Dating him, still trying to forget you

My Stupid English Teacher is a Chinese


It’s been three months already, you and Chanyeol are still dating. There were a lot of changes that happened, both in school and the both of you.

Kris’ memory still haunts you over and over, that last scene that happened between the both of you repeating like a broken record. Every night, when you lay on your bed, his memories start to run around you mind over and over again. You couldn’t forget, you remembered them all perfectly.

He started to avoid you in class too, though your grades were perfectly fine. The class dreadfully started to become quiet and he had no time for jokes. He always ended the class 10 minutes before the time. He was trying to avoid you and he was flaunting it in your face. It hurt you to know that. It was his fault, you wanted to remind him. But you couldn’t blame him, you overdid it. But he should have known, he was the one who started it.

You owe him too because you were getting better at math. And Jessica was starting to sense the awkwardness in the atmosphere between you and Kris. She tried asking you about it but you dismissed it by changing the topic.

Though Kris has completely avoided you, his eyes still landed on yours and you didn’t let the chance pass every single time. Sometimes you stared back at him with a calm expression but still, he looked away, like he was burned unintentionally or something.

And you always noticed Jessica around him. Maybe they’re dating already. There were already rumors about that spreading around school. A part of you still cared while the other half kept reminding you about what he did to you before. His fault really didn’t matter to you anymore and you didn’t understand yourself. People lied, you lied, and he also did. You just didn’t understand why he had to do that, and why of all people, it was you he messed up with.

Only three months left and you were about to graduate, if you continued to exert the effort you had exerted before, then you’d succeed. But if all else failed… you didn’t even want to think about it. You also didn’t want to think about you leaving school and bidding him goodbye without even saying anything.

Sometimes, during English class, Kim Joonmyun would replace him. You still compared him to Joonmyun and you couldn’t stop yourself. Joonmyun was actually better, he knew the subject well and he also had a good sense of humor. The topics were easier to understand. With Kris, the topics became challenging to understand. Joonmyun also doesn’t leave with assignments, he cared about the students and he didn’t want them to stress over ‘small matters’.

He smiles like a man. Kris smiles like an idiot. But every time you look at Joonmyun, you would always find that missing piece. Though he was handsome and all that, he wasn’t Kris. For you, Kris was the better one. No matter how much you hated his arrogance and stupidity, you have grown to understand that man. You didn’t need reasons, you just appreciated him and that’s all. Yes, Joonmyun was fit to be an English teacher but meeting Kris first, somehow, Kris still won the argument. That man had helped you after all.

You try your best not to care but still, it gets to you. No matter how much you try to act all mighty in front of him, by the time he turns his back on you, you crumble into pieces. You want to run away and bawl like a baby.

You get frustrated but you’re afraid to tell Chanyeol. He’s such a good person and you couldn’t dare to hurt him. He’s done many good things to you now, and you can’t even count them all. Sometimes, when you catch him looking at you, you imagined how things would run differently if you first fell for him. Maybe it wouldn’t really hurt this much. You’d break up and forget each other but you would patch up things. And maybe one day, you’d understand. Hurting Chanyeol was not on your list. You just wanted to fall for him and forget Kris. Chanyeol is not even considered as rebound, he’s your first boyfriend after all. You don’t want to lie about that. Not like you had to.

Chanyeol’s really trying his best when he’s with you. He wants to make you feel happy and alive. And you know that’s what he’s trying to do.

Your mind is telling you to let Kris go, but your heart is reprimanding you to hold on. You wanted to believe your heart, you badly wanted to.


Because Kris is just one good example of a bastard I should try to avoid for the rest of my life.





A/N: You have to. HHAHAHAHA I'm getting MORE confused. YOU MUST. JEBAAAAL~ One chance to make this story better. Do it for me, okay? Thank you! :3





I hope you guys could also check this out AGAIN ;)



CHANCE /Chan.soo/


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subscribing even though the story has already ended :') you guys are so ozom :*


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 50: Wow your story is so great.. i love it
good job authornim
i love ur writing style its so deep!!!! woaaaah i really enjoyed this THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!~ <3 JJANG JJANG!!!! <3 (Y)
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 50: WOW!!! I feel sorry for chanyeol!!! But's it's great that chanyeol is being the happy virus that he is ^^

I really like the story!!!!

Great job authornimc :D :D
Chapter 32: It's okay Chanyeol! Come here, ill love you! Lol
afieqa #5
Chapter 50: Omaigod i'm cryinggggg
NitaBerisha #6
Chapter 46: Omg im totally crying and the end of each chapter T_T : But today Park Chanyeol you have to smile that is the way to break up Omg omg omg omg omg T-T
KrisLuforever #7
Chapter 50: Authornim! Thank you for this story. It describes how powerful love is. I cried from the previous chapters because of the breaking-up part anyway, ITS DAEBAK! God Bless You Authornim ^^
I'm Actually in love with this story. Its very nice, Make more stories like this, xD (don't forget to add kris) hahah. Loved it ^___^ <333 hehe
aro1223 #9
Chapter 50: aihhh chanyeolaaa you ruined their moments -_-
Mincheol #10
Chapter 50: I've been scolding, shouting and smiling while reading this fanfic. Anyway, the ending is good. :>