The first day

Scars of Flames

AN: Hi guys~ Umm.. I have a favor to ask.. Yes, again.. So, I started a new story last weekend and thought that maybe you'd like it because the amount of fluff and angst in that will be similar to this fic.. Well, at least sorta.

It's a JongKey based fanfiction, where Key is dying from an illness and he has to pretend that he's not himself in order for his friends to forget him. The fanfic's name is I'm back until, I die.. and I'd appreciate it if you checked it out.

Jonghyun allowed me to eat something, and after that, we started studying. Our first class was really weird. He was the first teacher that 'dared' to scold me when I did something wrong. Most of my previous teacher would just ruffle my hair and tell me to try it again. Jonghyun was different.

'I thought that you'd already learnt this..'he said when I made a mistake in a hard Math problem.' Have you even paid attention to your teacher? Seriously, this is the third problem that's you've got wrong. I was told that you are smart and all.'he said. He was completely different from what I thought after last night, but he wasn't as scary as it sounded since he was smiling at me mischievously. Wait.. he was tricking me. And then, he started laughing.'Sorry Kibum-ah, but you looked so focused on what we've been learning that I had to make this little joke. You were so serious..'he laughed and I cracked a smile.

'Of course I was, but.. It's okay..' I smiled at him wholeheartedly. So he liked jokes. It was a nice change from the old men who wouldn't even smile when I said something funny.

'So, you had it wrong because..'he started and I paid close attention to what he was saying. In the end, I managed to solve a lot of problems and I was quite proud of myself. I've never really been good at math, but now it seemed like I was doing alright.

'Good job!' he smiled at me.

'Thank you..'I grinned at him. Soon, the time for Math was up and we started studying some literature. I had always loved reading so I'd read everything that was on the list and he only had to ask me a few things before he realized it.

'I guess you are smart..'he said. 'So, you like reading, huh?' he asked me. I nodded and grinned at him.

'Yes, I really enjoy it. Well, at least when Carmen lets me. You know, she always jumps on my lap and tried to crawl onto the book I am reading. I really love her, but it's a really annoying habit.' I said, smiling. Of course, the moment Carmen had heard her name, she started running towards me. She mewed. greeting us and then jumped on my lap, nuzzling her face into my chest happily.'Hi Carmen..'I chuckled and scratched her ear gently. She purred deeply and lay down, completely content.

'I can see that..'Jonghyun chuckled as he reached out to scratch Carmen's ear gently. Carmen purred even louder and lifted her head up lazily to look at Jonghyun.

'Hey Kitty~'Jonghyun cooed and I couldn't help but giggle.

'Do you like animals?' I asked him, though it was obvious.

'Of course.. Actually, I have a dog at home, and I really love her..'he smiled.

'Aww, I'm sure she's cute..'I smiled widely. 'Will you bring her here to meet me once? Carmen likes dogs, and they like her back.. To tell the truth, sometimes she acts like a dog herself..'I chuckled.

'Of course..'Jonghyun grinned. 'But now, let's study..'he said and I nodded. He was right, we had to study. Or at least he had to teach me and I had to pay attention to what he said.

Soon, our first 'school' day had ended. It passed quicker than I had thought and it made me happy. Jonghyun was really nice, and of course, he was handsome. He was my best teacher yet. The only downside of him being my teacher was that he gave a lot of homework. Much more than I was used to.

After I finished lunch (it was made by my mom who ran home to make some lunch and then went back to work) I started doing my homework. Despite being a lot, it was pretty easy. After that, I had some free time before dinner, so I pulled out some paper and started drawing. Other than reading, my other biggest hobby or 'passion' was drawing. And I was pretty good at it. So I drew.. For hours, I just sat above the paper and draw. I wasn't even sure about what I was drawing,but I knew that it was going to turn out well. When I finally felt like it was finished, I gasped. Jonghyun's puppy eyes were staring back at me from the drawing. It looked so real. Yes, I had just drawn my teacher. I sighed as I laid on my desk. 'I guess I'm tired..'I mumbled softly. I looked at the time and pouted immediately. It was almost my curfew. Yes, sadly I still had a curfew.

My stomach growled and I realized that I hadn't had my dinner yet. I ran downstairs, only to be greeted by my mother's cat, Misty. She wasn't a completely indoor cat like her sister, but only because she preferred being outside than in the house. She jumped on one of the higher stairs, then on my shoulder and my face.

'I've got it Mist, you're hungry..'I chuckled softly. She mewed in agreement. I went to the kitchen, the cat still on my shoulder. Carmen was already there, waiting for me. She purred happily, nuzzling her nose against my leg. I smiled and put Misty down, then went to get some food for the cats. They were already mewing loudly, pleading for the food. I poured it into both cat's bowls and they practically leapt on the food and started eating it quickly. I smiled widely and washed my hands. After that, I made myself a cup of ramen. When it was finally ready, I ate it slowly.

When I finished, I walked back to my room and picked up my pajamas. I walked into my bathroom and took a long, relaxing shower. I washed my hair and after I finished, I got out of the shower, dried myself off, then blowdried my hair. I smiled at my reflection and walked back into my room. I fell into my bed and  hugged my pillow close to my chest. I fell asleep quickly, not knowing that I might not sleep as peacefully as last night.

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Jane_Doe #1
I hope you get motivation, inspiration and time to update this at some point ^^ I'm subscribed to a lot of your stuff and I really like this one too :) I feel like it's just getting started and I couldn't wait to see what you had planned for this (still can't) but if you're stuck on the plot or something I can totally understand :P I do hope you'll continue this sometime 'cause it's awesome <3
taeramisu #2
you didn't keep your promise of updating regularly!! Haha it's okay ^^ take your time. This is really cute and funny c:
kiki2698 #3
This is really really good so far :) i hope you can update it soon ^.^
Chapter 4: omo, i miss this even though there isn´t many chapters :) it caught my eyes right a way :) i just hope u will update soon :) of course, take your time :) i just wanted to tell u that i like this story so much :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 4: woah, i like it so much! :) great start.well,chapters :D i'm looking forward to next one :)
Chapter 4: This is really good! I love it so much! Please update when you can! ^-^
Jane_Doe #7
Chapter 4: I can't believe this doesn't have a million subs yet!^^ Hope you update soon :D I'm really psyked to know what happens next!
Chapter 4: omg this is getting so exciting please update soon^^
miyocca #9
Chapter 4: Hujjuj, Jonghyun sosem lesz olyan! *reménykedik* please update soon :)
shiashin #10
Chapter 4: he won't become like your old teachers.He will be your other half! <3 i'm so glad you updated this story cause i love it! <3