
Scars of Flames

AN: So sorry for not updating for a long time. I had no idea what to do with this story T.T But I'll update regularly from now on... I promise xD

Thick smoke was filling my room quickly. I was curled up on my bed, staring at my door that was on flames, terrified. I had no idea what was going on. One moment I was coloring happily, the next moment I heard my mother's scream and then everything was on fire. Breathing was becoming more and more difficult as I screamed for my parents. Where were they? Had they been caught in the fire? I couldn't help the feeling that there was a chance that I had lost them forever. As a small child, that seemed even worse than the fact that the flames were now surrounding my bed. I coughed loudly, gasping for air. 'Mommy... Daddy... where are you?'I whispered into the flames. But I knew that this wasn't reality... Or at least I really, really hoped so...

My eyes snapped open when I felt sharp teeth sink into the sensitive flesh of my hand. My whole body was shaking as I looked around, finally realizing that what had happened was only a nightmare. Carmen bit into my hand again and started it happily. I sighed deeply, reaching up to touch my face. My eyes stung a bit, signaling that I had cried a lot during the night and my cheeks felt a bit puppy. 

Slowly, I picked the cat who was once again biting my fingers and hand gently, placing her on the ground. She let out a mew to signal that she was hurt by my action then turned her back to me and left my room without looking back. Sometimes she acted very human, which was pretty creepy if you ask me. I shrugged and walked into my bathroom after checking the time. It was pretty late, Jonghyun was coming soon.

I sighed as I stared into the mirror. I looked much worse than I thought I would. My face was pretty pale, but my eyes were red and puffy, signaling that I had cried a lot during the night. There were various claw marks on my neck, it seemed like Carmen had been trying to wake me up for some time. I glared at my reflection, undressing quickly. I took a long, hot shower. After that, I felt a bit better.

Slowly, I dressed up. I decided to wear a dark blue T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. My eyes didn't even seem that puffy now. I always felt better after a shower. I walked downstairs, only to be pounced on by my cats. It seemed like they hadn't been fed yet. I rolled my eyes, picking Misty up easily. Carmen followed me as I walked into the kitchen and put the cat food into their bowls.

My stomach growled loudly. I rolled my eyes at myself and decided to make pancakes. I finished them quickly and started eating, knowing that Jonghyun would arrive in a few minutes. For some reason, I was... excited about our classes today. It almost felt like I wanted him to come and everything. Carmen jumped onto my lap suddenly and put her forelegs on the table, trying to bite into my pancake. I rolled my eyes and lifted her up, putting her back onto the floor. 'No.'I said, shaking my head. Of course, she couldn't understand it, but still.

Moments later, the doorbell rang. My parents were nowhere to be seen, so I was the one who went to open it, Carmen following me.

Jonghyun was there, grinning at me like a fool. 'Is he even a real teacher or tutor or whatever?'I asked myself mentally.

'Good Morning!' he greeted me cheerfully.

'Morning...'I mumbled.

Ten minutes later, we were in my room. He was teaching me about some historic event that made no sense at all. I wasn't even sure if he hadn't just made it up. I knew pretty much about history, but I had never heard of that... war or whatever it was.

'Are you even paying attention?'he asked me suddenly, hitting the top of my head. It wasn't enough to hurt me, but it was enough for me to snap out of my thoughts.

'Yeah...'I said.

'Then repeat what I had just told you.'he said, smirking slightly.

'Then repeat what I had just told you.' I repeated, smirking back at him. He rolled his eyes and messed up my hair. I flinched a bit at the touch, but then I realized that it wasn't like my other teachers'. I shrugged it off as he continued to talk about that ridiculous war.

I tried very hard to listen to what he was saying and take notes, but most of it seemed really fake. 'Is this even true?' I asked him suddenly. He looked at me for a few moments, then started cracking up.

'Did it really take you an hour to realize that I wasn't telling the truth?' he chuckled. 'But at least you noticed. This means that you've been paying some attention to what I was saying.'

I looked at him like he was insane. He got paid for teaching me and he spent an hour telling me lies. 'Seriously?' I asked him, raising an eyebrow. He just shrugged.

'This was a test. I wanted to see how much you know about history and if you believe what you're told or not.'he said. I rolled my eyes. To me, that test didn't make any sense. I didn't say anything just turned back to my notes. I glared at them. Jonghuyn chuckled, then continued to talk about history, this time about a war I had heard of before.

The rest of the 'class' passed and before I knew it, it was time for something I really liked. Music. I was sure that Jonghyun was just going to bring in a book and speak about famous musicians or something, so I was very confused when he asked me where our piano was. I told him that obviously, it was in the music room. He just chuckled and told me to lead the way.

I wasn't sure if I felt like he was different because he was barely older than me, but I didn't care. For once, I was glad that my parents had hired a teacher for me. Though I had a feeling that soon, he would change and become the same as my old teachers.

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Jane_Doe #1
I hope you get motivation, inspiration and time to update this at some point ^^ I'm subscribed to a lot of your stuff and I really like this one too :) I feel like it's just getting started and I couldn't wait to see what you had planned for this (still can't) but if you're stuck on the plot or something I can totally understand :P I do hope you'll continue this sometime 'cause it's awesome <3
taeramisu #2
you didn't keep your promise of updating regularly!! Haha it's okay ^^ take your time. This is really cute and funny c:
kiki2698 #3
This is really really good so far :) i hope you can update it soon ^.^
Chapter 4: omo, i miss this even though there isn´t many chapters :) it caught my eyes right a way :) i just hope u will update soon :) of course, take your time :) i just wanted to tell u that i like this story so much :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 4: woah, i like it so much! :) great start.well,chapters :D i'm looking forward to next one :)
Chapter 4: This is really good! I love it so much! Please update when you can! ^-^
Jane_Doe #7
Chapter 4: I can't believe this doesn't have a million subs yet!^^ Hope you update soon :D I'm really psyked to know what happens next!
Chapter 4: omg this is getting so exciting please update soon^^
miyocca #9
Chapter 4: Hujjuj, Jonghyun sosem lesz olyan! *reménykedik* please update soon :)
shiashin #10
Chapter 4: he won't become like your old teachers.He will be your other half! <3 i'm so glad you updated this story cause i love it! <3