly ? XD i would love it though .. HAHAAHAHAH .. okay thn , update soon ! (:
Chapter 5: ntah ehh .. sape je laa yg tgh spazzing tuu .. XD anyways .. sweet of baeky hug hana utk calm down .. aish ! date je laa lain kali .. xP
Chapter 3: tak psl2 hyorin kene mrh :P
Chapter 2: Well someone selfish ... Update soon
KHJ123 #8
Chapter 2: Woah awesome 2nd chap seang-ah~~~ update soon~