You shouldn’t have started at all, you dimwit!

My Stupid English Teacher is a Chinese


He looked at you like he was a thief just caught after doing something very illegal.

“Let me explain.”

“Oh no, you don’t have to explain. I knew everything. Jessica told me.”

“Jessica? What does she have to do with this?”

“You don’t have to know. At least that wasn’t a lie anymore. You… you leech!” You shouted on his face.

“I-I can explain if you’d just let me—“

“I don’t need your goddamn explanations, you parasite! I’ve had enough! You lied to me!”

You stood there in front of him, as tears welled up your eyes. You thought you were finally winning the game, when all the while he had everything planned according to his will. And you never noticed, not even for once.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He told you, his hands on your shoulders.

You shrug them off, “Don’t touch me!”

“At first, I simply wanted to get on your nerves. Then when it ran out of hand, I realized it was going the wrong way. I should have told you earlier—“


“I’m sorry I lied to you.”

“So you were planning it all right from the start. You are one good game maker. You really made a good show. What do you want me to do next? Want me to run around and make a show? Or do you want me to just leave school and pretend nothing happened at all?”

“I’m sorry...”

“Don’t be, I know being sorry is not on your vocabulary.”

“I am sorry. I am.”

“You have already done the damage.”

“Let me—“

“No, no! I don’t need them right now. I will never need them in the near future! Keep them to yourself, you bastard.” You wiped the tears off your face and turned to go.

“Oh and hey,” You turned to look at him. “Congratulations, you have officially ruined my life.”

“Wait, let me talk.” He said and pulled your arm.

“There’s no need for that. I’ve heard enough.”

“Please.” He begged.

“You… Get lost.”  You said, pulled away from his grasp and walked away, right before another tear rolled down your cheek.

You should be happy that you’re not really failing math or repeating another year because of math. But here you were, crying and bawling like a baby.

You were hurt, frustrated and mad. Simply because of Kris, he lied to you. You couldn’t believe that all the while you were having a hard time, he was watching you and having fun. Maybe he had red wine with him too. And maybe popcorn also.


When you reached the school gate, Chanyeol was waiting for you outside. His face immediately became worried when he saw you walking towards him with tears streaming down your cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as you approached him. “Did something happen back there?”

“Bastard… I shouldn’t have trusted…” before you could speak more and torture yourself with your breathing, he enveloped you into an embrace.

“Sssshhh. Everything is going to be fine.” He encouraged you. “I’m here.”

You wanted to believe those words, which everything’s going to be fine. But as long as Kris never left your sight, things will always turn out different. What the hell have you done to me?

“Bastard…” You whispered in Chanyeol’s chest, punching him with your little fists.

He continued to hold you until you completely calmed down. He looked at your face before wiping your tears away.

“I’m not going to ask you about it because you might tear up again.” He said and caressed your cheek.

You wondered why you hadn’t fallen for this man instead. Chanyeol may be a crazy man but he cared more than that Kris ajhussi. Chanyeol wouldn’t dare to hurt you. And he knew you better than anyone else did. He could be a very good boyfriend.

Why hadn’t I noticed this man before? He was always right in front of my nose and I didn’t even bother to care.

“Do you want to go now?” He asked you.

You nodded and he took your hand in his. He led the way outside.


“I’m not going to lie.” He said.

You immediately remembered what happened back outside the faculty room.

“You look really awful.” He barked.

“Shut up.” You managed to smile at him and playfully hit his arm.

“I really don’t understand why you girls love to cry around.” He murmured to himself.

“When guys hurt us, that’s the time we cry.” Especially when they lie to us.

“Did a guy hurt you?” he asked.

“No, not really.” You answered. “I don’t really wanna talk about it.” He’s not even considered a guy in that case.


“How will you know if what you’re feeling is love, Chanyeol?” You asked him after a while, your thoughts still on glued on Kris.

“You can’t really explain it. It’s when one day you wake up and all you can think of is that person. And you can’t stop doing it.” He answered.

“Have you ever felt love before? With one particular girl you have dated?”

He hesitated to answer at first, but gave in. “I’ve never dated her. She wouldn’t let me.” He murmured.

“How does it feel to be in-love?” you asked him again.

“It’s going to bother you at first, because you couldn’t tell right away. But the moment you see that person, all you want to do is be with him, nothing else would matter. It hurts you to see him with another girl. And every time, you just want to be close to him, with nothing else intended. You just love him and that’s all. You don’t really need an explanation for it.”

 You only nodded.

The feeling that you couldn’t tell right away, wanting to be with him, hurting when you see him with someone else, wanting to stay close to him, no reason intended, no explanations, no other things…

Were you in-love with Kris all the while?


You both reached the same lamppost and Chanyeol decided, since tomorrow was a weekend and his parents were out of town, that he’ll stay for dinner.


You both arrived home when you remembered his hand still intertwined with yours. You slowly looked down and he noticed too. He blushed and sheepishly lets it go and apologizes to you.

You don’t let go though, you held it even tighter. He looked at you with a puzzled expression flaunted on his face.


“I’ve been thinking about what you’ve told me before.” You muttered. The day you told me you wanted to date me though you said it was a joke. He looked at you deeply and for a moment, you felt something stir deep inside you. Was it love this time?

“I’m not going to lie anymore.” You said and looked up to meet his gazing eyes.



“Why don’t we date each other, Chanyeol?”




A/N: so this is what i did. i want her to date Chanyeol. do you? no? maybe? no comment? HAHAHAHAHA i pity Krissus though. tell me what you want to happen next, maybe i'll get to insert it. ;D

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 50: Wow your story is so great.. i love it
good job authornim
i love ur writing style its so deep!!!! woaaaah i really enjoyed this THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!~ <3 JJANG JJANG!!!! <3 (Y)
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 50: WOW!!! I feel sorry for chanyeol!!! But's it's great that chanyeol is being the happy virus that he is ^^

I really like the story!!!!

Great job authornimc :D :D
Chapter 32: It's okay Chanyeol! Come here, ill love you! Lol
afieqa #5
Chapter 50: Omaigod i'm cryinggggg
NitaBerisha #6
Chapter 46: Omg im totally crying and the end of each chapter T_T : But today Park Chanyeol you have to smile that is the way to break up Omg omg omg omg omg T-T
KrisLuforever #7
Chapter 50: Authornim! Thank you for this story. It describes how powerful love is. I cried from the previous chapters because of the breaking-up part anyway, ITS DAEBAK! God Bless You Authornim ^^
I'm Actually in love with this story. Its very nice, Make more stories like this, xD (don't forget to add kris) hahah. Loved it ^___^ <333 hehe
aro1223 #9
Chapter 50: aihhh chanyeolaaa you ruined their moments -_-
Mincheol #10
Chapter 50: I've been scolding, shouting and smiling while reading this fanfic. Anyway, the ending is good. :>