A new teacher

Scars of Flames

AN:*yawns* Hi guys.. Yep, here is the first chapter :D I am actually proud of myself for being able to contain my idea for a whole week xD Once I have an idea I am like Idea~!  And I can't help but think about it xDD

I hope that you'll enjoy the first chap.

 'Another teacher.' I thought bitterly as I sat on the couch. I really didn't understand why I couldn't go back to a normal school, I mean, yes I was still afraid, but that didn't meant that that would happen again.. Right? I mean.. yeah, I am still afraid of fire.. Actually, I think I am more afraid than ever, but still. Being homeschooled won't solve my problems.

And the fact that my parents always managed to find creepy old men to be my teachers made everything worse. Through most of my classes, I would have to stand in front of the mini-blackboard my parents bought and wrote on it. I would always be able to see their eyes on me. It was disgusting, the say the least. Yes, I know that I had a nice body and all, but I was a boy. Of course, my parents would never believe that the teachers' intentions weren't too pure, so I'd always have to find a way to drive them mad. I've done everything. I 'poisoned' them (I actually just gave two of my teachers laxatives after they tried to touch me) dressed up in very baggy clothes and stuffed it like I was pregnant or I had gained a lot of weight, (it was actually really funny to see the grey-haired man's face after he came back from the summer break and I looked like that. He told me that he had new students and that I should find a new teacher. I could barely contain my laughter.

So yeah, I wasn't as innocent and sweet as I looked. Of course, I had my reasons. Why would I act adorable to erted old men when all they wanted was to touch me or worse?

My youngest teacher was at least twenty years older than me, and he was the creepiest. He would always tell me that 'age doesn't matter' and that 'you are more beautiful than a girl' so yeah.. I think I had my reasons to pretend like I was deadly sick and that my hair was falling out.

Of course, I did regret my actions at some points. I knew that I shouldn't act like that and I should be happy that I was able to study. But still. I knew that I would have been in trouble if I let my teachers do what they wanted.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of soft footsteps. I looked up and I had to shake my head in disbelief. My teacher was supposed to arrive now, but the man that was standing in front of me just couldn't be my new teacher. He was quite short, but well-built and he had short, dark hair. He was also pretty young, he couldn't have been a lot older than me. Maybe three or four years. And he was quite handsome as well.

I felt my cheeks darken as I realized what I's just thought. The only thing that let me keep my cool was that he was checking me out as well. Well, at least he wasn't a stinky old man.

'It's nice to finally meet you, Kibum.'he smiled as he greeted me. I quickly stood up and bowed to him, not looking into his eyes.'I am Kim Jonghyun, your new teacher.' he said.

'Nice to meet you too, Mr Kim. 'I said and smiled back faintly as I sat down, looking at the ground.

'You can call me Jonghyun, I don't think that I am a lot older than you.'he grinned at me. I blushed a bit deeper, but smiled at him.

'Alright, Jonghyun..hyung?' I mumbled reluctantly. He just shrugged, I don't think that he cared about how I called him.

'Your parents told me that you had some trouble with your past teachers and that they would always run out of the house. Care to tell me why?' he asked me. I rolled my eyes, so he knew about my history. He sat down next to me.

'Well, I guess.. they just weren't doing their job?' I asked, not wanting to tell him about the 'pranks' I pulled on my teachers. Only one 'person' knew about them. Well, she wasn't even a real person. She was my cat, Carmen. She would always be next to me, expect for the times when she was sleeping on my bed. Well yeah, she was pretty much my best friend. For a cat, she was really smart.. I have to say, that she would always try to stop me when I was trying to drive my teachers away, but I knew that she didn't really know what was happening and why I had to do those things.

'I see.. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.'Jonghyun said. I sighed in relief.'Well, today we won't really study yet, I just dropped in so we can meet and get to know each other.' he told me. I smiled, I was really glad because he was the first teacher that seemed at least a bit easy-going and normal. He wasn't treating me like a piece of fresh meat or a freak because of my phobia.

Suddenly, Carmen came running down the stairs and jumping on my lap. She put her forelegs on my chest and bit my nose, purring loudly. I rolled my eyes, no matter how many times I tried to teach her that biting hurt, she would never stop it.

'Well, I guess that's all.'Jonghyun said and smiled at me as he reached out to scratch Carmen's ear. She purred loudly and crawled on his lap.

'Alright. Umm.. what lessons will we have tomorrow?' I asked him.

'We'll see, I don't want to overwork you on your first day.'he said as he picked Carmen up and put her on my lap. Before I could have moved, she was already biting my fingers, sometimes them as well. Her black and white fur was a bit messy, so pet her gently to even it out.

'Thank you..'I said to Jonghyun as he stood up.

'Well, go to sleep early so you can work hard.' he said. I smiled and waved as he walked out of the house. He wasn't that bad I guess.

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Jane_Doe #1
I hope you get motivation, inspiration and time to update this at some point ^^ I'm subscribed to a lot of your stuff and I really like this one too :) I feel like it's just getting started and I couldn't wait to see what you had planned for this (still can't) but if you're stuck on the plot or something I can totally understand :P I do hope you'll continue this sometime 'cause it's awesome <3
taeramisu #2
you didn't keep your promise of updating regularly!! Haha it's okay ^^ take your time. This is really cute and funny c:
kiki2698 #3
This is really really good so far :) i hope you can update it soon ^.^
Chapter 4: omo, i miss this even though there isn´t many chapters :) it caught my eyes right a way :) i just hope u will update soon :) of course, take your time :) i just wanted to tell u that i like this story so much :) looking forward to next chapter :) good luck~
Chapter 4: woah, i like it so much! :) great start.well,chapters :D i'm looking forward to next one :)
Chapter 4: This is really good! I love it so much! Please update when you can! ^-^
Jane_Doe #7
Chapter 4: I can't believe this doesn't have a million subs yet!^^ Hope you update soon :D I'm really psyked to know what happens next!
Chapter 4: omg this is getting so exciting please update soon^^
miyocca #9
Chapter 4: Hujjuj, Jonghyun sosem lesz olyan! *reménykedik* please update soon :)
shiashin #10
Chapter 4: he won't become like your old teachers.He will be your other half! <3 i'm so glad you updated this story cause i love it! <3