use somebody.

My Stupid English Teacher is a Chinese


You entered the room with a big smile on your face. Chanyeol tagged along, his pearly white teeth showing off.

“Hey, you guys seem so smiley now. Let me guess… Did something happen last night?” Jongin asked.

You and Chanyeol answered in chorus, “Of course not!”

“Chill, why are you so defensive if that’s the case? I’m not firing you anything.” He held his hands up in surrender. “But man, look at her. She’s turning very pretty. I noticed.” He whispered over to Chanyeol.

“Of course, she’s mine. Stop lusting over her, you bastard.” He said and smacked Jongin in the head.

“Hey, I’m not. I was just saying.” He said.

“Better get things straight Jongin, that’s my girlfriend.” Chanyeol warned.

“You are one very protective boyfriend, Chanyeol.” He joked.

“I don’t care.” Chanyeol stuck out a tongue at him.

“Whatever.” He replied and rolled his eyes.

You look at both of them and smiled, this was what you wanted, Chanyeol being happy. There was nothing else that mattered now. You and Kris were now okay and so were you and Chanyeol.



But why couldn’t you bring yourself to say those three words Chanyeol has been waiting for you to say?




After dismissal, you eagerly waited for Kris outside the school gates. You were wondering if he wanted to walk with you on the way home just like you wanted too. Chanyeol ‘ditched’ you to go out with the boys.

It was already 7:30 in the evening and your legs were starting to hurt from standing. Maybe he left earlier and I didn’t notice.

You decided to give up and go home, since it was getting late and you had no one with you.

It was when you were walking on your way home when you saw him. You smiled and almost called his name.


But you stopped.



He was giving Jessica a piggy-back ride.

And they were both laughing so hard, she might fall off from Kris’ back at any time. [Make her fall, Kris. HAHAHAHA]

The smile faded from your lips and you decided to give it a try and follow them.


They both made a sharp turn to the right, where Kris’ house was located. They weren’t going to do ‘it’, were they?

It didn’t take long to reach his house. It wasn’t hard to distinguish it too. The house was bigger than the rest that surrounded it.

It was easy for you to understand what Jessica said to him as they both entered.


“We’ll do it, right?”

She planted kisses on Kris’ neck as he answered,


“Yes, we will.”


You wanted to collapse. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t have followed them in the first place.

Why are you acting like this when Kris doesn’t even mean a thing to you? You asked yourself.

There was no time for answering that question. You had to leave immediately. You didn’t want to watch a miracle happen in front of your very eyes.

Your legs started to shake as you forced yourself to trace back your steps. They were going to do it. Funny, it was none of your business. Kris was a grown-up man. Jessica was also his girlfriend. They had the liberty to do whatever they wanted. You’re not even someone in Kris’ life so why would you bother to care about their ‘daily activities’?

You shook your head and convinced yourself.


Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts…


What happened that night was none of your concern as you pushed yourself through it during the next day.

Kris was in class but you kept your head down, ignored all forms of communication with him and continued to be with Chanyeol.

You were trying to disturb yourself using Chanyeol.

You couldn’t care. You didn’t care that you were somehow affected.



Two days after and it was a sunny afternoon, Kris was filing up the things on his desk. Jessica came in and sat on Kris’ chair.

“Hello there.” She said and smiled.

“Oh, hello.” Kris replied and continued to file the papers.

“Are you free tonight? Can we go outside and have some dinner?” She offered.

Kris was taken by surprise. He wanted to go with her but there was something inside him that was telling him not to.

It was his feeling towards you and Jessica. He couldn’t tell which was which because he didn’t understand his self anymore. He thought he liked Jessica so he asked her out. But it seemed like he only asked her out because he wanted to forget someone very important.





He has thought of this for a very long time now and it was getting obvious. The feeling he felt was unfamiliar and he still couldn’t name it but he knew it was making him happy.

And now that you had already patched things up with him, dating Jessica was out of his list now. It didn’t matter anymore because the things between the both of you were running well. He also realized something.




He’d rather stay with you.



Kris stopped filing the papers and looked at Jessica. He gazed into her eyes before finally uttering the words Jessica will never forget.





“Jessica, I think there’s something you ought to know.”


A/N: i forgot to unhide this one. hahahaha! I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting. :)

OHMYGOODIE. what do you think happened to Kris and Jessica that night?! you want ty behind-the-scenes story? HAHAHAHA will be revealed in another chapter. (coming soon~ not the next chappy though. :D) here's another update. :) cheers to the views and subscribers! don't forget to comment, :D

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 50: Wow your story is so great.. i love it
good job authornim
i love ur writing style its so deep!!!! woaaaah i really enjoyed this THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!~ <3 JJANG JJANG!!!! <3 (Y)
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 50: WOW!!! I feel sorry for chanyeol!!! But's it's great that chanyeol is being the happy virus that he is ^^

I really like the story!!!!

Great job authornimc :D :D
Chapter 32: It's okay Chanyeol! Come here, ill love you! Lol
afieqa #5
Chapter 50: Omaigod i'm cryinggggg
NitaBerisha #6
Chapter 46: Omg im totally crying and the end of each chapter T_T : But today Park Chanyeol you have to smile that is the way to break up Omg omg omg omg omg T-T
KrisLuforever #7
Chapter 50: Authornim! Thank you for this story. It describes how powerful love is. I cried from the previous chapters because of the breaking-up part anyway, ITS DAEBAK! God Bless You Authornim ^^
I'm Actually in love with this story. Its very nice, Make more stories like this, xD (don't forget to add kris) hahah. Loved it ^___^ <333 hehe
aro1223 #9
Chapter 50: aihhh chanyeolaaa you ruined their moments -_-
Mincheol #10
Chapter 50: I've been scolding, shouting and smiling while reading this fanfic. Anyway, the ending is good. :>